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1890-1894 FIREFIGHTERS / BALL INVITATION-CARDS / comp. 5 pcs of various vzorových fire-fighting ball invitation-cards, Sluka & Jiránek - Turnov, V. Bujárek - Litomyšl; very good condition, rare occurrence, decorative!Starting price: 1 300 CZK
1889-1929 FIREFIGHTERS / BALL INVITATION-CARDS / comp. 8 pcs of various fire-fighting ball invitation-cards, i.a. 2x to year 1900; good condition, decorative!Starting price: 800 CZK
1923-1941 BALL INVITATION-CARDS / selection of 27 pcs of ball invitation-cards, contains i.a. fire-fighting balls, Všedělnický ball, balls unity Orel, Maškarní ball, Sousedský Ball of National Union, Mládenecký vínek, Zástěrkový Ball, Myslivecký ball etc..; various qualityStarting price: 300 CZK +66,7 %
1855-1879 BALL INVITATION-CARDS / comp. 6 pcs of various very old ball invitation-cards; good condition, rareStarting price: 1 300 CZK
1878-1899 [COLLECTIONS] BALL INVITATION-CARDS / selection of more than 50 pcs of various ball invitation-cards issued to year 1899; mainly very good conditionStarting price: 2 800 CZK
1900-1931 [COLLECTIONS] BALL INVITATION-CARDS / selection of 50 pcs of various ball invitation-cards issued after/around year 1900; mainly very good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1800-1880 [COLLECTIONS] WISH-CARDS / selection of 22 pcs of various wish, embossed, vykrajované, gilt, lithography; very good qualityStarting price: 800 CZK
1800-1900 [COLLECTIONS] WISH-CARDS / selection of 39 pcs of various wish, part vykrajované and embossed; good condition, decorative!Starting price: 1 500 CZK
1800-1810 [COLLECTIONS] VYŠÍVANÁ CONGRATULARION / comp. 10 pcs of congratulation vyšívaných color nitěmi on/for podkladové textilii adjustované on paper, mostly with various přípisy and datací on the reverse side; nice good condition, unusualStarting price: 1 000 CZK