1894 SLOVAKIA / envelope of money letter for value 1467,25Frt, franked with 3 stamps Letter with cipher 2+5+50Kr, CDS STROPKÓ 94/Jul/2 (Stropkov), good condition seal; only bend
1933 WIPA REPÜLES BUDAPEST - WIEN / green cachet of flight on card franked with Hungarian airmail stamps Mi.502-507, CDS LEGIPOSTA BUDAPEST 933 Jun.24, arrival postmark WIPA WIEN FLUGPOST 24.VI.33; good condition
Starting price: 400CZK
Sold: 400 CZK
---- CZK
1919 BARANYA / selection of 11 various stamps, cut-squares, blocks of four and strips of various issue with overprint Baranya; slightly toned, all with certificates Šedivý