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BAAROVÁ Lída (1914-2000), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, B/W portrait photo postcard with whole signature, atelier Ströminger; nice in good condition condition, soughtStarting price: 1 500 CZK +113,3 %
BAAROVÁ Lída (1914-2000), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, B/W portrait photo postcard with whole signature; nice in good condition condition, sought Starting price: 1 500 CZK +73,3 %
1940? BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor, sportsman, film director, writer and imitator, autograph on B/W portrait photo postcard, atelier Balzar; very fine and decorativeStarting price: 3 000 CZK +266,7 %
1935 BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor, sportsman, film director, writer and imitator, autograph on B/W group photo postcard; good condition and soughtStarting price: 1 000 CZK +30,0 %
1960 BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor, sportsman, film director, writer and imitator; handwritten written acknowledgments with signature; soughtStarting price: 1 500 CZK +86,7 %
1914 CARUSO Enrico (1873-1921), světoznámý Italian opera singer, one from the best tenorů history, official photo with full signature and with dedication Emanuelu Kittlovi, bratru Emy Destinnové (!); on reverse hints of adjustaci, otherwise very nice good condition, rare, rare kontext!Starting price: 4 000 CZK +175,0 %
1901-1925 DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930) (Emilie Kittlová), světoznámá Czech opera singer; handwritten in Czech written dvoustránkový letter with signature (interesting text, letter written from Bayreuthu, where Destinnová in 1901 zpívala on/for Wagnerovských operních celebration) + HALSBACH Joseph (1898-1955), manžel Emmy Destinnové, pilot Czechosl. air forces; dvoustránkový letter with signature; exceedingly interesting, rukopisy E. Destinnové are rare and sought!Starting price: 4 000 CZK +75,0 %
1937 FERBASOVÁ Věra (1913–1976), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, autograph on photo postcard, atelier Ströminger; soughtStarting price: 800 CZK +62,5 %
1938 ACTORS / signatures theatre of actors on the reverse side photo from games Our furianti, i.a. J. Pivec, J. Vojta, V. Vydra, A. Nedošínská, R. Deyl, M. Pačová and much other; good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
1942, 1980 ACTORS / comp. of 3 portrait photo postcard with manual signatures, from that 2x also with věnováním: BOHÁČ Ladislav (1907-1978), Czech theatre and movie actor, director ND, recitátor and hlasatel + HÖGER Charles (1909–1977), Czech actor + KOPECKÝ Miloš (1922-1996), Czech theatre and movie actor; good conditionStarting price: 700 CZK +85,7 %
ACTORS / comp. of 7 portrait photo postcard and photos with signatures slavných Czech herců: Jaroslav Marvan, Ladislav Pešek, Miroslav Horníček, Rudolf Deyl, Charles Höger, Edward Kohout and Jaroslav Průcha; hints of original adjustaci, overall but very good condition, interesting setStarting price: 1 000 CZK +160,0 %
1975? HLINOMAZ Joseph (1914-1978), slavný Czech actor, illustrator, dabér and important naivní painter, autograph with dedication and printings lion on card from monument, on reverse in addition signature herce George WOHANKA (*1946); very fine, decorative and soughtStarting price: 800 CZK +587,5 %
1911 HÜBNEROVÁ Mary (1865-1931), slavná Czech theatre actress National theatre + Wenceslas HÜBNER (1857-1920), Czech journalist and in years 1891–1892 director National theatre in Brno, handwritten spolupodpisy on Ppc; very fineStarting price: 500 CZK
1927-1930 HÜBNEROVÁ Mary (1865-1931), slavná Czech theatre actress National theatre, comp. of 7 portrait photo postcard with signatures; good condition, interestingStarting price: 900 CZK
1913 JERITZA Maria (1887-1982), slavná opera singer, autograph with dedication and datací on/for portrait photo postcard; good condition, interestingStarting price: 600 CZK +33,3 %
1944 MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actress, portrait photo postcard with signature, atelier Ströminger; very fineStarting price: 1 600 CZK +18,8 %
1940? MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actress, portrait photo postcard with signature; sound condition, soughtStarting price: 1 600 CZK +125,0 %
1975? MENŠÍK Vladimír (1929-1988), Czech actor, moderátor, popular vypravěč and bavič, holder valuation national artist, autograph with dedication and own caricature on card from monument, on reverse in addition signature herce Lubomír KOSTELKA (1927-2018); very fine, decorative and soughtStarting price: 800 CZK +100,0 %
1940? ONDRA Ann (Ann Sophie Ondráková, 1902-1987), known Czech movie actress, autograph on portrait photo postcard; very fine, decorativeStarting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
PIVEC John (1907-1980), slavný Czech actor, comp. of 2 portrait photo postcard + 2x portrait photo (larger format) with signatures + 5x handwritten card with signature + 3x photo without signature; interesting selection ofStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
SEDLÁČKOVÁ Andula (1887–1967), important Czech theatre and movie actress, the first Czech film star; rare comp. 10 pcs of various portrait photo postcard with signatures; hints of original adjustaciStarting price: 2 000 CZK
1956 VOJTA Jaroslav (1888-1970), important Czech actor, handwritten 2-page illustrated letter with signature; interesting and decorativeStarting price: 700 CZK +28,6 %
1939 VOSKOVEC George (1905–1981) and WERICH John (1905–1980), Czech actors, handwritten texts with signatures on Ppc sent from USA 24. 4. 1939 (3 month after/around arrival to emigrace); very nice good condition, rareStarting price: 3 000 CZK +26,7 %
1944-1945 GOLLOVÁ Nataša (1912–1988), important Czech actress, collection 4 vlastnoručních letters with signatures sent to režiséra V. Čecha-Přikryla, originates from period, where with Gollová přihlásila as dobrovolnice for ošetřování prisoners during epidemie skvrnitého tyfu in/at Terezín, sama with here nakazila and málem tyfu podlehla, these event/-s in/at textech also zmíněny, supplemented with about/by 7 letters sent Gollové V. Čechem; incl. envelopes, good condition, rare and interesting collection!Starting price: 8 000 CZK +25,0 %
1975-1990 ACTORS / HEREČKY / interesting selection of signatures screen also činoherních Czech and Slovak of actors, contains i.a. Vášáryová, Dočolomanský, Janžurová, Bohdalová, Brejchová, Valentová, Jamrich, Filčík + 2x signature K. Gotta; as multiple interestingStarting price: 1 000 CZK +180,0 %
SKUPA Joseph (1892–1957), Czech puppeteer, founder Theatre Spejbla and Hurvínka, paperback from year 1952 with autograph with dedication and signature wife Jiřiny SKUPOVÉ + 3 pcs of her correspondence + paperback from year 1993 + poster from year 1981 + 2 pcs of journals; interesting collection documents to tématice SPEJBL + HURVÍNEKStarting price: 600 CZK +16,7 %