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1922 SG.1-9, George V. - St. Helena 1/2-3Sh with overprint ASCENSION, i.a. 3Sh ** and in addition with OVERPRINT impression on back side, c.v.. £465+ U:A5
1924 SG.10-20, George V. 1/2P-3Sh; very fine, c.v.. £350 U:A5
1934 SG.21-30, George V. "local motives" 1/2P-5Sh; very fine, c.v.. £120 U:A5
1938-1953 SG.38-47, George VI. - Motives ½P - 10Sh, nominal complete set, supplemented with various types of perforation; cat. min. £250 U:A5
1956 SG.57-69, Elizabeth II. - Motives, ½P - 10Sh, complete set of 13 stamps, wmk Mult Script CA; superb, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1956 SG.57-69, Elizabeth II. "local motives" 1/2P-10Sh; very fine, lightly hinged, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1971-1982 Mi.138-151 + stamp booklets + Mi.Mi.276I-290I + stamp booklets + Mi.277II-289II; VF, c.v.. 190€ U:A4
1938 SG.18-28, George VI. 1/2P-10Sh; very fine, c.v.. £130 U:A5
1892-1903 SG.12-13, Coat of arms £5 and £10, rare unused highest value; without gum, certificate Diena, c.v.. * £4.350 U:DR
1895 SG.27-28, Coat of arms 2P and 4P Perkins Bacon; c.v.. £70 U:A5
1896-1897 SG.29-37, Coat of arms 1P - 4Sh; complete set, values 2P and 4P small thin place, c.v.. £375 U:A5
1896 SG.58-64, overprint Cape of Good Hope ½P - 1Sh, overprint BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY; very fine set, c.v.. £325 U:A5
1898-1908 SG.75-90, Coat of arms ½P - £1, nominal complete set of 14 stamps; c.v.. £750, rare set U:A5
1938 SG.118-128, George VI. - Motives 1/2P-10Sh; very fine, incl. color types 1/2P, 1P and 6P, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1969-1972 SELECTION / stamps and miniature sheets on golden paper on 4 pages A4, perforated also imperforated, contains i.a. souvenir sheets Apollo and Olympic Games, Mi.Bl.10, 19, 29, 20 etc..; very high catalogue value ca. 900€, rare U:O4
1939 Mi.91-96, 150. 45C+25C - 4.50Fr+4Fr; complete set, mint never hinged U:A5
1943 Mi.213, Airmail Surtax 10.75Fr+200Fr; lightly hinged, c.v.. Michel 210€ for *, sought U:A5
1947 Mi.283v, Dallay 52A, Air 200F ultramarine (!); superb piece, mark Berck, c.v.. 1.350€, in addition complete basic set with 200F blue for comparison U:A5
1888-1889 Yv.7, Mi.7, overprint Allegory 15/1F olive; exp. Brun, certificate Scheller, cat. Michel 2.800€, very rare stamp! U:A5
1853 SG.1a, Allegory "Hope" 1P deep brick red, very blued paper; superb "one" with certificate BPA c.v.. £475 U:A5
1853 SG.3, Allegory "Hope" 1P brown-red, blued paper; very nice piece, certificate PFSA, c.v.. £375 U:A5
1858 SG.5a, Allegory 1P pink; very fine piece, c.v.. £850 U:A5
1855 SG.6a, Allegory "Hope" 4P blue; very fine block-of-3, cat. min. £450 U:A5
1855 SG.7, pair "Hope" 6P pale rose lilac; very fine, c.v.. £700+ U:A5
1855 SG.7a, pair Allegory "Hope" 6P deep rose lilac; very fine, c.v.. £800+ U:A5
1855 SG.10, Allegory "Hope" 4P blue; very fine piece with perf "UNOFFICIALLY ROULLETED", c.v.. £2.250; very rare stamp U:A5
1861 SG.14a, Allegory 4P WOOD-BLOCK blue, used piece; wide margins on two sides, lower cut to marginal line, after all nice piece of rare stamps in rich shade, without usual thins, exp. Scheller, c.v.. £3.500 U:A5
1863-1864 SG.19a, Allegory "Hope" 4P blue on cut-square with cancel. CGH and additional BURGHERS-DORP; very fine, c.v.. £175 U:A5
1863-1864 SG.21a, "Hope" 1Sh pale emerald green; nice piece with original gum, c.v.. £1.400 U:A5
1877 GRIQUALAND / SG.5d, 5f, 5b, 5a; SG.11b, 11f, 11c, 11g; stamps Allegory 1P CGH with overprints "G"; very nice quality, c.v.. £650, ex. M. Burrus (Robson Lowe 3.4. 1963) U:A5
1877 GRIQUALAND / SG.6f, 7c, 7d, 12d, 12e, 12f, 12g; stamps 4P CGH with overprints "G"; very nice quality, c.v.. £1.370; ex. M. Burrus (Robson Lowe 3.4. 1963) U:A5
1877 GRIQUALAND / SG.8f, 13g, 9e, 9a, 9f; stamps 6P and 1Sh CGH with overprints "G"; very nice quality, c.v.. £460, ex. M. Burrus (Robson Lowe 3.4. 1963) U:A5
1878-1879 GRIQUALAND / SG.14a, 14b, 17d, 20 pt, 27b; overprints "G" on stmp CGH and types - DOUBLE or INVERTED; various quality, c.v.. £860; ex. M. Burrus (Robson Lowe 3.4. 1963) U:A5
1900 MAFEKING / SG.17, 19, 20, Goodyear and Baden Powel (2x) on cut-squares with CDS MAFEKING CGH very nice quality, popular issues, c.v.. £1.300 U:A5
1900 MAFEKING / SG.17, 2x Major Goodyear 1P light blue / blue on cut-square CGH MAFEKING MY11/ 1900; very nice, c.v.. £875 ++ U:A5
1853-1864 [COLLECTIONS] ALLEGORY - TRIANGLES/ extraordinary collection on pages with descriptions, issue Allegory Triangles Perkins Bacon, De La Rue, 2x Wood-block etc.., contains many pairs, blocks of four also larger multiples, cut-squares, 9 covers etc.., major part of the stamps originate from old aquisitions from auctions of Harmer, Robson Lowe, Mohrmann etc.; many pieces exp. Bühler, Bolaffi, Diena, etc..; mainly very nice quality, chosen pieces, c.v. by estimation more than £40.000! U:Z
1884 SG.1-5, Coat of arms 1P - 1Sh, local issue from Cape Town; VF, c.v.. £450 U:A5
1926 PLATE PROOF for SG.31 "Dromedaris" 1P, PLATE PROOF center and frame in black color; in addition definitive ** stamp, with original gum, imperforated with inverted WMK; ex. Waterlow archives, c.v.. £360++ U:A5
1937 SG.40-52, George VI. 1/2P-5Sh; very fine, lightly hinged; c.v.. £85 U:A5
1961-1973 selection of 15 imperforated stamps: Mi.9-11, 28, 34, 87, 148-150, 163-164, 353-356; VF U:A5
1913-1921 SG.83-98, George V., ½P - £1, complete set + 1x shade 4P, wmk Mult Crown CA; mainly hinged, c.v.. £375 U:A5
1938-1944 SG.130-143, George VI. ½P - £1, complete set + SG.141a and 142a; mainly mint never hinged, c.v.. £705, especially SG.142a is rare U:A5
1945 SG.144-157, George VI. - Motives 1/2P-20Sh; VF, c.v.. £85 U:A5
1953-1954 SG.173-187, Elizabeth II. ½P - 20Sh, complete set + 2 types of perf ½P and 2P, wmk Mult Script CA; superb, c.v.. £65 U:A5
1910-1913 SG.119-165, George V. "Double Heads", rare selection of 34 stamps from this favourite issue, values ½P - £1 (!), nominal complete, contains various shades; various, mainly solid quality, £1 perforation faults, cat. only as cheapest shades min. £5.000, extraordinary selection! U:DR
1966 Barefoot No. 50, fiscal stamp Coat of arms £100 orange / blue; superb marginal piece U:A5
1919 ELOBEY, ANNOBÓN A CORISCO / Edifil 50, overprint 10P/50C, violet 2-lines overprint and year 1919; without gum, sign. Roig, rare destination U:A5
1938 SG.25-45, George VI. 1/2P-20Sh; very fine, c.v.. £250 U:A5
1903-1908 SG.53-54, 64-70, Edward VII. 1/2-1P (1902) and 2½P-10Sh (1908), two complete and very fine sets; c.v.. £315 U:A5
1903 SG.55-60, Edward VII. 1/2P-2Sh; complete set SPECIMEN, c.v.. £275 U:A5
1903 SG.55-60, Edward VII. 1/2P-2Sh; very fine set, c.v.. £110 U:A5
1912 SG.72-81, George V. 1/2P-10Sh, incl. rarer 1P "black and scarlet"; very fine set, c.v.. £150 U:A5
1912-1913 SG.83-84 + 85-86, George V., comp. of 2 issues, values 4P and 6P, on chalk and ordinary paper, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged U:A5
1922 SG.97-112, George V. 1/2P-10Sh; popular set, 10Sh and 2Sh/6P **, cat. min. £610 U:A5
1922-1937 SG.97-112, George VI. - Coat of arms ½P - 10Sh, complete set, in addition shades of 7Sh6P; value 10Sh small tearing (viewing of quality recommended - excluded from sum), cat. min. £400, popular issue U:A5
1922-1937 SG.113, George VI. - Coat of arms 15Sh grey / violet-blue; very fine high face-value, lightly hinged, c.v.. £1.100 U:A5
1934 SG.114-123, ½P - 1Sh, complete set, wmk Mult Script CA; hinged, very fine, c.v.. £425 U:A5
1938 SG.131-140, 149-151, George VI. 1/2P-10Sh; 3P minor gum fault, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1953 SG.153-165, Elizabeth II. "local motives" 1/2P-10Sh; very fine set, c.v.. £85 U:A5
1953-1959 SG.153-165, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½P - 10Sh, complete set; mint never hinged, lat. £90 U:A5