1919 CPP2B, whole parcel post. dispatch-note with printed stmp Hradčany 10h blue in/at German variety, addressed to to Brno, with Hradčany 100h brown and 20h blue-green, CDS NOVÝ JIČÍN 7.XI.19, arrival nationalized CDS BRNO 8/11 19, sent back; only vertical fold, stamp. 100h near/in/at posting mounted klihem, rare usage whole dispatch-notes in/at German mutaci!
1920 Pof.CPP2C, whole Us dispatch-note with printed stmp Hradčany 10h blue in Slovak variety for parcel in/at price 500CZK, richly franked on both sides 30 pcs of (!) stamp. issue Hradčany 15h, Pof.7A, from that 2x bar types combination joined bar types, supplemented with 2 pcs of stamp. 10h red, CDS NAGYMAGYAR 920 Mar.8. (Zlaté Klasy), delivering fee paid by due stmp 10h with arrival CDS NAGYMEGYER 920 Mar.10. (Big Meder); good condition, vertical fold, margins in perforation near/in/at posting, rare Slovak variety post. dispatch-note with quite unique franking Hradcany-issue 15 halířových stamps!
Starting price: 5 000CZK
Sold: 5 000 CZK
---- CZK
1921 CPP4B, whole parcel card with printed stmp Hradčany 10h blue, Czech-German variety, for parcel in/at price 3.000CZK addressed to Rakovník, richly paid/franked on both sides 35 pcs of (!) stamp. issues Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, CDS MOST 19.I.21, general postal-charge 17CZK, delivering fee paid by due stmp 10h with arrival CDS RAKOVNÍK 21.I.21; 4 pcs of stamp. on reverse with torn off corner, toned, after all quite exceptional franking on/for parcel průvodce!
1925 CPP16, Hradčany 10h rare shading, addressed to to Turkey, cash franked/paid 21,35Kč, CDS VEJPRTY 3/ 4.V.25, transit KOŠICE 2/ 6.V.25, arrival SMYRNE 3.6.25; good condition, without folds
Starting price: 500CZK
Sold: 500 CZK
Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Postal Stationery 1918-39 / Postal C.O.D. Dispatch Form
1 700CZK
1920 CDP2B, whole I. part from double C.O.D. dispatch-note, Czech - German variety, with Hradčany 300h, Pof.23, posting nationalized CDS VYSOKÉ MÝTO 17/5 20, arrival postmark LITOMĚŘICE 15.V.20, returned with red cancel. NELZEVYROVNATI/ POSTAL OHLAŠOVNA V PRAGUE; slightly toned, without folds
Starting price: 1 600CZK+6,3 %
Sold: 1 700 CZK
---- CZK
1920 CDP3B, Hradčany 10h blue, 1. part from double C.O.D. dispatch-note, Czech-German variety, browny carton, with Hradčany 300h, CDS HORNÍ ROKETNICE 27.VII.20, 2-lines red cancel. Nelzevyrovnati/ Postal ohlašovna in Prague; only light vertical fold
Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Postal Stationery 1918-39 / Blank Forms
---- CZK
1919 whole Us Identity order to order telegraph with monogram Czechoslovakia (letters one above the other), with imprint Tisk.166 Czech., for poukázání amount 500CZK from Prague to Sliače, with Hradčany 100h brown + 30h yellow, posting nationalized CDS PRAGUE 27/ 23.VIII.19, arrival postmark SZLIÁCSFÜRDÖ 919 Aug/26; fold + tearing in margins, after all rare whole blank form with Hradčany franking!
1919-1930 BLANK FORMS - SPECIMENS / comp. 13 pcs of various blank forms, dispatch-notes and envelopes, i.a. double post. order 4 various varieties and variety, post. dispatch-note 3 varieties, envelope with post. C.O.D. order, 2 varieties customs prohlášek, 2x envelope of money letter and 1x envelope order letter; all perfect condition
Starting price: 1 000CZK+140,0 %
Sold: 2 400 CZK
---- CZK
1920 larger part forerunner official post. dispatch-note for financial guard on/for mailing service oděvu on/for detachment/section financial guard in/at Podvlku in/at Oravskéžupě - in/at that period plebiscitary territory, post Prague 1 PODAVNÁPOVOZNÁ, with Hradčany 300+40h with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 15.V.20, arrival postmark PODVLK 18.V.20, good condition
1918-1939PARTIE / stamp. on 4 sides A4, i.a. imperforated Hussite-issue 80h and 90h, Festival, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, II. air issue, postage-due 60/75h blue Opt, SO1920 (overprint) etc..; various quality
Starting price: 1 000CZK+200,0 %
Sold: 3 000 CZK
18 000CZK
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / semifinished collection unused / cancel. stamp. on hingeless sheets in spring folder Schaubek, from issue Hradčany (i.a. 2x 1000h, 2x gutter 3h), then Legionaire, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterprint (incl. various opposite facing pairs issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue), imperforated Red Cross, Festival and Congress incl. rozpracovaných wmk, coupons, gutter, souvenir sheets (without Anthem-issue, i.a. London), 2x Blue Štefánik, stamp. newspaper, air-mail, postage-due, military, SO1920 (overprint), mint never hinged SK1-2, hinged SK2a etc..; various quality, we advice viewings, part stamp. examined
Starting price: 7 000CZK+157,1 %
Sold: 18 000 CZK
56 000CZK
1918-1939; 1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] interesting semifinished collection from abroad, from issue Hradčany incl. values 500h, 1000h etc.., Legionaire (i.a. 28Aa, 30C), then POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterpress issues (i.a. 20h orange close opposite facing pair), then T. G. Masaryk and other issue, also several bloks of four and oths., in addition supplemented with about/by duplication cancel. collection and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 1945-1947 (mainly blocks of four); various quality, better item/-s expertized, we advice důkladnou examination!
Starting price: 7 000CZK+700,0 %
Sold: 56 000 CZK
4 500CZK
1860-1921 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS Z ČESKÝCHZEMÍ - Austria-Hungary + HRADČANY-issue / collection of pmk post from Czech countries on pages in 3 screw folder Schaubek, 2 album/-s contains postmarks from period of Austria - Hungary, stamps, cut-squares also entires, sorted on pages alphabetically A - Z, incl. postmarks train post + 1 album full cuts, stamp. and entires franked with. mainly stamp. HRADČANY-issue, sorted alphabetically H - M, contains a lot of nationalized postmark, very 1-kruhových cancel., etc..; total 7kg of material, originates from abroad
Starting price: 2 000CZK+125,0 %
Sold: 4 500 CZK
3 000CZK
1919-1938 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of more than 80 pcs of entires with various issues, mainly from 30. years, contains 36 pcs of Reg letters, 2x Reg and Express, 7x Ex, 1x letter with surtax 1CZK, 4 pcs of mailing to Yugoslavia, private also commercial correspondence; mainly good condition
Starting price: 1 500CZK+100,0 %
Sold: 3 000 CZK
1920 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI - advertising machine and hand-made postmark VII. FESTIVAL SOKOL PRAGUE 1920, selection of 34 pcs of Un philatelically influenced entires and 1 dárkového booklet with mounted stamp. all tehdejších issues, i.a. complete set of stamp. Hradčany, T. G. Masaryk 1920, issue Agriculture and Science, Newspaper stamps, Express all with print machine and hand-made advertising postmark issued to Sokol festival in Prague; good condition
Starting price: 500CZK+20,0 %
Sold: 600 CZK
Philately / Occupations / Sudetenland
2 800CZK
1938 ASCH / Mi.3, overprint Coat of arms 1,20Kč/20h, upper marginal block-of-4; mint never hinged, oblique bend in margin, certificate and exp. Brunel
Starting price: 2 800CZK
Sold: 2 800 CZK
---- CZK
1938 ASCH / Mi.5, overprint Masaryk 1,20/1Kč; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, certificate Brunel
Starting price: 1 300CZK
---- CZK
1938KARSLBAD / Mi.3 A EST, Coat of arms 20h red with green overprint KARLSBAD 1. X. 1938, on cut-square with print broken out CDS KARLSBAD 1/ 1.X.38; very fine, certificate Brunel, exp. Dr. Dub, c.v.. 300€, very rare usage stamps with postmark 1. of day!
Starting price: 3 000CZK
1 900CZK
1938 MAFFERSDORF / Mi.24, Masaryk 1CZK with overprint "Wir sind frei!"; mint never hinged, certificate Brunel, exp. H. E. Sieger, sought
Starting price: 1 900CZK
Sold: 1 900 CZK
---- CZK
1938 MAFFERSDORF / Mi.56, newspaper Pigeon-issue 5h with overprint "Wir sind frei!" as blk-of-4; mint never hinged, certificate Brunel, exp. by Mahr., c.v.. 600€, sought
Starting price: 5 500CZK
2 200CZK
1938 MAFFERSDORF / Mi.132, Czechoslovak legions 50h with overprint "Wir sind frei!" on cut-square postcard with special postmark MAFFERSDORF GEBURTSORTKONRADHENLEIN'S; very fine, certificate Brunel, exp. Dr. Hörr, sought
Starting price: 2 000CZK+10,0 %
Sold: 2 200 CZK
---- CZK
1938 REICHENBERG / comp. of 5 sheets paper A4 with mounted 22 pcs of Czechosl. stamp. with overprints "Wir sind frei!", contains i.a. rare values Olomouc 5CZK, Bratislava 10CZK (printing only 70ks!), Coat of arms 5h, Bohemian Paradise 3CZK, Slavkov 3,50CZK, Poděbrady 4CZK or complete issue Fügner 50h-2Kč, every stamp. with print special postmark REICHENBERG 1/ 8.OKT.1938; sporadically toned in perforation, all exp. Brunel BPP, cat. only as cancel. stamp. 3.975€, exceptional set!
1938 RUMBURG / COUNTER SHEET / Mi.25, Newspaper stamps 50/5h light blue, complete unfolded 100 stamps sheet with plate number 7-37 and overprint "Wir sind frei!", in addition print horiz. ledge in upper margin above pos. 8-10; mint never hinged, only light production folds in paper, konzultováno with expert, cat. only stamp. 1.530€++, usage complete sheets is exceptional!
Starting price: 3 600CZK
Sold: 3 600 CZK
1 600CZK
1938 RUMBURG / Mi.7, Beneš 50h, vertical blk-of-20; mint never hinged, all exp. Brunel, c.v.. 240€
Starting price: 1 600CZK
Sold: 1 600 CZK
3 800CZK
1938 RUMBURG / Mi.34+34 I, Newspaper stamps 100/50h brown, LR corner blk-of-4 with plate number 37 and overprint "Wir sind frei!", 2 stamp. R with plate variety - nalevonakloněný swastika; mint never hinged, quite small spot at lower margin out of stmp, production light folds in paper, certificate Brunel, c.v.. 360€
Starting price: 3 600CZK+5,6 %
Sold: 3 800 CZK
---- CZK
1938 RUMBURG / Mi.P7 + P7 I, rumburský overprint on/for Czechosl. PC Coat of arms 50h, comp. of 2 Un pieces, 1x swastika inverted; very nice quality
1938BÖHMISCH-KAMNITZ (Česká Kamenice) / Un card with additional-printing "Offizielle Gedenkkarte der town B. Kamnitz", mounted Czechosl. stamp. Coat of arms 10h and 20h with regionálním overprint "Wir sind frei!", 2 print red special postmark BÖHMISCH-KAMNITZ3.OKT.1938; very fine
Starting price: 1 000CZK+10,0 %
Sold: 1 100 CZK
1938FREIHEITSAU, FREUDENTHAL, FREIWALDAU, FREIDLAND / comp. 7 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks, 1x as Registered FREIDLAND, personal also commercial correspondence; good condition, originates from important collection from abroad
Starting price: 500CZK+40,0 %
Sold: 700 CZK
1 400CZK
1938PRESSNITZ (Přísečnice) / postcard with Hindenburg 12pfg with provisory straight line postmark "Pressnitz", to Prague, blue straight line postmark "CENSUROVÁNO"; very fine, nice postal imprint from today already zaniklého town
Starting price: 400CZK+250,0 %
Sold: 1 400 CZK
1938 ASCH / Mi.3, overprint Coat of arms 1,20Kč/20h, mounted on/for Un propagandistic postcard "Wir habenesgeschafft!", CDS AŠ 1/ 30.IX.38, supplemented with red propagandistic cachet "Wir haben..."; very fine, certificate Brunel
Starting price: 700CZK+14,3 %
Sold: 800 CZK
5 500CZK
1963ODBORNÁLITERATURA / SUDETENLAND / DIE POSTWERTZEICHEN DES SUDETENLANDES, Dr. Hugo Hörr and Dr. E. Dub 1963, 2. issue, exceedingly rare publication věnující with individual overprint issue Sudetenland as Karlsbad, Rumburg, Niklasdorf, Reichenberg, Asch etc.., lot of picture, popisů, statement editions, overprint types, entires etc..; exceptionally in good condition condition, as new, incl. originálníhodistribučníhobalícího paper, today practically nedostupnýtitul
Starting price: 5 500CZK
Sold: 5 500 CZK
2 600CZK
1938-1939 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps with overprint "Wir sind frei!", "TURNOV" and entires with various special postmark, i.a. EGER 1. ZEPPELINLANDUNG IM SUDETENLAND, AM 4.DEZEMBERDEIN JA DEM FÜHRER, DER FÜHRER IN HAIDA, etc.., then various letters, cut-squares etc..; placed in 10-sheet album A4, offered as jest, interesting
Starting price: 2 000CZK+30,0 %
Sold: 2 600 CZK
Philately / Occupations / Hungarian Occupation
1 700CZK
1938-1940 [COLLECTIONS] occupation SLOVENSKA A PODKARPATSKÉRUSI / collection 39 pcs of entires with postmarks annexed post, i.a. VISSZATÉRT KASSA, DUNASZERDAHELY, KOMÁROM, LÉVA, LOSONC, ERSEKUJVÁR, RIMASOMBAT, ROZSNYÓ, SAUJHELY, IPOLYSÁG, MUNKÁCS, UNGVÁR, BEREGSZÁSZ, + Postal Agency ALBÁR, SZAP, CSALLÓKÖZNÁDASO, HRONOV, supplemented with various CDS, part philatelically motivated mailing; good condition
Starting price: 1 600CZK+6,3 %
Sold: 1 700 CZK
Philately / Czechoslov. Exile and FP / Exile issue
1939-1940 AS2a, Newspaper miniature sheet 1937, exhibition NY 1939, black text and black emblem (mint never hinged, warping paper) + AS8a, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, exhibition NY 1940, black text and black emblem (hinged)
Starting price: 500CZK+60,0 %
Sold: 800 CZK
56 000CZK
1939 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister, autograph on miniature sheet AS4d, Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1939, black text, blue emblem, printing error "SBOVAK" place SLOVAK; hinged, very decorative and sought, Benešův signature on rare variant miniature sheet!
Starting price: 4 000CZK+1 300,0 %
Sold: 56 000 CZK
1 600CZK
1940 AS8a, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, exhibition NY 1940, black text and black emblem + 2x AS9a, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and black emblem; all with memorial postmarks, minor faults and slightly toned
Starting price: 700CZK+128,6 %
Sold: 1 600 CZK
2 200CZK
1940 AS9e, miniature sheet Praga 1938, exhibition NY 1940, green pavilion on coupon, black text and golden emblem; small minor gum fault, otherwise very nice quality
Starting price: 1 200CZK+83,3 %
Sold: 2 200 CZK
---- CZK
1940AS13a, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, black emblem, black text exhibition NY 1940, green exhibition hall on coupon; mint never hinged, warping paper, in margin small toned, sought
1945AS14+15, Lidice miniature sheet Belgium, both language variety, Walloon + Flemish text; mint never hinged, overall fine
Starting price: 1 000CZK+50,0 %
Sold: 1 500 CZK
Philately / Czechoslov. Exile and FP / CS.FP - England
7 000CZK
1940 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister, autograph on memorial sheet on/for visit Beneš on/for castle Cholmondeley (i.a. zázemí Czechosl. units near/in/at přípravách operation Anthropoid), mounted Brit. stamp. 2P with blue special postmark; nice good condition
Starting price: 1 500CZK+366,7 %
Sold: 7 000 CZK
2 600CZK
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection commemorative sheets, cards, entires with various special postmarks FP; as multiple interesting
Starting price: 500CZK+420,0 %
Sold: 2 600 CZK
Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Forerunners
1 700CZK
1939 Reg letter addressed to to USA, franked with. i.a. souběžným miniature sheet For Children-issue 1938, Pof.A335, general mixed franking 5,60Kč, CDS 13.VIII.39, supplemented with censorship black round cancel. D.K. PRAGUE 25, on reverse arrival postmark NEW YORK 8.21. 1939; oblong envelope, good condition, rare usage miniature sheet For Children-issue on/for Bohemian and Moravian mailing!
Starting price: 1 500CZK+13,3 %
Sold: 1 700 CZK
1939 Reg, express and airmail letter sent as Printed matter from Brno to Germany, with mixed franking Czechosl. airmail stmp 3CZK, Pof.L10 and 3 pcs of German stamp. in/at general franking 45Pf, posting red special postmark BRNO 1/ 20.III.39/ Visit leader and empire chancellor 17. March 1939, on reverse air-mail framed pmk PRAGUE 7/ 21.III.39; good condition, philatelically motivated mailing with usage Czechosl. forerunner airmail stamps
Starting price: 600CZK+16,7 %
Sold: 700 CZK
1939 Reg, express and airmail letter sent from Brno to Veselí nad Moravou, franked with. Czechosl. forerunner air stamp., Pof.L7 2x, L9, L10 in/at general value franking 6CZK, 2x print red special postmark postmark BRÜNN 19.III.1939/ Tag des Dankes an day Befreier, 1x CDS BRNO 1/ 21.III.39, Reg label Brno 1 (ex offo), on reverse arrival postmark VESELÍ N. M. 22.III.39; good condition, philatelically motivated mailing with usage Czechosl. forerunner airmail stamps
Starting price: 600CZK
Sold: 600 CZK
1 100CZK
1939 Reg and airmail letter with mixed parallel franking Czechosl. postage and air-mail and Bohemian and Moravian overprint and definitive stamp., CDS PLZEŇ 2/ 17.VIII.39, on reverse years. framed pmk PRAGUE 7/ AIRMAIL 17.VIII.39, and arrival postmark SPLIT 19.VIII.39, exchange control; on reverse hints of adjustaci, otherwise nice good condition
Starting price: 1 000CZK+10,0 %
Sold: 1 100 CZK
---- CZK
1939 heavier Reg letter to Wien (Vienna), right franked on front side by stamp. Pof.300, Comenius 40h 12x + on reverse 2x and 4x Coat of arms 5h, Pof.248, CDS TÁBOR 1.VI.39; vert. fold, otherwise very fine, interesting and exact franking
Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Česko-Slovensko and late prints
---- CZK
1939 PLATE PROOF Pof.352, Masaryk 1 Koruna ČESKO-SLOVENSKO, master die in/at green color on chalky paper without gum; very nice quality, certificate Pfeiffer BPP, sought plate proof for collector CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 also Protectorate!
Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Overprint Issue
2 800CZK
1939 Pof.8PD, Štefánik 60h violet, LR corner blk-of-4 without registry point; mint never hinged, sought
Starting price: 1 800CZK+55,6 %
Sold: 2 800 CZK
1939 Pof.11DV, 13 production flaw, Coat of arms 5h and Mukachevo 1,20CZK, blocks of four with 1x plate variety - missing dot after/behind "by/on/at" + block of four Kutná Hora with 3x "8ÖHMEN"; mint never hinged, 1x exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: 400CZK
Sold: 400 CZK
1 100CZK
1939 Pof.16 plate number, Bohemian Paradise 3CZK brown. L the bottom corner piece with plate number 1A, lower close margin (slightly cut); hinge / label and minor faults
Starting price: 1 000CZK+10,0 %
Sold: 1 100 CZK
1939 Pof.16 plate number, Bohemian Paradise 3CZK, L the bottom corner stamp. with plate number 1, close margin and registry point; mint never hinged, exp. by Mrnak
Starting price: 400CZK+25,0 %
Sold: 500 CZK
4 000CZK
1939 Pof.17KH, Poděbrady 4CZK violet, UR corner blk-of-4 with 2 coupon; mint never hinged
Starting price: 2 000CZK+100,0 %
Sold: 4 000 CZK
6 500CZK
1939 Pof.17KPd, Poděbrady 4CZK violet, LR corner blk-of-5 with 1 coupon; mint never hinged
Starting price: 2 400CZK+170,8 %
Sold: 6 500 CZK
3 200CZK
1939 Pof.K17 plate number, Poděbrady 4CZK violet, LR corner blk-of-4 with coupons with plate number 1; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: 3 000CZK+6,7 %
Sold: 3 200 CZK
3 200CZK
1939 Pof.K18 plate number, Olomouc 5CZK green, LL corner blk-of-4 with coupons with plate number 1, without registry point; mint never hinged, sought
Starting price: 3 200CZK
Sold: 3 200 CZK
2 400CZK
1939 Pof.K18 plate number, Olomouc 5CZK green, LL corner blk-of-4 with coupons with plate number 1A, without registry point; minor gum fault, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: 2 400CZK
Sold: 2 400 CZK
1939 Pof.19 KH, Bratislava 10CZK, corner stamp. with upper coupon and partially zastřiženým margin, registry point; mint never hinged
Starting price: 400CZK+25,0 %
Sold: 500 CZK
---- CZK
1939 Pof.19KPd, Bratislava 10CZK blue, 2 pcs of, L the bottom corner piece with coupon + upper marginal piece with coupon R, without L margins; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert