Online auction 75 / Historical Documents, Maps / Circulars, Bulletins

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600 CZK
255442 - 1938-1947 NEWSPAPERS / comp. 4 pcs of newspapers with intere
1938-1947 NEWSPAPERS / comp. 4 pcs of newspapers with interesting articles from dějinných událostí: "Severočeský journal" from 19. and 20.8. 1938 (sudetská krize, mission lorda Runcimana apod.), "National policy" from 8.4. 1945 (Slovak National Uprising, technique armies) and "Hraničář" from 16.5. 1947 (osidlování borderland); nice good condition
Starting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
Sold: 600 CZK