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1639 DE SCHOMBERG Charles (1601-1656), duke d'Halluin, French nobleman and soldier, marshal France, autograph on letter, folded sheet paper, seal with papírovým krytem; overall good condition, rareStarting price: 5 000 CZK
1910 EVŽEN AUSTRIA TĚŠÍNSKÝ (1863-1954), Austrian archduke of the House of Habsburků, in years 1894–1923 Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, handwritten three-line text (Christmas and New Year's wish) with signature on the reverse side heliogravury castle Bruntál, who was in/at držení order; nice good condition and rareStarting price: 3 000 CZK +6,7 %
1899 FRANTIŠEK FERDINAND d´ESTE (1863-1914), crown prince rakousko-uherského throne, synovec emperor Franz Joseph I. I., murdered near/in/at assassination in/at Sarajevu 28.6. 1914 with his woman Žofií hraběnkou Chotkovou + KREIGHAMMER Edmund von (1831-1906), Austro-Hungarian General and politician, in years 1893–1902 minister of war, handwritten spolupodpisy on/for document about/by vyplácení penze for orphans after/around generálmajorech; cross fold, signs of age in margins, overall but well preserved, rareStarting price: 10 000 CZK +10,0 %
FRANTIŠEK FERDINAND d´ESTE (1863-1914), crown prince rakousko-uherského throne, synovec emperor Franz Joseph I. I., murdered near/in/at assassination in/at Sarajevu 28.6. 1914 with his woman Žofií hraběnkou Chotkovou, handwritten 5-řádkový text with signature on request to New Year (by hand coloured woodcut); very nice good condition and rareStarting price: 5 000 CZK +280,0 %
1899 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech and Hungarian King + KRIEGHAMMER Edmund von (1831-1906), Austro-Hungarian General and politician, in years 1893–1902 minister of war + SPAUN Hermann von (1833-1919) Austro-Hungarian admiral and commander marine in years 1897–1904, handwritten spolupodpisy (Krieghammerův in addition 2x) on/for document about/by vyplácení penze for Linienschiffsleutenanta H. Floriana; cross fold, small tearing in/at folds, overall good condition, extraordinary selection of signatures!Starting price: 10 000 CZK
ARCHDUKE FRANZ SALVATOR OF AUSTRIA (1866-1939), Austrian archduke and General, manžel Mary Valérie, daughter Franz Joseph I. I., handwritten four-line letter (information to lovu) with signature; good condition, rareStarting price: 3 000 CZK
1742 FREDERIK I. ŠVÉDSKÝ (1676-1751), Swedish King in years 1720–1751 and lankrabě hesensko-kasselský; autograph on document written in Stockholm; very fine and rareStarting price: 3 000 CZK
2021-2023 MONACKÁ KNÍŽECÍ RODINA / comp. of 4 photos with manual signs: prince Albert II. (*1958), his wife Charlene (*1978) and his sestry Caroline (*1957) and Stéphanie (*1965) + also with original envelope/-s, in/at nichž was/were photo sent and děkovné cards; very fineStarting price: 2 000 CZK
1900 OTA FRANZ JOSEPH RAKOUSKÝ (1865-1906), Austrian archduke, father last Austrian emperor Carl I., handwritten text with signature "Papa" on Ppc sent from Italy synovi Karlovi; very nice good condition, interesting and rareStarting price: 3 000 CZK +6,7 %
NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE / selection of 16 Ppc sent to members nobiliary rodů, senders mostly rodinní members, for example. Thurn-Taxis, Wüllerstorf, Dobrzensky, Wrbna, Mensdorff-Pouilly, Mladota, Dubsky, von Anhalt and oths.; good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK