1916 NEWSPAPER STAMPS 1916 / ANK.212b, Mercure L 2h red-brown, UR corner blk-of-4 with ledge; mint never hinged, only small spots, certificates Soecknick and Stastny, cat. min. 480€, doesn't picture rarity this stamps, which/what in collections often missing!
1916 EXPRESS / TROJÚHELNÍK Mi.217-218, value 2h red 52-blok + 46-blok with 15 pcs of polovičních coupons, value 5h green 78-blok with 12 pcs of polovičních coupons; mint never hinged, nett c.v.. 1.725€
1916 EXPRESS / TROJÚHELNÍK / Mi.217-218, value 2h red 52-blok + blk-of-50 with 15 pcs of polovičních coupons, value 5h green 98-blok with 15 pcs of polovičních coupons; mint never hinged, value 5h vytržené corners 2 stamp. in lower line, nett c.v.. 1.970€
1917 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / ANK.220B, 220C, Mercure 5h, perf 11½ and 11½ / 12½; perf C is very rare and on/for market with practically is rare, cat. ANK for * 500€
1911 POSTAGE-DUE / ANK.45P + 46P, 5 Koruna and 10K imperforated on/for definitive stamp paper (no on/for obvyklém chalky), corner pieces with ledge; original mint never hinged gum; very fine, c.v.. (according to ANK-catalogue and Ferchenbauer. II. part page. 523) min. 3.500€, unrepeatable offer, both UNIKÁT ex. Wiener-Postarchiv!
1919 POSTAGE-DUE SMALL NUMERALS cut square from accounting sheet, where taxes were paid by mixed franking of Austrian postage-due stamps 2x value 5 K, Mi.P56 and block of four stamps with Opt PORTO 50/42h brown, Mi.P63, cancelled by postmark VYSOKÉ MÝTO 7.1.19; good condition, exp. Hirš, rare franking, ex Pour
1918-1919 POSTAGE / SMALL CAOT OF ARMS comp. 3 pcs of entires franked with Austrian stmp Crown 12h, Mi.189, 1x simple franking with CDS CHTĚBOŘ 12.XI.18, 1x letter franked with. pair with CDS DAUBA 26.XII.18 and 1x letter franked with. parallel stamp. in three-colour franking Crown 3h+6h+12h, Mi.185, 187, 189 with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 4.I.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Hirš, rare franking rarely occurring stamp. Crown 12h, ex Pour
1918-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝFORMÁT / comp. 5 pcs of entires franked with. forerunner and parallel Austrian stamp., 1x commercial Reg and express letter Coat of arms 1 Koruna + 5 Koruna Crown with CDS HLUBOČEK 14/12 18, 2x Reg letter franked on back side., from that 1x 3-tuple franking Charles 15h with provisory Reg cancel and CDS STERNBERG IN MÄHREN 30/11 18, then commercial letter Charles 15h + Crown 10h with 1-kruhovým CDS WILDSTEIN 7/12 18 and card sent as Printed matter with Crown 3h with CDS OSSEGG 7.I.19; various quality
1918 EXPRESS / TROJÚHELNÍK / letter with mixed franking express stmp triangle 2h, str-of-3 + 1 pcs of and postage stmp Crown 10h + 3h, Mi.217, 185, 188, CDS OBŘÍSTVÍ/ 2.XII.18; good condition, exp. by Karasek., ex Pour
1919SPĚŠNÁ / OBDÉLNÍK / card sent as express printed matter (!) to Berlin, with Express stamp 2h rectangle and Postage due stmp 5h with overprint FRANCO, Mi.219A, P47, posting nationalized CDS PŘEDKLÁŠTEŘÍ TIŠNOV 18.I.19, on reverse pricelist Brno auction philatelic f. Erwin Přehnálek; good condition, rare franking
1919 EXPRESS / OBDÉLNÍK / commercial letter sent as express printed matter (!) to Rajhradu, open pre-printed envelope franked with Austrian stmp Express stamp 5h rectangle with line perforation 11½, Mi.220B, posting MC BENO 2/ 4.I.19; good condition, c.v.. Hirš 10.000CZK kurzivou, decorative entire with sought tarifem and rare perf!
1918 1. DAY AND LAST DAY OF USAGE / comp. 5 pcs of cuts and 1 cut square with postmarks 1. of day origin Czechoslovakia 28.X.18 - CDS TURN, HOŘICE, VYSOČANY, ROUDNICE, SAAZ, ZÁMRSK and 1 cut with cancel. last of day validity Austrian stamp. 28.II.19 CDS ŽAMBERK, supplemented with cut-squares and blocks Austrian postage-due stamp. with postmarks post from our territory after/around origin Czechoslovakia; good condition
1918-1919 SELECTION of several cut-squares and 12 entires, mixed franking, for example. Hungarian PC 10f + 5h, perforated postcard Charles 8h+ 2h, 4x postcard Crown and uprated by., in addition rare franking 50+ 15h postage-due issue 1917 with CDS LENORA 8/12 18; usual quality
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝ A VELKÝ FORMÁT + EXPRESS + POSTAGE-DUE selection of 17 pcs of cut-squares, forerunner, parallel and mixed franking Austrian and Czechosl. stamp. Hradčany, contains i.a. Coat of arms 4 Koruna, 2 Koruna, 1 Koruna, 90h, 80h, 60h, 50h, Crown 5h, 10h, Charles 20h, 25h, 30h, EXPRESS Triangle 2h, Rectangle 5h used as postage stmp also postage-due, supplemented with 7 pcs of cuts with Hungarian stamp. issues Reaper and Charles, various postmark from February 1919; good condition
1919 POSTAGE-DUE / larger part Hungarian post. order with hand-made transcription Hungarian name "Poukázka", where used as postage stmp is used Hungarian postage-due stmp 30f red numerals, Mi.P170, in addition with black revolutionary overprint initials Czechoslovakia, CDS TISZOLCZ 919 Feb.24, present Tisovec, addressed to to Liptovského Nicholas, on reverse arrival postmark; only small tearing in margin, originality overprint impossible (to) doložit, rare document/attribut porevolučníhoznárodňování!
SELECTION of / Prague overprint I and II, comp. of 10 Us stamp., contains Pof.RV1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 + RV23, 25, 27, 31 and 36, hand-made rate and the first issue for NV (!); all exp. and marked Vrba
Pof.RV140, 146, 147-150, 159 and 162, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), comp. 7 pcs of, i.a. Parliament 50f and 1 Koruna; used stamp., all exp. by Gilbert and Vrba
PLATE PROOF comp. of 4 copy-print cancelled cliché overprints Prague small/rare and large emblem and Skalica overprint, in black color on/for two cards ordinary paper
1918 Prague overprint III. (Levec) / letter in the place franked with Austrian stmp Crown 6h, 12h and Charles 15h with black overprint Czechoslovak Republic, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 28.XI.18; good condition
1919 Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), Reg letter sent from Bratislava to Mělník, franked with. 6 pcs of stamp. Charles 10f, Pof.RV146 + Hradčany 15h bricky red, CDS POSZONY919.AUG.16; exp. Vrba, sought
Pof.1-26, selection of 29 pcs of imperforated stmp all values, without Pof.9 and 13, contains i.a. 5h dark blue-green, 10h green, 25h light blue, 25h ultramarine; mainly mint never hinged, lightly hinged by/on/at 10h green, 25h ultramarine, 200h, 400h, 500h and 1000h, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Pithart, Vrba
Pof.1-26, selection of 49 pcs of imperforate stamps all values, without Pof.9 and 13, contains i.a. 10h green, 25h light blue, 60h yellow-orange, 15h and 20h blue-green marginal pieces, 25h blue corner piece, 25h violet spiral type and bar type, 60h red-orange vertical marginal Pr, part in more pcs., various coloured shades and papers; mainly mint never hinged, lightly hinged, 10h green, 25h violet, 400h, 500h and 1000h, 2x exp. by Karasek., Vrba
4-BLOKY / comp. 10 pcs of bloks of four, values 10h red, 15h, 20h blue-green, 30h yellow, 40h, 50h violet and blue, 75h, 80h and 100h; only 20h and 100h **/*, other mint never hinged
Pof.1 + 1C production flaw, 1h brown, selection of various production flaws, block of four and stamp. with full machine offset, stamp. with double print and sheet offset, vertical pair with double perf vertical and omitted horiz. and corner blk-of-6 with shift horiz. perf to picture of stmp.; mint never hinged
Pof.2 + 2D production flaw, 3h violet, comp. 9 pcs of blocks and stamp. with production errors/flaws - full offset, omitted print - white stain, plate variety "broken branch", smudged print and color stains in/at print, omitted horiz. or vert. perf line perforation 11½; part mint never hinged, 2 pcs of exp. by Leseticky
Pof.3 + 5, 5h light green + 10h red, both stamp. on small cut-square with CDS PRAGUE 12/ 18.12.18 - 1. of day issue (!); value 5h lower cut, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba
Pof.3 VV+TV, 5h light green, blk-of-9 with production flaw - "Zeppelin" - color stain in picture stamp., pos. 27/2 and block of four with flaw print "závoj" on pos. 47; mint never hinged
Pof.3, 5h light green, upper corner blk-of-4, CDS PRAGUE 8/ 18.XII.18 - first day issue (!) well readable; on reverse residue/scrap red paper, from old collection, as blk-of-4 rare!
Pof.4 + 4Na, comp. 3 pcs of bloks of four, 1x light blue-green with pseudotypem bar on stmp R lower (bend), 1x blue-green and 1x dark blue-green; mint never hinged, 5h dark exp. Vrba;
Pof.4, 4A production flaw, 5h blue-green, selection of production flaws, 2x stamp. with full offset, pair Pof.4A with incomplete offset, 1x stamp. smaller print skip, 1x stamp. with band in the picture, 1x stamp. smudged print, vertical pair with big printing folded paper in lower stamp.; 3x hinged, otherwise mint never hinged
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.5RE, 10h red, four blk-of-25 from rozděleného 100 pcs of sheet, plate 4, incl. retouch plate variety "clock in tower" on pos. 91; hinge / label only in corners margins, exp. and marked Vrba, rare 4. printing plate!
Pof.5 plate variety, RE, 10h red, horiz. used pair with retouch of plate flaw clock in towers (plate 91/4) + 2x single stamp. with this plate variety - plate 2 and 3; exp. and marked Vrba
Pof.5 production flaw, 10h red, horizontal pair with significant production flaw - print šňůry over both stamp.; label, exp. by Karasek., sought decorative production defect!
Pof.5, 5D, 10h red, comp. 7 pcs of, stamps, strips and block with errors/flaws - plate variety as "clock in tower" and "konvalinka", postupný smudged print, full offset, wide paper crease, color stain in picture, print vertical bend, strong paper, omitted horiz. perf line perforation 13¾ on/for vertical pair, omitted vert. perf line perforation 11½ on/for horiz. pair, stamp. with perf folded paper in margin; only part mint never hinged, 2 pcs of exp. by Karasek., Vrba, interesting selection of
Pof.6 production flaw, 10h green, vertical pair, print on gummed side with oblique folded paper; label on/for front side side, 1x light brownish, exp. Vrba, Gilbert
Pof.6, 10h green, 2 pcs of, 1x stamp. with L margin and oblique offset 15h bricky red + 1x single stamp.; both light hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Vrba