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1919 Mi.13xKF, "Drakkar" 5M black / yellow, INVERTED MIDDLE; mint never hinged, exp. Nemvalz, c.v.. ** 4.500€, rareStarting price: 44 000 CZK
1849 letter with strip-of-3 Yvert.6b, Ceres 1Fr dark carmine, sent from Paris to USA, cancel. PARIS 1 NOV 49, transit Brit. PAID 2.NOV 1849 and Paye Destinantion, marked US rate 5C; on reverse missing upper lapel, however fine and rare classic letter, c.v.. 7.000€+Starting price: 42 000 CZK
1853 NEWSPAPER / Sass.2, 9Cts blue on newspapers Gazzetta Uffizila di Milan; very fine, certificate Colla, c.v.. 20.000€, rareStarting price: 30 000 CZK
1880 SG.2aa, Victoria 1P red, plate 218, DOUBLE overprint CYPRUS; certificate Sismondo, c.v.. £4.250, rare stampStarting price: 80 000 CZK
1899 Mi.1Ia, Krone 3Pfg ochre brown with overprint MARSCHALL-INSELN on cut-square with CDS JALUIT MARSHALLINSELN 1/6/00 (type II.); very fine, certificate Jäschke-Lantelme, exp. Lantelme and Bothe, c.v.. 6.500€++, scarceStarting price: 46 000 CZK
1852 letter with Mi.1 + strip-of-4 Mi.3, William III. 5C + 4x 15C with cancel. FRANCO + HARLINGEN 29/5 1861, through HAMBURG to NORSKA (!); very fine classic letter!Starting price: 35 000 CZK
1877 NEWSPAPER REVENUE STAMP / Mi.5b; Ferch.5d, Coat of arms 1 Kr ultramarine (!) with common forerunner cancellation, left at top slightly cut to margin, otherwise wide margins; certificate Matl, cat. Ferchenbauer 3.750€, rareStarting price: 30 000 CZK
1850 Ferch.2IIIMP, Coat of arms 10Cts black, horizontal strip of 3 on small cut-square with CDS CASAR..., type III., machine made paper; superb, ex. Minář, c.v.. 1.750€++, decorativeStarting price: 14 000 CZK
1858+1861 letter with mixed franking Franz Joseph I. 2x 3Sld 1858 + 3x 5Sld 1861, cancel. TREVISO, to Milan; very fine, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 2.900€++, very rare frankingStarting price: 25 000 CZK +4,0 %
1874 Ferch.4E, PRINTING ERROR 5 Kreuzer yellow instead 2 Kreuzer, CDS PILSEN 3/8 74; perfect condition, c.v.. 2.000€, rare, ex HauznerStarting price: 15 000 CZK
1915 ViSLA FLEET / K.u.K.. KOMANDO S.M.S. KRYSTYNA oval red postmark with emblem, supplemented with FP-postmark 186/ 31.VIII.15, addressed to Rynoltice; scarce!Starting price: 15 000 CZK +6,7 %
1911 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.181 I-IV to 211 I-IV, complete "Sultan Road" (Mehmet V.) - overprints MONASTIR, PRISTINA, SALONIQUE, ÜSKÜB; on pages from old collection, very fine, c.v.. 5.000€Starting price: 50 000 CZK
1956 Yvert.23, Airplane above port 500Fr, complete imprimatur sheet of 25, IMPERFORATED; fine, usual gum faults, certificate Gautré, c.v.. 2.750€Starting price: 27 000 CZK
1998 UNISSUED STAMP "YELLOW HAT"/ Sc.3269 var., "Yellow hat" value H, used horizontal strip of 5 with parts of red CDS GREENCASTLE IN; only quite small thin place in perforation of middle stamp, otherwise very fine a rare, cat. min. $8.750, still known only ca. 230 examples!Starting price: 60 000 CZK
1930 Mi.326, Scott C13, block of six Zeppelin 65C; hinged at top and in margins out of stamps, with plate number, c.v. Scott $2.200, Mi. 3.200€, Starting price: 32 000 CZK
1930 Mi.328, Sc.C15, BLOCK OF FOUR Zeppelin $2,50; XF multiple, c.v. Scott $4.800, Michel 7.500€, extraordinary offer!Starting price: 74 000 CZK +10,8 %
1909 Sc.177TC-178TC, "Ships at the port of Montevideo" 2C and 5C, 3 pcs of PLATE PROOFs in various colors on carton, all with INVERTED MIDDLE; very fine, 2 certificates - Exp. Commission Club Philatélico del Uruguay and APS, rareStarting price: 30 000 CZK +26,7 %
1921-1929 SG.70a, George V. - Coat of arms 2d grey, wmk Mult Script CA SIDEWAYS, part of CDS; G-F, c.v.. £2.500, rare stampStarting price: 60 000 CZK
1897 SG.16a, Victoria "Diamond Jubilee" 5Sh green and blue, additional printing on stamps DOUBLE (!); F-VF, with certificate RPSL, c.v.. £6.000, scarceStarting price: 130 000 CZK
1952 Sc.E5, EXPRESS / "Postal postman on motorcycle" 40 Mills, 4 pcs with trial overprint "King of Egypt...", in colors blue, violet, brown, green; VF, on reverse cancel. "Palace Seal", ex King Farouk Collection!Starting price: 32 000 CZK
1848-1859 SG.8a, Blue Mauritius POST PAID 2P blue "early impression" PENOE error with centric postmark; overall very nice piece, usual minor faults, certificate Phil. Foundation, c.v.. £20.000, rare stamp!Starting price: 200 000 CZK +15,0 %
1848-1859 SG.11, RED MAURITIUS POST PAID 1P dull vermilion "intermediate impression", full margins; small thin place, overall fine piece with cancel. "16", c.v.. £3.250Starting price: 32 000 CZK
1848-1859 SG.14, Blue Mauritius POST PAID 2P blue "intermediate impression", centric postmark; fine piece, wide margins, c.v.. £4.500++, fine classic stamp!Starting price: 90 000 CZK +2,2 %
1942 Sc.C11a, Airmail 10Fr ultramarine / red, INVERTED MIDDLE; VF, exp. A. Brunn, c.v.. ** $2.800++, rareStarting price: 35 000 CZK +14,3 %
1942 Sc.C12a, Airmail 20Fr red, INVERTED MIDDLE; VF, c.v.. ** $2.800++, rareStarting price: 44 000 CZK +4,6 %
1895 Sc.18a; "INVERTED WATERFALL" 10C green-blue / black, INVERTED MIDDLE; very fine piece with certificate B. Congo Study Circle, c.v.. $3.000, scarceStarting price: 90 000 CZK
1914 AUSTRALIAN OCCUPATION / SG.52f, Emperor´s Yacht 10Pfg with DOUBLE overprint G.R.I. 2d; certificate and exp. Holcombe, very fine and rare stamp, c.v.. £3.750Starting price: 80 000 CZK
1882 Yv.2a, overprint Allegory 25/40c red-orange, overprint INVERTED; hinged, exp. i.a. Roumet and A. Brunn, c.v.. 7.000€, scarceStarting price: 100 000 CZK
1962 Mi.Bl.8, miniature sheet Mei Lan-fan 3Y, right size 147x108mm; superb piece with original mint never hinged gum, without usual bends, gum faults etc., c.v.. 14.000€++, rare offer!Starting price: 130 000 CZK +23,1 %
1957 Mi.Bl.109, miniature sheet 50th anniversary of Scout Movement., size 110x83mm; VF quality, c.v.. 4.200€, rareStarting price: 30 000 CZK
1917 POSTAGE-DUE / Pof.P60-P63, Franz Joseph I. 24H - 54H imperforated without overprint PORTO and perforated without overprint PORTO; two superb and complete set, c.v.. 22.000CZK, rare, first-time in/at our offer!Starting price: 20 000 CZK
Pof.4Nb Is, 5h dark green, LR corner 8-BLOK with control-numbers, pos. 87-90 and 97-100, plate 8; on/for L stamps in margin and in L margin hinged, otherwise mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, expertized Škaloud, in/at like that big whole very rare and sought!Starting price: 30 000 CZK
Pof.6 IIr, 10h green, RÁMEČKOVÝ TYP on pos. 55/1, almost full imprint of daily postmark RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA 25.V.20; small out fallen grain in margin, otherwise very nice quality, nice wide margins, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba, cat. Merkur 50.000CZK, frame type on/for imperforated green desítce is very rare and occures only quite exceptionally!Starting price: 25 000 CZK +92,0 %
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.7 STs+k+p, 15h bricky red, complete 100 stamps sheet, plate 1 (!), 6x joined SPIRÁLOVÝ type, 3x joined KOMBINOVANÝ type and 7x joined PŘÍČKOVÝ type; mint never hinged, cross fold, little torn in upper margin above stamps, rare and sought complete sheet values 15h from 1. printing plate!Starting price: 13 000 CZK
7. TISKOVÁ DESKA / PODTYP PŘÍČKY / Pof.7a, 15h brown-red with bar subtype IIa, pos. 93/7; lightly hinged, small spot, certificate Škaloud and Vrba, very rare bar subtype on/for sought plate, rare offer!Starting price: 30 000 CZK
7. TISKOVÁ DESKA / Pof.7b, 15h red, L upper corner 4-BLOK (!) from rare 7. printing plate, pos. 1-2 and 11-12; mint never hinged, in upper margin minor gum fault, Vrba certificate and Karásek (old mark red-brown), exceedingly rare multiple, decoration every špičkové collection Hradčany!Starting price: 100 000 CZK +45,0 %
Pof.7d, 15h vermilion, horiz. block of 6, stmp field 8-10 and 18-20, printing plate 6, on reverse with common offset on gum; superb intaktní multiple mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, in larger blocks rare and sought!Starting price: 14 000 CZK +28,6 %
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.18 joined frame types, 75h grey-green, complete 100 stamps sheet, contains 3x RÁMEČKOVÝ types combination, pos. 1, 2, 21, plate 1; 2x hinged in upper margin, vertical fold with povolením perf through/over two line at top also lower, exp. Vrba, rare usage complete sheets, rare!Starting price: 16 000 CZK
Pof.25 joined frame types, 500h brown, L the bottom corner blk-of-10 with control-numbers with joined frame types, plate 1, on pos. 93 type II frame; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, nice intaktní multiple with joined frame types!Starting price: 15 000 CZK +180,0 %
Pof.25 joined spiral types + joined bar types, 500h brown, vertical strip of 4 from other printing plate with joined type SPIRÁL and joined type PŘÍČEK, spiral type I on pos. 32, bar type II on pos. 2, CDS VALAŠSKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ 8.III.21; very nice quality, only in the middle between stamp. horiz. fold, certificate Beneš, expertized Škaloud, rarely occurring multiple with both hledanými joined types at value 500h!Starting price: 40 000 CZK +5,0 %
1919 VEJPRTSKÉ FORGERY / Pof.F23, value 300h green-gray with part of cancel. WEIPERT 1; overall nice piece without usual thin place, certificate and expertized Vrba, rare and sought Hradcany speciality suitable to every big collection or exhibit!Starting price: 30 000 CZK +40,0 %
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.4A joined bar types, 5h blue-green, complete 100 stamps sheet, perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, 1x bar type pos. 7, 1x joined bar subtype pos. 10, plate 4; 2x label only in upper margin, 3x vertical fold in perforation, small spot and slightly povolená perf only in lower marginStarting price: 10 000 CZK +50,0 %
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.4Bb, 5h dark green, complete 100 stamps sheet, plate 6 (!), perf comb perforation 11¾; mint never hinged, only cross fold in perforation + small permit in vertical perf at top also lower ca. 1cm, exp. Vrba, rare occurrence whole sheets from 6. printing plate!Starting price: 15 000 CZK +13,3 %
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.6C joined frame types, 10h green, complete 100 stamps sheet, perf line perforation 13¾, joined RÁMEČKOVÝ type on pos. 55, plate 1; mint never hinged, vertical fold in perforation with povolením through/over two upper also the bottom line, exp. Vrba, rare occurrence the first printing plate in/at complete sheet with joined frame type!Starting price: 13 000 CZK +23,1 %
7. TISKOVÁ DESKA / Pof.7Ab, 15h red, 4-BLOK with perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, pos. 25-26 and 35-36, sedmá printing plate, on pos. 36 - retouch 5. spiral (!); mint never hinged, certificate Škaloud and Vrba, expertized Karásek and Škaloud, exceedingly rare block sought 15h red from sedmé printing plate, in addition with retouch, skvělá item to every big collection Hradčany and Czechoslovakia I.!Starting price: 100 000 CZK
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.7Ad Is, 15h vermilion, complete 100 stamps sheet, plate 3 (!), perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; mint never hinged, vertical fold in perforation, small permit in upper margin + ribbed paper in/at šestém column, exp. Vrba, complete sheet from 3. printing plate is rare, rare offer!Starting price: 30 000 CZK +30,0 %
Pof.59, Mercure R 10h red, overprint type II.; quite lightly hinged, Vrba certificate and Karásek, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Be, rare and sought stamp in very nice quality!Starting price: 60 000 CZK
Pof.71, Large numerals 50h red, overprint type I.; light hint of unstuck label, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak., very nice centered piece, rare stamp!Starting price: 22 000 CZK +54,6 %
Pof.126Pz, Black numerals 1f green / black, comb perforation 15, wmk Pz, nice centered overprint I. type; lightly hinged, short teeth, Vrba certificate, expertized Mikulski, rare stamp, often missing in collections!Starting price: 36 000 CZK +11,1 %
Pof.127Pz, Black numerals 2f green / black, wmk Pz, perfectly centered overprint type II., printing only 110 pieces; unstuck hinge and small reparation at top, Vrba certificate and Karásek, exp. by Gilbert., Tri, Šrámek etc.., overall nice piece, sought stamp!Starting price: 20 000 CZK +15,0 %
Pof.129Px, Black numerals 12f green / black, comb perforation 15, rare wmk Px - L-wards, overprint type II.; very fine piece with small opravou hinged, lower small spot, Vrba certificate and Karásek, exp. by Mahr., extremely rare stamp in very nice quality missing in most collections!Starting price: 100 000 CZK
PLATE PROOF gravure printing joined printing 9 plate proofs stamp. T. G. Masaryk 1920 1000h (4x), issue Chainbreaker and 4 designes in blue color on stamp paper with gum, partially unfinished margins; mint never hinged and usual thin place, Vrba certificate, sought joined printing plate proofs, suitable to every big collection!Starting price: 25 000 CZK
1925 Pof.182 plate number, Congress 200h blue, LR corner blk-of-4 with plate number I, wmk P7 (!); mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. Vrba, Gilbert, superb corner block with plate number in/at the best wmk!Starting price: 15 000 CZK +46,7 %
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.NV11, 5h blue issue II., complete 100 pcs of counter sheet with plate number 2-43 with very rarely occurring variant 5x interrupted frame L; luxury quality, rare offer!Starting price: 15 000 CZK
1747 MARIA THERESA of Austria (1717–1780), římská empress, Czech and Hungarian queen - market privilegium for cech tkalců town Vorau in Štýrsku "Confirmatio Privilegiorum für das Leinweberhandwerk des Marckts Vorau in Steyer", caused by in Vienna 9. August 1747, with autograph "Maria Theresia" and countersignature "Johann Friedrich count Seilern"; parchment 43x73cm, big seal in/at wooden box, in/at extraordinary quality, without prodřených places etc..; totally readable text, fine seal; rare document!Starting price: 39 000 CZK
1884 NERUDA Jan (1834–1891), important Czech poet and journalist, handwritten 9-řádkový letter with signature; in the middle folded, overall very sound condition, exceedingly rare manuscript, which/what in the market appears only rarely!Starting price: 10 000 CZK