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1926 FOOTBALL / AC SPARTA PRAGUE / postcard sent from New York with signatures of players: Hochmann, Fleischmann, Pešek-Káďa, Janda-Očko, Poláček, Small, Miclík, Maloun, Dolejší, Red, Horejs, Kolenatý, Steiner, Perner, Hajný, originates from proslulého tour Sparta to America on/for invitation his/her/its jmenovkyně Sparta Chicago, Czechs with utkali with nejlepšími from tamních clubs and utrpěli pouhé 2 porážky, this road napomohla to rozšíření povědomí about/by evropském football and also about/by young Czechoslovakia; nice good condition, very soughtStarting price: 2 000 CZK +250,0 %
1932 FOOTBALL / FK VIKTORIA ŽIŽKOV / postcard sent from Zagreb with signatures of players: Suchý, Zajíček, Hruška, Moudrý, Průša, Mourek, Benda, Steiner, Kettner; very nice good condition, soughtStarting price: 1 000 CZK +60,0 %
1945 FOOTBALL / INTERNACIONÁLOVÉ / postcard sent from Trnava with signatures of players: Kopecký, Bican, Plánička, Říha, Bradáč, Bláha and oths.; very nice good condition, soughtStarting price: 1 000 CZK +30,0 %
1990 FOOTBALL / championship ITALY 1990 / postcard Rome with manual signatures of players: Kocian, Bielik, Chovanec, Bílek, Stejskal, Němec, Skuhravý, Kubík, Mikloško, Moravčík, Hýravý, Griga and oths.; very fineStarting price: 700 CZK +357,1 %
1962 FOOTBALL / REPREZENTACE Czechoslovakia / postcard sent from Brussels from dodatečného match for technique on/for championship 1962, match with Skotskem (4:2), with signatures of players: Kvašňák, Tichý, Dvořák, Adamec, Scherer, Schrojf, Masopust, Kučera, Vacenovský, Pluskal, Pospíchal, Novák, Jelínek; very nice good conditionStarting price: 1 200 CZK
1970 FOOTBALL / REPREZENTACE Czechoslovakia / postcard sent from přátelského zápasu France - Czechoslovakia (3:0) with signatures of players: Geleta, Veselý, Albrecht, Pivarník, Dobiáš, Hagara, Kuna, J. Novák, Vencel, Rýgr, Hrivnák, Vejvoda, Jurkanin, Viktor, Migas; nice good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK
2016 GYMNASTICS / ČÁSLAVSKÁ Věra (1941-2016), Czechoslovak gymnastka and sedminásobná Olympic champion, autograph on podpisové card with photo; very fineStarting price: 600 CZK
1958 HOCKEY / championship OSLO 1958 / postcard sent from championship with manual signatures hokejistů: Fröhlich, Starší, Kasper, Jiřík, Pantůček, Kulíček, Volf, Bartoň, Nadrchal, Bacílek, Schwach, Gut, Tikal, Šašek, Vlach; nice good conditionStarting price: 800 CZK +112,5 %
1928 JUNKOVÁ Eliška (1900–1994), Czech car závodnice, handwritten letter with signature on/for heading paper with datací; from early period are letters E. Junkové soughtStarting price: 1 000 CZK +500,0 %
1976 KANADSKÝ HOKEJOVÝ POHÁR 1976 / postcard sent from 1. year Kanadského cup with signatures of players: Šťastný, Martinec, Hlinka, Ebermann, Machač, Bubla and other; tonedStarting price: 500 CZK +460,0 %
1912 KOŽELUH Joseph (1890-1974), Czech footballer and tennis-player, i.a. působil as coach by/on/at Danish Royal family, dělal sparringpartnera švédskému králi Gustavovi, handwritten text with signature on Ppc Torino; good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK
OWENS Jesse (1913-1980), American vrcholový athlete, sprinter and dálkař, proslulý svými úspěchy on/for Summer Olympic Games in Berlin 1936, autograph with dedication on/for podpisové paper slip; very fine, soughtStarting price: 1 000 CZK +500,0 %
STUCK Hans (1900-1978), important German car racer, autograph on tématické photo postcard; good condition, soughtStarting price: 1 200 CZK
1931-1936 TENNIS / KOŽELUH John, MARŠÁLEK, MALEČEK, HECHT and BURIÁNEK, 2 postcard with signatures Czechosl. tennis-players, from year 1931 from South Africa with odlepenou stamp. and 1x from Zagreb from year 1936; interesting contemporary documentStarting price: 700 CZK
1949 VRZÁŇOVÁ Alena (Ája) (1931-2015), Czech figure skater and podnikatelka, dvojnásobná mistryně world in/at figure skating in/at soutěži women from y. 1949 and 1950, signature with dedication on own portrait postcard; slightly toned, overall good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK
1955 ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922-2000) and ZÁTOPKOVÁ Dana (1922-2020), Czechoslovak athlete - běžec, TESTER Olympic champion and Czechoslovak athlete - oštěpařka, Olympic champion, handwritten spolupodpisy on Ppc sent from London from plant/race, on/for which/what Zátopka porazil Gordon Pirie; good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
1999 BELLA Ivan, Col. (1964) the first Slovak astronaut + FULIER Michael, Col. náhradník for years first Slovak astronaut, handwritten signatures both astronauts on/for memorial sheet with miniature sheet also FDC issued to this flight (Alb.183H), supplemented with signature of author miniature sheet D. NagelStarting price: 900 CZK +33,3 %
1978 REMEK Vladimír (*1948), single Czechoslovak astronaut, signature with date 10.9.78 on/for special card; very fineStarting price: 400 CZK
TĚREŠKOVOVÁ Valentina (*1937), Soviet kosmonautka and the first woman in space, autograph on envelope with mounted tématickou stamp.; very fine and soughtStarting price: 2 000 CZK +20,0 %
1978-1979 REMEK Vladimír (*1948), single Czechoslovak astronaut and PELČÁK Oldřich (*1943) Czech astronaut and militar pilot, so-called. kosmonaut-kandidát, handwritten signatures both on/for and in/at časopise Zápisník 78 special number + first day sheet with stamp. Common Space Flight with signature V. Remek Starting price: 1 000 CZK
1920-1930 SELECTION of / signatures and rukopisů various Czechosl. personalities from uvedeného period, i.a. A. Bráf (národohospodář, politician and journalist), H. Ulrych (mayor Hradec Králové), P. Toman (author creator of slovníku creative artists), F. Anýž (designér, medailér and businessman), L. Šaloun (sculptor), J. Laufer (sports broadcaster), V. Znojemský (mayor Pardubice), A. Kraus (businessman, popularizátor astronomie, pioneer sport and technických novinek, signature on nice Ex Libris); mainly very fine, interesting selection of suitable also to other elaborationStarting price: 1 000 CZK +120,0 %
[COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / signatures and rukopisů various personalities: J.B. Čapek, J. Truhlář, A. Berndorf 2x, J. Jerie 3x, J. Vlasák, P. Löfler, F. Zavřel, M. Malypetrová, J. Slavík, J. V. Šimák 3x, J. Kotalík, K. Baxa, V. Klofáč, J. Hudec, P. Ludikar, E. z Purkyňů, J. Života, Z. Nejedlý, A. Nordenová, J. Havlasa, K. Kratina, F. Weyr, J. Matička, Z.V. Tobolka; interesting selection ofStarting price: 2 400 CZK
[COLLECTIONS] interesting and valuable selection of several tens of signatures and rukopisů Czech and Slovak personalities from various regions, i.a. J. Vrchlický, F. Kmoch, P. Gorgulov, J. Čarek, B. Benešová, botanik B. Němec, E. from Lešehradu, M. Krásová, O. Horáková, A. Krössing, K. Burian, B. Karen, E. Vojan, M. Podvalová (more times), Tauberová, J. Skupa (!), J. Mošna, D. Medřická ( B/W photo greater format), V. Vydra, R. Nasková, L. Pešek, O. Mařák, V. Matulová, J. Štěpničková, A. Masaryková, J. Kvapil, F. Duchan, J. Durdík and line other; it is worth seeing, suitable also to other elaborationStarting price: 4 000 CZK +75,0 %
[COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of several tens of signatures and rukopisů foreign personalities from various regions, contains i.a. nobiliary letter Bedřich Francis from Hohenzollernu, then for example. signatures D. Martinoff, A. Borg, General A. Guillaumat, Ryta Hayworth, Barbra Streisand, Suzi Quatro, John Glenn, Leonov, P. Robenson, Grečko, Malinovskij, Asmolov, Vorošilov, G. Philipe, S. Loren, M. Chevalier, Y. Montand etc..; as multiple interesting, it is worth seeing and other elaboration!Starting price: 3 000 CZK +200,0 %