Online auction 73 / Collector`s Literature / Used Books

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900 CZK
249031 - 1993 RUKOVĚŤ SBĚRATELOVA, J.M. Augusta, stěžejní Czech
1993 RUKOVĚŤ SBĚRATELOVA, J.M. Augusta, stěžejní Czech collector's literature, reprint original issue from year 1927, 1102 sides, much expert information and illustration divided to three part/-s in more than třiceti collector's oborech, i.a. Rukopisy, Bibliofilie, Pictures, Graphic Art, Philately, Pečetě, Sklo and email, Ceramics, Plastika, Hodiny etc..; bound, as new, sought!
Starting price: 900 CZK
Sold: 900 CZK