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1993-2001 SELECTION of / Pof.15 production flaw, Plzeň 5CZK, corner blk-of-4 with significant shift numeral value downward + Pof.140 inverted harrow perforation, Historical Architectural Styles 4,60CZK, L upper vertical corner str-of-4 with inverted frame perf + Pof.A289 production flaw, Baroque 50CZK, miniature sheet with production flaw - violet circle in the middle upper blue area above PU (republic); mint never hinged Starting price: 500 CZK
1994-2002 FORGERY / Pof.P35b, P52, P118a, P330, selection of forgeries to/at defraud pošty: Brno 3CZK - Strakonice forgery in/at marginal block of four, Slaný 6CZK in/at corner block of four, Slohy 4CZK with line perforation in/at marginal block of four and Maceška 6,40CZK in/at corner block of 6; marked Padělek, nice research materialStarting price: 500 CZK +60,0 %
1995 Pof.A87 production flaw, Prague Free Theatre 22CZK, miniature sheet with production flaw - incomplete-printing black (so-called. studs); mint never hingedStarting price: 400 CZK +25,0 %
1995-1999 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.95, 50 years U.N. 14 CZK (incl. production flaw on pos. 23) + Pof.165, Christmas 4CZK + Pof.166, Traditions Czechosl. stamp production 12,60CZK + Pof.167, Winter Olympic Games Nagano 7CZK + Pof.179-180, Nature Protection 4,60CZK + Pof.189-190, For Children-issue 4-4,60Kč, comp. of 7 complete sheets; only face-value 2.116KčStarting price: 1 400 CZK
1996 Pof.A110/113, miniature sheet Protected Mammals, upper half miniature sheet with production flaw - incomplete-printing grey-green color in background savců on/for bottom 2 stamp.; rare, only rare occurrence, c.v.. 4.000CZK italic, including common block of four on/for comparisonStarting price: 3 000 CZK +66,7 %
1996 Pof.A110/113, miniature sheet Protected Mammals, upper half miniature sheet with production flaw - incomplete-printing grey-green color in background savců on/for upper 2 stamp.; rare, only rare occurrence, c.v.. 4000CZK italic, including common block of four on/for comparisonStarting price: 3 000 CZK +33,3 %
1996 Pof.116 production flaw, Olympic Games Atlanta 3CZK, stamp. with production flaw - fallen blue circle + stamp. with plate variety 45/1 - thin/light the bottom part numeral(s) "3"; also with common stamp. on/for comparisonStarting price: 400 CZK +50,0 %
1996-1997 FORGERY / selection of forgeries to/at defraud pošty: Pof.P118a+b, Slohy 4Kč: stamp. with line perforation and chybnými names authors and block of four with comb perforation and opravenými names + also with nefilatelistický letter with Pof.P140b, Slohy 4,60CZK on paper fluorescent paper; marked Padělek, nice research materialStarting price: 300 CZK +33,3 %
1996 Pof.PL120 production flaw, Loreta 9CZK, complete counter sheet with shifted print hnědočerné color transport; mint never hinged, also with common stamp. on/for comparisonStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
1997 FORGERY / Pof.P140b, Slohy 4,60CZK, forgery to defraud the post on paper fluorescent paper, comp. of 2 L 50 pcs of half-sheets with significantly rozdílnými shades both colors; marked Falsum, interesting research materialStarting price: 500 CZK +140,0 %
1997 Pof.140 inverted harrow perforation, Historical Architectural Styles 4,60CZK, upper marginal bnd-of-20, inverted frame perf; cat. min. 3.500CZKStarting price: 900 CZK
1997-2001 SELECTION of / Pof.140 inverted harrow perforation, Historical Architectural Styles 4,60CZK, L upper vertical corner str-of-4 with inverted frame perf + Pof.159, Historical Vehicles 4CZK, marginal block-of-4 with plate variety 19/1 + Pof.168 plate variety, Havel 4,60CZK, horizontal strip of 3 with plate variety 43/1 + Pof.A289 production flaw, Baroque 50CZK, miniature sheet with production flaw - violet circle in the middle upper blue area above PU (republic); mint never hingedStarting price: 500 CZK
1998 Pof.167 production flaw, Winter Olympic Games Nagano 7CZK, upper marginal block-of-6 with production flaw on pos. 4 - significantly lighter blue face above "KÁ", "Reg and" "KA" name state; c.v.. doesn't report, interesting defect part of editionStarting price: 400 CZK
1998 Pof.179 production flaw, Nature Protection, corner blk-of-6 and block of four values 4,60CZK, production flaw - 179/49 line by beak + 179/9 blue stains near the head; mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.200CZK, only part of editionStarting price: 500 CZK
1998 Pof.179-182 production flaw, Nature Protection, value 8CZK corner blk-of-6 with production flaw on pos. 18 - color point in/at bushes + value 4,60CZK horizontal strip of 3 with production flaw on pos. 49 - line by pecker + value 4,60CZK, horizontal strip of 3 and single stamp., both with production flaw on pos. 9 - blue stains near the head; complete set popular flaws of occurring only part of editionStarting price: 700 CZK
1999-2003 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.209-212, Nature Protection 4,60-5Kč (incl. production flaw 210 pos. 30) + Pof.247, 700 years Horního law 5CZK + Pof.268, Summer Olympic Games Sydney 13CZK + Pof.278, Christmas 5CZK + Pof.364, Klaus 6,40CZK, comp. of 6 complete sheets; only face-value 1.520KčStarting price: 1 000 CZK +40,0 %
1999 Pof.215, 100. Years of Czech Olympic Committee 9CZK, pair with flaw print - L stamp. with incomplete-printings black lines in hair + on/for other stamp. strong black line in face; mint never hingedStarting price: 200 CZK
1999 Pof.PL216 plate variety, Europe - preserve and gardens 11CZK, 2x complete counter sheet, 1x with plate variety 5/F blue stain in mraku, 1x with plate variety 8/H green stain by stones; very fineStarting price: 300 CZK
1999 Pof.218 production flaw, Zodiac 9CZK, marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - bands black color through/over all pos.; mint never hinged, interestingStarting price: 300 CZK
1999 Pof.241 production flaw, Zodiac 5,40CZK, L marginal horizontal strip of 4, right stamp. with in advance narýsovanou line by pencil (maybe mark printing-plant about/by vzdálenosti in/at role/roll paper), for špatnou přilnavost HT color on/for tuze are along lines significant tmavozelené line marking/-s; very unusual, exists probably only 10 pieces, exceptional usage!Starting price: 1 000 CZK
1999 Pof.241 production flaw, Zodiac - Scorpio 5,40CZK, selection of marginal blk-of-10 with shifted perforation downward and marginal pairs with shifted perforation up (povolená perf between stamp.) + shift brown color; unusualStarting price: 2 000 CZK
2000 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.243, Traditions Czechosl. stamp. production 5,40CZK + Pof.244, Brno 2000 5CZK + Pof.247, 700 years Horního law 5CZK + Pof.258, Zodiac - Panna 2CZK + Pof.278, Christmas 5CZK, comp. 10 pcs of complete sheets, always plate A+B; only face-value 1.874KčStarting price: 900 CZK +88,9 %
2000 Pof.A245 production flaw No.1, miniature sheet BRNO 2000 value 50CZK, partially omitted red color (significant below value numeral 50), including standard miniature sheet on/for comparison; very fineStarting price: 800 CZK
2000 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.256-257, Personalities 5-8Kč, complete set in/at 4 pcs of whole counter sheet, always plate A+B, Mahler 8CZK 1x with c.v.. production flaw - partially double outline "CZK" bright distinct on/for almost all pos.; very fine, unfolded, cat. only production flaw ca. 6.000CZKStarting price: 1 500 CZK
2000 Pof.256 production flaw, Nezval 5CZK, comp. 2 pcs of bottom bnd-of-20 from sheet A and B, both with omitted perforation hole between pane position 38, 39, 48, 49, date of print 23.III.00; unfolded, very fineStarting price: 400 CZK
2001 Pof.A289 production flaw, miniature sheet Baroque 50CZK, comp. 2 pcs of with production flaw - violet circle, 2 various location, 1x in upper part printings above PU (republic) and 1x in the middle upper blue area above KÁ (Czech); mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.000CZKStarting price: 400 CZK
2001 Pof.302/303 production flaw, Nature Protection 5,40CZK, marginal vertical bnd-of-10 with date of print, on/for several stamp. significant black stains (bad stěr color); folded in perforation, soughtStarting price: 800 CZK
2002-2003 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.318, A. Valenta - gold medal 12CZK + Pof.352-353, Krajky 6,40-9Kč + Pof.358, For Children-issue 6,40CZK, comp. 8 pcs of complete sheets, always plate A+B; only face-value 1.420KčStarting price: 900 CZK
2003-2004 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.348, Vrchlický 6,40CZK + Pof.390, Technical Monuments 17CZK + Pof.407, Chráněné trees 6,50CZK + Pof.420, Christmas 6,50CZK, comp. 8 pcs of complete sheets, always plate A+B; only face-value 3.640KčStarting price: 2 200 CZK
2003 Pof.382 production flaw No.1, Klaus 6,50CZK, marginal block-of-6 with production flaw - significant shifted print nominal value; mint never hinged, also with common stamp. for comparisonStarting price: 1 000 CZK
2003 Pof.386 production flaw, Christmas 6,50CZK, vertical corner str-of-3 with autotronovými marks (KBZ), production flaw - shift ochre color downward (below upper small frame white band) and darker brown color; also with common strip with KBZ on/for comparison, unusualStarting price: 400 CZK
2004-2005 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.391, Eastern 6,50CZK + Pof.393, World Championship in ice hockey 12CZK + Pof.394, Vstup Czech Republic to EU 9CZK + Pof.421, Traditions Czechosl. stamp production 6,50CZK, comp. 8 pcs of complete sheets, always plate A+B; only face-value 2.555KčStarting price: 1 500 CZK
2005 Pof.421 production flaw, Traditions Czechosl. stamp production 6,50CZK, right the bottom corner horizontal strip of 5 with production flaw - significant black vlnité lines in the picture all stamp. (defect scrap); mint never hingedStarting price: 500 CZK
2005 Pof.423 production flaw, Beauty of Flowers Lilie 7,50CZK, L the bottom corner vertical strip of 3, production flaw - significant stains black color on 2 stamp. + L corner horizontal pair, production flaw - significant shift golden iridescentní color L-wards downward; mint never hinged, rareStarting price: 600 CZK
2005-2006 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.427, Eastern 7,50CZK + Pof.455, Christmas 7,50CZK + Pof.461, Paralympic Games Turín 7,50CZK + Pof.472, Flowers 7,50CZK, comp. 8 pcs of complete sheets, always plate A+B; only face-value 3.000CZKStarting price: 1 800 CZK
2005-2006 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.434, 200. Anniv of battle of Slavkov 19CZK + Pof.457, Traditions Czechosl. stamp production 7,50CZK + Pof.460, Winter Olympic Games Turín 9CZK + Pof.468, K. Neumannová - gold medal 9CZK, comp. 8 pcs of complete sheets, always plate A+B; only face-value 3.770KčStarting price: 2 200 CZK
2005 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.438, For Children-issue 7,50CZK + Bells 7,50-12Kč, complete set in/at whole 50 pcs of sheets, always plate A+B, value 7,50CZK in addition with zřetelným shifted print black color against ostatním barvám up; only face-value 3300CZKStarting price: 2 000 CZK
2005 Pof.A439/442, miniature sheet Krkonoše, violet bell-flowers; mint never hinged, supplemented with about/by miniature sheet with blue bell-flowersStarting price: 400 CZK
2005 Pof.443 production flaw, European Championships in baseballu 9CZK, upper marginal bnd-of-10 with production flaw - significant stains black printing color in the picture major-part stamp. (defect scrap); only vert. fold in perforation, interestingStarting price: 700 CZK
2005-2010 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.455, Christmas 7,50CZK + Pof.484-487, Kaktusy 7,50-10Kč + Pof.492, Vrtbovská garden 7,50CZK + Pof.505, Against cancer 7,50CZK + Pof.523, Comenius 12CZK + Pof.620, Rettigová 12CZK, comp. 7 pcs of complete sheets; only face-value 3.050KčStarting price: 1 800 CZK
2006 PRIVÁTNÍ PŘÍTISK / Pof.PL459, Bunch of Flowers 10CZK, CHYBOTISK with nesprávným year "2007", private additional printing P36419 - Koncertní hall O. Jeremiáše in/at Č. Budějovice; very fine, c.v.. Pěnkava 7.000CZKStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
2006 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.481, NP Czech Switzerland 19CZK + Pof.490-491, Dřevěné kostelíky 7,50-19Kč + Pof.492, Vrtbovská garden 7,50CZK, comp. of 8 complete sheets, always plate A+B, incl. all c.v.. plate variety; only face-value 5000CZKStarting price: 3 000 CZK
2006 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.486, 487, Kaktusy 10CZK, complete 50 pcs of sheet two same face values, incl. plate variety 21; mint never hinged, only vertical folded in perforationStarting price: 400 CZK
2006 Pof.498 production flaw, Praga 2008 7,50CZK, selection of two bloks of four with c.v.. production flaw 2/L2 and 53/P1 (in addition small/rare white circle also on pos. 12/L2) + 2 horiz. marginal pairs with significant shifted perforation 1x L-wards and 1x up and L-wards to to picture of stmp (c.v.. shift L-wards doesn't report); mint never hinged, nice selection ofStarting price: 800 CZK
2007 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.514 production flaw, Praga 2008 11CZK, complete 100 stamps sheet without print, only stamp. paper with gum and perf; mint never hingedStarting price: 2 000 CZK
2007 Pof.514 production flaw PRAGA 2008 11CZK blue, L the bottom corner stamp. with production flaw - slepá the bottom horiz. perf + upper corner str-of-3 with production flaw L8 - large white circle below "KA" in/at REPUBLIC; very fine, c.v.. 2.600CZKStarting price: 900 CZK +55,6 %
2007-2008 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.518, Rychlé šípy 7,50CZK + Pof.536, Christmas 7,50CZK + Pof.567, Stolička 12CZK + Pof.584, Předsednictví Czech Republic in/at Radě EU 17CZK, comp. 8 pcs of complete sheets, always plate A+B; only face-value 3.420KčStarting price: 2 000 CZK +10,0 %
2007 Pof.A525/528 production flaw, 2x miniature sheet White Carpathians, 1x with shifted perforation L-wards (on stmp 9CZK L vertical green margin) + 1x with production flaw - oblique blue line R at top by/on/at Č (ČESKÁ) at value 12CZK; unusualStarting price: 1 900 CZK
2007 Pof.A525/528 production flaw, miniature sheet White Carpathians, production flaw - oblique blue line R at top by/on/at Č (ČESKÁ); sought catalogue defectStarting price: 400 CZK +25,0 %
2008 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.541, Klostermann 11CZK + Pof.549, Navrátil 10CZK + Pof.555, Klaus 10CZK + Pof.567-568, Cestovatelé 12-21Kč + Pof.571, Monastery Emmaus 10CZK + Pof.581, Christmas 10CZK, comp. of 7 complete sheets; only face-value 4500CZKStarting price: 2 600 CZK +7,7 %
2008 Pof.543 production flaw, Beauty of Flowers 10CZK, horizontal pair, L stamp. with significant stains black printing color (defect scrap); decorativeStarting price: 300 CZK
2008 Pof.546 production flaw, Year planety Earth 18CZK, 2x complete complete 35 pcs of sheet, L and right/genuine, on/for right upper margin with perf - 5x nepravý coupon; mint never hinged, without folds, soughtStarting price: 1 800 CZK
2008 Pof.571 production flaw, Monastery Emmaus 10CZK, the bottom bnd-of-10 with date 20.VI.08, under the pos. 48-50 visible imprint of transfer roll black color (name state, but no in/at position TB as stamps); unfolded, small part of edition, cat. min. 1.200CZKStarting price: 800 CZK
2008 Pof.A574 plate variety, miniature sheet PRAGA 2008 35CZK with plate variety "registered cross above P (Republika)"; sought by specialists, c.v.. 1.200CZK italicStarting price: 600 CZK +400,0 %
2008 Pof.A574 production flaw, miniature sheet PRAGA 2008 35CZK with significant white line táhnoucí with in margin from kamenné zídky to right bottom corner; very rare defect, rare occurrenceStarting price: 2 000 CZK +300,0 %
2009 Pof.A589 production flaw, Protection polárních regions 35CZK, comp. 12 pcs of miniature sheets with production flaw, i.a. 5x production flaw 1 - black stain in right kře (various location and number of), 1x production flaw 2 - rose circle below krou "kreveta", 2x production flaw 3 - "sjezdovka" and oths.; only c.v.. production flaw 2.800CZK, interesting study selection ofStarting price: 1 500 CZK
2009 Pof.A593, Relikviář St. Maura 51CZK, comp. of 9 aršíků: 1x first edition with outlines round/about gravure on stmp., other souvenir sheets 1. printing also surplus print always with VV: 1x - 3x small/rare circle on various places miniature sheet; interestingStarting price: 1 500 CZK
2009 Pof.PL600, Rabín Löw 21CZK, complete counter sheet, significantly light color shade black also numeral value, katalogizováno; rare usage, including complete counter sheet common shade for comparison, in addition with production flaw 1/G - white cloud below starStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
2009 Pof.PL600, Rabín Löw 21CZK, complete set 8 PB according to fields A-H; mint never hingedStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
2010 Pof.630, Fifinka value A, variant A, sharp corners hologram and in/at address P.O.Box, complete set 6 pcs of stamp booklets according to single bklt sheets in/at printing form; only aktuální face-value 2.040KčStarting price: 1 200 CZK +25,0 %