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1874-1920 [COLLECTIONS] EXHIBIT - BAVARIA POSTAL STATIONERY / exhibit of bavarian p.stat on 199 pages (!!), contains total 390 pcs official also private PC, Ppc, envelopes, letter cards, newspaper wrappers, phonecards and p.stat dispatch-notes, from major-part unused, but also used, several PC uprated and sent as Registered; good condition, placed in 2 boxes, ex Nekvasil and HauznerStarting price: 10 000 CZK +210,0 %
1859-1865 [COLLECTIONS] page of classic from old collection issue 1859, 1863; various quality, higher catalogue, we advice viewingStarting price: 3 000 CZK +6,7 %
1873-1919 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album Lindner, i.a. Mi. 45b, 54 - 5Mark **, 58 etc.. , also good sets as Mi.107-111, 217-226 etc., better stamps expertized; cat. min. 2.050€Starting price: 3 000 CZK +20,0 %
1934 Mi.554-555, Schiller6Pfg - 12Pfg, complete set in blocks of four, 12Pfg with upper margin; mint never hinged c.v.. ca. 500€Starting price: 1 200 CZK +8,3 %
1939 Mi.730-738, Buildings and castles 3Pfg-40Pfg; very fine marginal block-of-4, c.v.. 375€++Starting price: 2 400 CZK
1944 Mi.873-885, Day of Wehrmacht II., complete popular set in blocks of four; very fine, c.v.. 110€Starting price: 500 CZK
1919 Reg commercial card to Czechoslovakia, franked with surtax stamps, 3x 10+5Pf, Mi.105, CDS ERFURT 31.5.19; good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
1935 Reg letter with miniature sheet OSTROPA, Mi. Bl.3 with exhibition postmark and in addition stamp 8Pfg Hindenburg; very nice quality, c.v.. 1.500€Starting price: 6 000 CZK
1937 Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet Danzig Exhibition, correct size 146x105mm; mint never hinged, fine, c.v.. 140€Starting price: 600 CZK +16,7 %
1938 Mi.298-301, Airmail VIII 10Pfg - 50Pfg; complete set, mint never hinged left bottom corner blocks of four, c.v.. ca. 275€+Starting price: 800 CZK +112,5 %
1931 UNGARNFAHRT 1931 / air-mail card franked with airmail stamp issue 1924 10+40+1G, Mi.202, 204, 205, posting oval pmk DANZIG 5/ LUFTPOST 21.3.31, supplemented with CDS FREDRICHSHAFEN 28.3.31, 2x red flight cachet incl. Hungarian, CDS BUDAPEST 931 Mar.29, addressed to Germany; good conditionStarting price: 1 600 CZK
1932 LUPOSTA - DANZIG, RÜCKFAHRT / airmail letter sent by return flight Graf Zeppelin to Poland, franked with. 2 stamps 1G, Mi.212, posting exhibition cancel. INTERNATIONALE LUFTPOST EXHIBITION/ DANZIG 1.7.32, supplemented with green flight cachet "Rückfahrt ab Danzig", on reverse CDS DANZIG 31.7.32 and MC FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 1.8.32; only lightly toned, fineStarting price: 1 200 CZK
1943 Mi.1-14, overprint issue 1Q/3Q - 3Fr + special-delivery 25Q; complete set, 1x minor gum fault, overall very fine quality, c.v.. 500€Starting price: 2 600 CZK +30,8 %
1941 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION / Mi.I-IV, 20Fr - 100Fr in very fine corner pcs; c.v.. 180€++Starting price: 1 100 CZK +118,2 %
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION / Mi.IX-XIV, Portraits, complete set in 4-stamps PB; minor gum faults in margins out of stamps, overall fine quality, c.v.. 1.100€Starting price: 6 000 CZK
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION / Mi.V-VIII, overprint "Airplane" 50Fr - 50Fr; complete set, hinged, c.v.. for * 280€Starting price: 1 500 CZK +60,0 %
1944 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XX A, marginal piece with overprint LANGEMARK; mint never hinged, c.v.. 250€, rareStarting price: 2 000 CZK +40,0 %
1941 FRANCE / issue for French legion, Mi.Bl.1, "bear"; popular miniature sheet, size 93,5x 116mm; overall very fine quality, c.v.. 800€Starting price: 5 000 CZK
1944 LAIBACH / Mi.21-27, Italian air-mail with overprint PROVINZ LAIBACH, on bianco envelope; very fineStarting price: 10 000 CZK
1941 LITHUANIA / Mi.1-9, overprint 2 K - 80K; complete set, Mi.1 hinged, c.v.. ca. 160€Starting price: 700 CZK
1939 MEMEL / German administration, Mi.1I-4I, Lithuania 15C - 60C with German overprint MEMELLAND IST FREI, all type I.; mint never hinged, Mi.IV minor faults, c.v.. 140€Starting price: 1 200 CZK +66,7 %
1944 MONTENEGRO / Mi.20-28, overprint set „Refugee help“; minor gum faults, mainly mint never hinged, c.v.. ** 660€Starting price: 2 000 CZK +100,0 %
1944 MONTENEGRO / Mi.20-28, rare overprint set „Refugee help", cancel. CETINJE 12.VI. 44, arrival HERCEGNOVI; c.v.. 2.000€Starting price: 8 000 CZK
1944 MONTENEGRO / Mi.29-35, overprint Red Cross 25C - 2L; complete set mint never hinged, minor gum fault, c.v.. 400€Starting price: 1 500 CZK
1915 POLAND / Registered and Express letter to Prague, franked with complete overprint issues Fischer 1-5 + block of four value 3Pfg, CDS WARSCHAU 18.7.15, on reverse arrival postmark.; good conditionStarting price: 400 CZK
1941 SERBIA / Mi.31-45, overprint 0,25D - 30D; 3x minor gum fault, overall fineStarting price: 700 CZK
1943 SERBIA / Mi.Bl.1 and Bl.2, souvenir sheets with cancel. BELGRADE 28.VI 43; very fine, certificates Novakovič and Caffaz, c.v.. 1.800€Starting price: 7 500 CZK
1942 UKRAINE / Mi.21x+21xII – 24x+24XIIo and 25x+25xII – 28x+28xIIo; Wladimir/ Volynsk 6Pfg -60Pfg and Luboml 6Pfg -60Pfg, total 4 sets, all II. types, 2x four pairs, lower always plate variety „small S in HILFSPOST“, on cut-squares with cancel. DER GEBIETSKOMMISSARIAT…, two certificates Zirath, very fine and rare, c.v.. 4.800€++Starting price: 24 000 CZK
1943 ZARA (Zadar) / Mi.1-15, overprints on Italian 5 Cent. - 5 Lire as usual without expensive 3.70 Lire; very fine, c.v.. 1.680€Starting price: 4 500 CZK
1920-1923 [COLLECTIONS] small mixed collection of mint also used stamps on 10 pages Schaubek, various values, complete also incomplete sets, air-mails etc..; various qualityStarting price: 2 000 CZK
1950-1953 Mi.Bl.7 (2x) 8A, 8, 9A,B, souvenir sheets DEBRIA 2x and Marx and Engel 4x (2 imperforated); very fine, c.v.. 730€Starting price: 2 200 CZK +9,1 %
1953 Mi.386-395, Marx, ministerial booklet with prints of 10 stamps, all with CDS DRESDEN; very fineStarting price: 500 CZK
1949-1956 [COLLECTIONS] valuable selection on 2 pages from stockbook, i.a. block of four Mi.260, set 261-270, 3x Block Engels, set 5 years plan I and II (2x); mainly good quality, cat. over 3.000€Starting price: 3 200 CZK
1906 Mi.45, Scenes 5M Deutsches Reich with wmk and with overprint MOROCCO 6P25C, cancel. FES; very fine piece, c.v.. 400€Starting price: 2 000 CZK +10,0 %
1900 Mi.7s-19s, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg-5M, without watermark, complete set SPECIMEN; very fine and rare, c.v.. 1.300€Starting price: 11 000 CZK
1900 Reg letter from LOME to Germany with Mi.1-6 + other Mi.1 and 2; very fine, stamp 10Pfg is 10Pfg "lilarot", cat. min. 630€Starting price: 4 500 CZK
1899-1918 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on pages in folder, i.a. Cameroon Mi.20-25, Marschall Islands 5M with wmk, DSA with Mi.24-32 and oths.; overall fine quality, c.v.. ca. 600€Starting price: 3 000 CZK +13,3 %
1899-1918 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of incomplete but also complete sets from issues Emperor´s Yacht on 12 pages in stockbook A4, incl. also highest values etc.; mainly hinged, overall fine quality, cat. according to owner ca. 2.500€, we advice viewingsStarting price: 6 000 CZK +8,3 %
1906-1941 [COLLECTIONS] PICTURE POSTCARDS / interesting selection of 40 various PC, from that 16 with commemorative postmarks., 10 postally Us, contains among others Mi.P214, P239, P240 with red additional-printing; sound conditionStarting price: 600 CZK +66,7 %
1912 preprinted orange airmail card of post on Rhine franked with airmail stamp 1M/10Pf "Gelber Hund (yellow dog)", Mi. IV. + 5Pf Germania, special postmark DARMSTADT/ FLUGPOST AM RHEIN 19.6.12; perfect condition Starting price: 900 CZK +44,4 %
1912 preprinted orange airmail card of post on Rhine franked with airmail stamp 1M/10Pf "Gelber Hund", Mi. IV. + 5Pf Germania, special postmark DARMSTADT/ FLUGPOST AM RHEIN 19.6.12; on reverse some traces of adjustment, otherwise good conditionStarting price: 700 CZK +114,3 %
1927 first flight BERLIN - PRAGUE - VIENNA / PC 5Pf uprated with airmail stamp 10Pf sent 1. flight to Vienna, posting special postmark BERLIN C2/ ERSTER POSTFLUG BERLIN - PRAG - WIEN/ 21.3.27, red arrival postmark WIEN 1/ FLUGPOST 21.III.27; good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK
1924 1. FAHRT NACH AMERICA / official card with additional-printing Zeppelin LZ 126, Z.R. 3 transported by this flight to New York, with tricolor franking of stamps "air-mail" 1924, Mi.344 2x, 345 2x, 346, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN LUFTPOST 15.Sep. 24, confirmation blue oval pmk MIT LUFTSCHIFF Z.R. 3 BEFÖRDERT; good condition, exp. RichterStarting price: 2 000 CZK +20,0 %
1928 1. AMERIKAFAHRT / airmail letter to USA, Sie.21g, franked with Zeppelin stamp 4RM brown, Mi.424, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 10.Okt.28, confirmation blue oval pmk and arrival postmark NEW YORK Oct.16.1928, incl. content; without defects, c.v.. 750€Starting price: 3 000 CZK
1929 1. AMERIKAFAHRT 1929, airmail photo postcard to USA, Sie.26A, franked with airmail of pair of stamps 1RM, Mi.382, CDS FRIDRICHSHAFEN 1.Jul.29, blue flight cachet and arrival postmark NEW YORK Aug.5. 1929 and PORT HURON Aug/6 1929; very fineStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
1929 1. AMERIKAFAHRT 1929, airmail letter addressed to Chicago, Sie.26A, franked with marginal stamp Zeppelin 4RM, Mi.424, CDS FRIDRICHSHAFEN 15.Mai.29, red straight line postmark of delayed flight Beförderung verzögert..., blue flight cachet and on reverse arrival postmark NEW YORK Aug.5. 1929; very fineStarting price: 1 500 CZK +13,3 %
1929 MITTELMEERFAHRT / airmail letter to Spain, with 2RM, Mi.365, posting MC FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 22.4.29, red flight cachet, MC SEVILLA 24.Abr. 29 and arrival CDS MATARO 26.Abr.29; fine, exp. RichterStarting price: 1 200 CZK
1929 MITTELMEERFAHRT, Sie.24Be, card franked with airmail stamp 1RM, Mi.382 with deck cancel. GRAF ZEPPELIN 22.4.1929, red flight cachet, to Monaco, on reverse MC SEVILA 24.Abr.29; very fine, cat. min. 450€Starting price: 1 000 CZK
1930 RHEINLAND FAHRT / air-mail card addressed to Hamburg, franked with multicolor franking of postage and airmail stamps., CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 5.7.30, supplemented with 2 red cachets and arrival CDS KÖLN LUFTPOSTAMT 6.7.30; only small tearing in lower marginStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1930 SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT / airmail letter to Brazil, Sie.57E, franked with Zeppelin stamp 4M, Mi.439, CDS LUFTSCHIF/ GRAF ZEPPELIN 19.5.1930, supplemented with red flight cachet, on reverse CDS MANHA 25.V.30 and oval violet air-mail cancel. CORREIO - AEREO/ RIO DE JANEIRO 25.Mai.1930; good condition, c.v.. 550€Starting price: 2 600 CZK
1931 2.SAF 1931, Sie.129D - postcard (count von Zeppelin) franked with rare mixed franking 2x 1RM POLARFAHRT + Brasilina zeppelin stamps, so franking "there also back"; very fine, rare, cat. min. 650€Starting price: 9 000 CZK
1931 POLARFAHRT 1931 / letter addressed to USA, forwarded by LZ 127, franked with Zeppelin stamp. Polar flight 4RM, Mi.458, CDS FRIEDRICHSFEN 24.7.31, red flight cachet and cancel. BRISE-GLACE MALYGIN 27.VII.31; good condition, only Mi.458 as simple franking c.v.. 1.100€, rare decorative entireStarting price: 4 000 CZK
1931 POLARFAHRT 1931, airmail postcard to USA, transported by Zeppelin LZ 127, franked with Zeppelin stamp 2RM Polar flight, Mi.457, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 24.7.31, red flight cachet and cancel. BRISE-GLACE MALYGIN 27.VII.31; good conditionStarting price: 2 000 CZK
1931 UNGARNFAHRT 1931 / Sie.101; thematic postcard Zeppelin "Victoria Louise" to Budapest, franked with airmail 1RM Mi.382, CDS LUFTSCHIFF GRAFZEPPELIN 29.3.1931, arrival postmark BUDAPEST, red cachets; good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
1932 5. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT / deck airmail card to Brazil, franked with Zeppelin stamp 1RM, Mi.455 and postage stamp 40Pf, CDS LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN 1.9.32, violet flight cachet, arrival postmark RECIFE 1.IX.32, supplemented with private label; bend, text address mainly fadedStarting price: 800 CZK
1932 7. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT / Reg and airmail letter to Brazil, franked with Zeppelin stamp 1RM, Mi.455 and airmail stamps 15+15+50Pf, CDS BAD ALZELMEN 19.9.32, red round cancel. connecting flight STUTTGART - FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and olive zeppelin cachet, on reverse arrival postmark PERNAMBUCO 29.IX.32; ligtly tonedStarting price: 1 500 CZK
1932 ENGLANDFAHRT / 2 entires, 1x air-mail card and 1x airmail photopostcard to Great Britain, postcard franked with airmail stamps 50+20+5Pf, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 2.7.32 supplemented with yellow flight cachet + photo postcard Zeppelin with 50+25Pf with violet cancel. LUFTSCHIF GRAF ZEPPELIN 4.7.32 and arrival CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 4.7.32; slightly tonedStarting price: 1 100 CZK
1933 5. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT / airmail letter to Buenos Aires, franked with stamps 100+25+50Pf, CDS FRIEDRICHSFAFEN 19.8.33, red flight cachet; good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1933 DEUTSCHLANDFAHRT / 2 entires, 1x air-mail card with multicolor franking of postage stamps, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 1.5.33, green flight cachet and arrival postmark DRESDEN FLUGHAFEN 1.5.33 (without defects) + 1x airmail letter franked with blocks of four postage stamps Mi.479-481, same postmark also cachet (stain on envelope)Starting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
1933 CHICAGOFAHRT WELTAUSSTELLUNG / Sie.238Aab, airmail letter to Jena through Rio de Janeiro, franked with Zeppelin stamps 1RM CHICAGOFAHRT, Mi.496 and postage stamps Hindenburg, CDS BERLIN 14.10.33, red trigonal flight cachet and red cachet of connecting flight Berlin - Friedrichschafen, on reverse transit Districto Federal 18.Out.1933 and arrival postmark BERLIN 5.11.33; without defects, rare, c.v.. 925€Starting price: 7 000 CZK