Online Auction 65 / Philately / Czech Republic

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224933 - 2017 Pof.942, Mauricius in Czech Rep. A, light blue shade st
2017 Pof.942, Mauricius in Czech Rep. A, light blue shade stamps in/at corner block of four; for comparison including commemorative sheet PF 2019 s 2-páskou stamps normal shade, still unpublished, rare usage this výrazného shade
Starting price: CZK
226105 - 2017 Pof.PL950, Retro transport, PB with private added print
2017 Pof.PL950, Retro transport, PB with private added print V...311; very fine, sought
Starting price: CZK
224312 - 2017 Pof.A955/956, 2 pcs of miniature sheet History poštovn
2017 Pof.A955/956, 2 pcs of miniature sheet History poštovnictví, 1x significantly darker red color vozatajova kabátu, 1x very light color kabátu and yellow peak/plate; rare shades, c.v.. 2.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
224297 - 2018 Pof.958, Traditions Czech stamp production (Bouda) A, c
2018 Pof.958, Traditions Czech stamp production (Bouda) A, complete booklet, very light color shade stamps (face light blue-violet instead dark blue); for comparison normal stmp, catalogue for the present doesn't report, distinct and rare, known only several pieces
Starting price: CZK
226100 -  2018 Pof.PL963, Hradčany A, PB with additional-printing Iv
2018 Pof.PL963, Hradčany A, PB with additional-printing Ivančice V0295, 4-kombinace; very fine
Starting price: CZK
226074 - 2018 Pof.963, Hradčany A, complete counter sheet, V0291, in
2018 Pof.963, Hradčany A, complete counter sheet, V0291, incl. original cover
Starting price: CZK
224259 - 2018 Pof.964, Eastern A, block of four and pair with product
2018 Pof.964, Eastern A, block of four and pair with production flaw 42/4B - red stain on the bottom hands and production flaw 50/4B - yellow line below „Velikonoce“; catalogue defects
Starting price: CZK
223923 - 2018 Pof.965-972 production flaw, State symbols, complete bo
2018 Pof.965-972 production flaw, State symbols, complete booklet incl. stamp. Pof.970 with production flaw 6/2 - violet circle in/at blue area; catalogue defect
Starting price: CZK
223904 - 2020 Pof.1060, Postal uniform B, two complete stamp bklt, 1x
2020 Pof.1060, Postal uniform B, two complete stamp bklt, 1x very light wrapping also stamps (!), field 1, 1x normal stamps, but extremely dark wrapping (bright red), also field 1; very rare usage, hledané
Starting price: CZK
226116 - 2020 Pof.PL1062, Pokušení St. Anthony B, V319, the first U
2020 Pof.PL1062, Pokušení St. Anthony B, V319, the first UTL printed in/at printing-works Hradištko, other size, other color "frame" sheet; very fine, sought
Starting price: CZK
225511 - 2020 Pof.PL1062, Suchánek B, blk-of-9, V000....320; rare us
2020 Pof.PL1062, Suchánek B, blk-of-9, V000....320; rare usage
Starting price: CZK
224249 - 2020 Pof.1069, Bee B, marginal block-of-4 s výrazným shif
2020 Pof.1069, Bee B, marginal block-of-4 s výrazným shift pin hole also náseku crossways L-wards (to to right frame); rare and decorative
Starting price: CZK
224248 - 2020 Pof.1069, Bee B, marginal block-of-4 with strong smykov
2020 Pof.1069, Bee B, marginal block-of-4 with strong smykovým print black color, k tomu corner blk-of-4 common print black, but s VV pos. 7 large white circle R from values (incomplete-printing blue); will be katalogizováno
Starting price: CZK
223909 - 2020 Pof.1081-1082, Roušky B, two blocks of four (1x corner
2020 Pof.1081-1082, Roušky B, two blocks of four (1x corner, 1x without bottom margins) and one bnd-of-10, three stage very significant production flaw 46/2 - significant yellow circle L from plamene red roušky; two significant rings (more/larger and smaller) more closely to plameni; thin/light yellow circle about/by something níže (zánik defects), but k tomu production flaw 49/2 „modrá stain v levém oušku tečkované roušky“ (defects budou catalogue); very rare
Starting price: CZK
224309 - 2020 Pof.1089 production flaw, Chybotisk 50/50 B, horizontal
2020 Pof.1089 production flaw, Chybotisk 50/50 B, horizontal pair s velmi significant shifted perforation L (inscription „Chybotisk 50 / 50“ L place R, perf dělí value B on/for middle); first-time v aukci, very rare and decorative
Starting price: CZK
223903 - 2020 Pof.A1091-1092 production flaw, Sovák and Brodský 30C
2020 Pof.A1091-1092 production flaw, Sovák and Brodský 30CZK and 34CZK, miniature sheet s posunem perf up, closely k názvu state, on stmp complete Sovákova head (normálně upper part out of stmp); interesting, shift hologram k horní perf
Starting price: CZK
223902 - 2020 Pof.A1091-1092, Sovák and Brodský 30CZK and 34CZK, co
2020 Pof.A1091-1092, Sovák and Brodský 30CZK and 34CZK, comp. of 4 miniature sheets, significantly different shades background also stamps (telefonující Sovák grey-yellow, grey-brown, light brown or dark brown), z toho 2x shift hologram downward (1x zasahuje to to „ý“ in/at „Brodský“) and 1x up k horní perf, interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
224311 - 2020 Pof.1093, Modrásek 2 Koruna, three blocks of four (2x
2020 Pof.1093, Modrásek 2 Koruna, three blocks of four (2x marginal, 1x corner) in three expressive odstínech: light blue, dark blue and for comparison common blue-violet; decorative
Starting price: CZK
223905 - 2020 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1096, Christmas B, complete 50 pcs
2020 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1096, Christmas B, complete 50 pcs of sheet, oblique shifted perf, significantly transport (passes wedge [ ˇ ] Č in the word Czech) and slightly downward; interesting and decorative
Starting price: CZK
224928 - 2020 Pof.1098, Art 33CZK (Musatov), comp. of 3 PL: 1x strong
2020 Pof.1098, Art 33CZK (Musatov), comp. of 3 PL: 1x strong, significantly skidding print black on all stamps (nejzřetelnější on pos. 3 and 4); 1x very thin/light print black; 1x normal print black, but production flaw pos. 1 - light blue stain v tmavě blue background L; exceptional selection of
Starting price: CZK
224932 - 2020 Pofis. A1100-1101, Prague E and Z, selection of two ar
2020 Pofis. A1100-1101, Prague E and Z, selection of two aršíků: 1x shifted perforation L-wards and 1x significant black stain on upper margin L; decorative and rare
Starting price: CZK
224930 - 2020 Pof.A1100-1101, Prague E and Z, selection of two arší
2020 Pof.A1100-1101, Prague E and Z, selection of two aršíků: 1x significant red smudges v "Z" hodnoty and 1x significantly stínované "E" values (shift die stamping against ofsetu); zajímavé
Starting price: CZK
224918 - 2020 Pof.1102, 900 years order premonstrátů B, four L corn
2020 Pof.1102, 900 years order premonstrátů B, four L corner blocks of four z pole 2, significantly different color shades (yellow, yellow-orange, orange and dark orange with strong print black and dark value B), quite different also other color, decorative and very obtížně zkompletovatelné, two z odstínů absolutely minimum usage
Starting price: CZK
226621 - 2010 2x BAREVNÝ NÁVRH on/for unissued stamp 100 years from
2010 2x BAREVNÝ NÁVRH on/for unissued stamp 100 years from first dálkového flight John Kašpar, variants 2a + 2b with typografií, size 195x195mm and 33x33mm; signed, author John Ungrád, popular motive
Starting price: CZK
213977 - 2012 VZ 0009, David Ogilvy, complete printing sheet with 25
2012 VZ 0009, David Ogilvy, complete printing sheet with 25 stamp. same printings in red and grey color, value A, printing 600 pcs of; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
225921 - 2013 PERSONALISED STAMP V22 / Postal saving bank (A. Born);
2013 PERSONALISED STAMP V22 / Postal saving bank (A. Born); complete sheet!; very fine
Starting price: CZK
224921 - 2019 VLASTNÍ STAMPS / VZ98 100 years OSA; complete sheet,
2019 VLASTNÍ STAMPS / VZ98 100 years OSA; complete sheet, superb, very sought
Starting price: CZK
226623 - 2020 VLASTNÍ STAMPS / VZ printing sheet 0109, Poklady world
2020 VLASTNÍ STAMPS / VZ printing sheet 0109, "Poklady world philately" - Biennale 2020; superb condition, very rare; major part of edition 450 sheets was/were from reason vysokého zájmu from side/party collectors roztrhána on/for str-of-5 and prodána on/for exhibition in/at National Muzeu; dochoval with only small number neroztrhaných sheets!
Starting price: CZK
225996 - 2017 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS61  Jatky Tismic
2017 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS61 Jatky Tismice (yellow); very fine, in the market doesn't occur
Starting price: CZK
225997 - 2018 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS72  Jatky Tismic
2018 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS72 Jatky Tismice (green); very fine, in the market doesn't occur
Starting price: CZK
221457 - 2018 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS0082, Jirka King
2018 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS0082, Jirka King - Fotky from Instagramu, own stamp booklets - undetached, 4. plate; quite rare, exists only 5 pcs of, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
226009 - 2019 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS97B  Hnutí foko
2019 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS97B Hnutí fokoláre, half booklet, year horiz.; very fine
Starting price: CZK
225998 - 2020 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS101  Fair SBĚRA
2020 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS101 Fair SBĚRATEL - NEROZŘEZANÝ; major-part booklets was/were rozřezána for usage on/for fair Spring and second půlka on/for fair Autumn; very fine, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
226010 - 2019 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / VZ ZS102B  Hnutí
2019 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / VZ ZS102B Hnutí fokoláre, half booklet, other color shades then by/on/at ZS97B, year vertical; very fine
Starting price: CZK
226011 - 2019 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS103  Andy Loos,
2019 PERSONALISED STAMP - stamp-booklet / ZS103 Andy Loos, adventní Hebrew calendar; very fine
Starting price: CZK
226622 - 2018 [COLLECTIONS]  VLASTNÍ STAMPS, VZ stamp-booklet 96,  2
2018 [COLLECTIONS] VLASTNÍ STAMPS, VZ stamp-booklet 96, "245 years community Terezín 1774 - 2019"; designs 8 own stamps and booklet, realizované designs issued jihomoravská village/community Terezín to anniv of foundation community; prints 47/30mm and 190/115mm; signed, author John Ungrád
Starting price: CZK
222329 - 1998-2001 [COLLECTIONS]  ČÁSTI ARCHŮ / selection of sough
1998-2001 [COLLECTIONS] ČÁSTI ARCHŮ / selection of sought joined printings s kulatým razítkem: Pof.179-182, Animals in upper bnd-of-20 s datem, 209-212 Butterflies v půlarších s daty and corner 9-blocích; k tomu booklets SL166 Tradition of Stamp Production (with date), SL193-195, Švejk (1x s datem) and SL189-90 For Children-issue s příležitostnými postmarks Joseph Lada, resp. Child's post (sought) and several ocelotiskových PB
Starting price: CZK
223234 - 1993 ZS1, ZS2, ZS3, ZS4, ZS5, ZS6, ZS8, ZS9, selection of fi
1993 ZS1, ZS2, ZS3, ZS4, ZS5, ZS6, ZS8, ZS9, selection of first 8 pcs of booklets Czech Republic, i.a. sought booklet HÚP (Economic Postcentral) in red color; very fine, c.v.. 4.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
223233 - 1993 ZS5, HÚP (Economic Postcentral) Prague (red); most sou
1993 ZS5, HÚP (Economic Postcentral) Prague (red); most sought booklet Czech Republic, c.v.. 2.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
221463 - 2007 stamp-booklet / stamp booklets ČTÚ 4/2007 with blk-of
2007 stamp-booklet / stamp booklets ČTÚ 4/2007 with blk-of-10 stamp. Pof.492; minimum usage, rare
Starting price: CZK
223235 - 1993-1995 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION /  valuable selection
1993-1995 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / valuable selection of 41 pcs of stamp booklets from first years Czech Republic, contains i.a. ZS1 5 pieces, ZS3 6 pieces, ZS4 4 pieces, rarest booklet ZS5 HÚP (Economic Postcentral) red 5 pieces, etc.., several booklets with in advance used stamp.; c.v.. 25.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
224452 - 1993-2016 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 34 pcs of various comp
1993-2016 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 34 pcs of various complete booklets, for example. ZS2, 3, 5, 7-9, 13, 18, 23, 40-43, 57-59, 61 etc.. + in addition 8 pcs of booklets without stamps; very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
220445 - 1998 PT6a, issue Agriculture and Science with value, author'
1998 PT6a, issue Agriculture and Science with value, author's print (!); printing only 25 pcs of
Starting price: CZK
220446 - 1998 PT6b, issue Agriculture and Science without value, auth
1998 PT6b, issue Agriculture and Science without value, author's print (!); printing only 25 pcs of, very sought
Starting price: CZK
224802 - 1999-2006 PT9a+b, PT11a+b, PT14a+b, PT16a+b, PT21, comp. 9 p
1999-2006 PT9a+b, PT11a+b, PT14a+b, PT16a+b, PT21, comp. 9 pcs of commemorative prints Czech Post; very fine, c.v.. 2.600CZK
Starting price: CZK
224323 - 2018 Karta David Feldman s aršíkem Bombajský letter, dis
2018 Karta David Feldman s aršíkem Bombajský letter, distribuovaná together s PT 37C/b; missing also much majitelům this special commemorative print, catalogue shows (illustrated on/for with. 270), but for the present doesn't evaluate
Starting price: CZK
221447 - 2018 PT37A/0, exhibition PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter), wit
2018 PT37A/0, exhibition PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter), with NULAMI, incl. cover; superb, exceedingly rare!
Starting price: CZK
225685 - 2018 PT37C/b, exhibition PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter), wit
2018 PT37C/b, exhibition PRAGA 2018 (Bombajský letter), with additional-printing David Feldman, incl. cover and cards DF, which/what by/on/at these special commemorative print often missing; superb
Starting price: CZK
224985 - 1994 PTR1, EUROPA - Contemporary Art, low number 000011 (!);
1994 PTR1, EUROPA - Contemporary Art, low number 000011 (!); thin/light bend in corner, c.v.. 6.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
225734 - 1994 PTR1, EUROPA - Contemporary Art; perfect condition, c.v
1994 PTR1, EUROPA - Contemporary Art; perfect condition, c.v.. 6.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
225972 - 2016-2019 PTV2 - PTV5, special prints exhibition, comp. 4 pc
2016-2019 PTV2 - PTV5, special prints exhibition, comp. 4 pcs of; very fine, commemorative print Liberec 2019 with ordinal number 1254 originates from oficiálního present tvůrci
Starting price: CZK
225971 - 2011 PRL2, Census, advertising sheet post with block of four
2011 PRL2, Census, advertising sheet post with block of four Pof.666, unfolded with signature of author J. Koláře, on 3 stamp. production flaw -ZP24. Přiložena CM (cartes maximum) with same stamp.; perfect condition, nice collection
Starting price: CZK
225970 - 1993-1997 [COLLECTIONS]  Pof.PaL14a - 33c, Memorial sheets P
1993-1997 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.PaL14a - 33c, Memorial sheets Postal museum, collection 35 pcs of, from that 31 pcs of with signatures of authors známek(!); perfect condition, to kompletnosti missing 8 pcs of, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
211224 - 1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS]  BLACK PRINTS MERKUR REVUE / rare co
1993-2010 [COLLECTIONS] BLACK PRINTS MERKUR REVUE / rare collection more than 80 pcs of (!) commemorative prints, incl. line sought variants without numbers, with zero etc.., i.a. Dvořák, Butterflies, Mucha New York 2000, Barrand, Straet, T. G. Masaryk, Mucha, Aleš, Liesler, etc..; high catalogue value Mercure ca. 60.000CZK, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
225969 - 1994 comp. 10 pcs of labels APOST type I (big hinge / label)
1994 comp. 10 pcs of labels APOST type I (big hinge / label), from various post, for example. postcode 70800, 73514, 73802, 74601, 75151; sought
Starting price: CZK
224956 - 1994 selection of 18 pcs of advertising PC ÖMV + 2 letters,
1994 selection of 18 pcs of advertising PC ÖMV + 2 letters, from various post, all with labels APOST type I (big hinge / label); sound condition
Starting price: CZK
224957 - 1994 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. 10 pcs of letters from various pos
1994 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 10 pcs of letters from various post with labels APOST type I (big hinge / label), from that 3 pcs of paid/franked stamps (2x as Registered) + 1 PC sent Express; interesting
Starting price: CZK
224952 - 1994 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 22 pcs of money letters sen
1994 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 22 pcs of money letters sent to Živnostenskou bank from various post, off. envelope/-s with labels APOST type I (big hinge / label), all with úvěrovaným postage; rare usage, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
224955 - 1994 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. 8 pcs of money letters sent to Ži
1994 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 8 pcs of money letters sent to Živnostenskou bank, off. envelope/-s with labels APOST type I (big hinge / label), from that 1 pcs of franked stamps and 1 pcs of meter stmp - envelope lower torn; rare usage, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
221821 - 19941994 CDV2/P1, Regen 1994, special postmark, Un; very fin
19941994 CDV2/P1, Regen 1994, special postmark, Un; very fine
Starting price: CZK