1935 CDV59/2-15, Promotional picture PC T. G. Masaryk 50h - text with silnějšími characters, incomplete line 14 pcs of, nepožité No.2, 6, 7, 8 with special postmark, 9 with special postmark, 10 with special postmark, 11 with special postmark, 12, 13, 14, 15; good condition, Un in good quality
1936 CDV62/1-2, Jubilee Cyrilometodějské celebration - Velehrad, complete set of pictorial post cards T. G. Masaryk 50h, No.1 Un with dvojbarevným special postmark, No.2 Us with CDS NOVÉ MĚSTO N./M.; good condition
1936 CDV63/1-3, Central-Moravian exhibition in Přerov, complete set of pictorial post cards T. G. Masaryk 50h, all Us, CDS ZNOJMO, TELČ and KORYČANY - supplemented with postal agency pmk STUPAVA; good condition, c.v.. 4.300Kč
1938 CDV70/1-8 + CDV71/1-8, X. Sokol festival 1938, complete set of 8 pcs of pictorial post cards Tyrš 50h + Winter Sokol Games - complete set of 8 pcs of pictorial post cards Beneš 50h, all Un; only slightly wrinkled corners
1936 [COLLECTIONS] CDV61/1-57, Pictorial PC 1936, almost complete set of 57 pcs of pictorial post cards, (missing only No. 43A and 58), mainly Un, 12 pcs of used - No.7, 8, 15, 20, 22, 33, 37, 43B, 52, 53, 54, 56; by several pieces slightly wrinkled corners, otherwise very nice quality
1937-1938 [COLLECTIONS] CDV69/1-407, Know Your Country, picture PC T. G. Masaryk 50h, selection of 146ks PC, any other one, contains i.a. 305, 302, 102A, 5A, 5 pcs of Un with special postmark, 1x postal-agency, 1x sent as express, abroad, railway pmk etc..; good condition, without fold or holes from letter file/-s, c.v.. ca. 5.000CZK
1919-1923 CZL1 + CZL1Pa, comp. 10 pcs of letter cards used in/at 1. to 5. postal rate, from that CZL1: 1x to Austria complete margins, 2x to Germany, 3x in Czechoslovakia, all with upratings + CZL1Pa: 1x in/at I. postal rate to Germany, complete margins (recipient Dr. Ascher), 2x in Czechoslovakia with upratings, 1 pcs of Un, MC PRAGUE/ VII. FESTIVAL/ 29.VI.20 from favor; good condition
1920 CPO3, letter-card issue Chainbreaker 160h brown for pneumatic-tube post, 2 pcs of, 1x rose and 1x dark rose paper, complete margins; very sound condition
1919 CTÚ1A Pa, telegram on/for bill Hradčany 5h green, yellow-brown paper, Czech text, complete incl. confirmation, without fold (!); small tearing with ohybem in upper margin, rare occurrence in good quality without fold!
1924 CTÚ3, telegram on/for bill issue Chainbreaker 40h brown, perf 5½, lower mark A 1924, complete form/blank incl. confirmation, in the middle vert. fold; very fine, c.v.. 14.000CZK, very rare usage in good quality!
1927 CTÚ4A, telegram with posečkaným account Coat of arms 40h brown, complete incl. confirmation, Czech text, date of printing "192", perf 11½, lower mark A 1927, in the middle 1x vert. fold; perfect condition, very rare usage in good quality!
1922 CPP14, Hradčany 10h, complete international parcel card, state coat of arms high 12 mm, addressed to to Denmark, paid cash, cancel. FRANCO + hand-made "13,60", CDS PRAGUE 21/ 8.XI.22 and other 8 postal and customs cancel., supplemented with tiskopisem Customs declaration with CDS PRAGUE 21/ 8.XI.22; good condition without folds, rare multiple!
1920 CDP9, Hradčany 10h blue, complete C.O.D. dispatch-note with sale price 12h, pink carton, perf 11½; only little povolená perf in margins, very good condition!
1919 Customs declaration, Postal statistická advertisement and PC, comp. 7 pcs of various printed blank forms, all with monogram Czechoslovakia, various language variety
1919-1924 Valuable letter + Příkazové letter, comp. 3 pcs of Un printed envelopes, CP 1x with monogram Czechoslovakia and valuable 2h, 1x with emblem and valuable 20h and imprint A 1924, 1x Příkazové letter with monogram Czechoslovakia and valuable 5h; good condition
1920 Postal order, comp. 5 pcs of various Un postal orders, all with monogram Czechoslovakia with valuable 3h, 5h, 20h or without price/-s, various language variety; undamaged
1920 Postal order, comp. 4 pcs of double blank forms without printed stmp, 3x with monogramen Czechoslovakia in/at Czech, Slovak and česko-německé variety, 1x with additionally printed emblem and valuable 30h; 2x underglued povolená perf, otherwise without defects
1923-1930 Customs declaration, Postal statistická advertisement, Return card and PC, comp. 6 pcs of various printed blank forms, all with emblem, various language variety, 3x supplemented with statistickým revenue 20h; good condition
1924-1930 Postal order, comp. 14 pcs of various Un postal orders, all with emblem with valuable 10h, 20h or without price/-s, various language variety; undamaged
1925-1930 Postal dispatch-note, comp. 3 pcs of dispatch-notes with additionally printed blue revenue 50h, 1x double C.O.D. dispatch-note with imprint A 1925, 1x international dispatch note with imprint D 1926 and 1x dvojdílná international C.O.D. dispatch-note with imprint D 1930; good condition
1935 Postal order, two-piece without printed stmp with emblem and valuable 30h, additionally mounted stamp. Beneš 50h, Pof.301, 2 pcs of, Un; only light fold in perforation, very fine
1922-1930 blank form/-s Telegram, comp. 5 pcs of Un blank forms on/for Telegram, 4x green from that 2x with imprint B 1922, Coat of arms with valuable 10h, from that 1x with red additional-printing Via Western Union, 1x with imprint B 1927 Coat of arms with valuable 10h, 1x with imprint B - Coat of arms additionally printed L with valuable 20h and 1x red Coat of arms with valuable 20h; only folds
1925 advertising telegram Magistrála, imprint 769 sl. (IV.-1924), straight line postmark Šamorýn, on reverse advertising for Guličkové ložiská FICHTEL and SACHS with pictures kuličkových ložisek and Prague representation Kovář & Co.; used, fold, small stripped from stick-on label, well preserved
1925 advertising telegram Magistrála, imprint 769 sl. (II.-1924), straight line postmark Šamorýn, on reverse advertisement for Motúzy, (špagáty), laná, povrazy, with picture lana and klubka provazu + other advertisement for Lacnějšie telegrams; used, only fold, well preserved
1919-1934 SELECTION of / 5 of chosen stamps with novými gum (!): POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 - Pof.51I, Coat of arms 10K light violet, Pof.55KN, Triangle 2h with L coupon, Pof.83b, Postage due stmp PORTO 1h with thin "O", Pof.94, Turul 60f + Pof.273Ms(2), Nitra 50h, vertical 2-stamps gutter with plate number 1; all viewing of quality recommended, 1x exp. by Stupka., 2x Gilbert, vyvoláváme after/behind 20% catalogue, suitable as "spacefillery"
1918-1939[COLLECTIONS] interesting semifinished collection on hingeless sheets in spring folder, from issue Hradčany, i.a. 20h carmine imperforated, 25h ultramarine imperforated, then for example. POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 - Coat of arms 4 Koruna light wide, Triangle 2h, Postage due stmp 4h and 6h, Red numerals 30f, letterpress issues, almost complete opposite facing pair issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue (missing 50h green wide), Festival, Congress and other issue, then i.a. miniature sheet Anthem-issue 1CZK, coupons, I. air issue, postage-due, SO1920 (overprint) - i.a. T. G. Masaryk etc..; mainly hinged, better stamp. expertized, we advice viewings
1918-1939[COLLECTIONS] interesting semifinished basic collection on/for ca. 60 hingeless pages Lindner, from issue Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterprint, air-mail, postage-due SO1920 (overprint) etc.., contains set more interesting items, i.a. Hradčany 10h green imperforated, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 Coat of arms 4 Koruna dark, 20h light green, Triangle 2h, Small numerals 5 Koruna 2x, Turul 3f, Red numerals 30f, T. G. Masaryk 1920 ultramarine, opposite facing pair 20h orange close, 50h close and wide, Festival, Congress, types on issues T. G. Masaryk, blocks of four Jubilee 1928, St. Wenceslaus., T. G. Masaryk 1930 etc.., then I. air issue, 2x 5h blue-green imperforated SO1920 (overprint) etc..; mainly hinged, line stamp. examined, high catalogue value, we advice viewings!
1918-1935 [COLLECTIONS] selection cancel. stamps and stamp. cut squares and cuts with cancel. from Czech region in two stockbooks A4, contains several interesting 1-kruhových cancel., forerunner, parallel, Hradčany and other issue; various quality
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / in/at 15 sheet stockbook A4, mainly 30. years, coupons, gutter, plate number, but also for example. air-mail, SO1920 (overprint) etc.. + 5 cards A4; in addition supplemented with about/by cancel. rozpracovanou collection in spring folder; various quality, mainly hinged
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue, SO1920 (overprint) / selection of imperforated also perf stamp. Hradčany also with overprint SO1920 (overprint), aslo stamps issue Legionaire and duplication other issues, placed in 1 stockbook and on 4 album cards; various quality
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation mainly from 30. years, supplemented with about/by issue SO1920 (overprint), postage-due, air-mail, scout etc.., part in blocks of four, also coupons, several first day sheets etc..; placed in full 16-sheet stockbook A4
1849-1980 [COLLECTIONS] ŠTERNBERK / regional collection postal history town Šternberka, contains several tens of entires from period of Austria, Czechoslovakia I., Sudetenland and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., supplemented with several picture-postcards incl. one lepolera, postmark and Reg label also okolních village/community, machine slogan pmk., sudetská also postwar provisory etc.., supplemented with soupisy, maps and descriptions; from estate German collector
1918-1939[COLLECTIONS] TŘEBÍČ - REGIONÁLNÍ COLLECTION POSTAL HISTORY / big regional collection postal history Třebíč, contains total 278ks entires with postmarks single třebíčských post, then i.a. nejranější date 29.X.1918 on Ppc, Hradčany franktaury, mixed franking with Austrian stamp., mainly letters and cards with added-print třebíčských firm, PC, part as Registered, Ex, surtax, cancel. railway post office train post, perfins,, newspaper, frankotypes, memorial cancel. and field post from mobilization etc.., on 89 pages A4 with descriptions in 2 spiral cover; mainly good quality, rare regional collection with other parts in/at single kategoriích Austria Hungary., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., ex Bulant
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 100 pcs of various entires, prevail franking stamp. HRADČANY-issue, issue Agriculture and Science, parallel franking with Austrian stamp., several air-mail entires, cuts and cut-squares dispatch notes, several entires from 30. years etc..; various quality