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1901-1925 ŠALDA Francis Xaver (1867-1937), nejznámější Czech literary critic, journalist and writer, comp. of 4 handwritten written Ppc with signatures, from that 1x signed as "Kanimourek"; good condition, interestingStarting price: 2 000 CZK
ŠALDA Francis Xaver (1867-1937), nejznámější Czech literary critic, journalist and writer, handwritten 10-řádkový úryvek from product "Duše and work" with signature; very fine and decorativeStarting price: 1 400 CZK +42,9 %
1993 ŠKVORECKÝ Joseph (1924-2012), česko-kanadský spisovatel-prozaik, esejista, translator and exile publ., comp. of 2 vlastnoručních signatures with datací, 1x on/for portrait photograph, 1x on/for to her upevněné card; perfect conditionStarting price: 1 400 CZK
ŠVANDRLÍK Miloslav (1932-2009), important Czech writer, i.a. author Černých baronů; signature on card with short přípisem, interesting, rather rare usageStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1936-1939 THÁKUR Rabíndranáth (Rabindranath Tagore 1861-1941), bengálský poet, prose-writer, dramatist, propagator independence India and indického cultural inheritance, Nobel laureate after/behind literature from year 1913, autograph on card, incl. original envelope/-s; špendlíkový perforation on card, otherwise well preservedStarting price: 1 000 CZK +1 000,0 %
TOMAN Charles (one's own name Anthony Bernášek, 1877–1946), important Czech poet, journalist and translator; handwritten written poem "Svatováclavská" with whole signature; rare usageStarting price: 1 000 CZK
WELLS Herbert George (1866-1946), important English writer, one from otců "science fiction“, i.a. author Války světů etc..; autograph on introductory side book/-s "History world" with dedication; good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK +90,0 %
1920-1930 [COLLECTIONS] WRITERS / interesting selection signatures important Czech writers, básníků and other personalities, i.a. F. X. Svoboda, A. Heyduk, F. Flos ("Czech J. Verne"), J. Kožíšek (i.a. author poems "Polámal with mraveneček"), I. Hermann, B. Zahradník-Brodský, A. Plešingerová-Zahradníková, P. Fingal, E. Lešehrad, V. Krofta, F. Sekanina, M. B. Šárecká, J. Rašín (synovec A. Rašín), M. Havlíček (signature in/at his book "Genius Ohava"), J. V. Rosůlek; nice in good condition condition, placed in box, suitable also to other elaboration, as multiple definitely interesting!Starting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
BUBENÍČEK Ota (1871-1962), Czech academy painter, loutkářský pioneer, actor and falcon, disciple profesora Julia Mařáka, handwritten biography with signature on paper sheet two-sided, supplemented with about/by handwritten pass card with signature; vert. fold, in corner number propiskjou, otherwise very fine and decorativeStarting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
1933 ČEREPNIN Alexander Nikolajevič (1899-1977), Russian composer and pianist, from year 1921 žijící in France, i.a. friend Bohuslava Martinů, handwritten text with short partiturou and signature on card; very well preserved, rareStarting price: 1 000 CZK +70,0 %
1925 ČESKÉ KVARTETO / handwritten signatures members of Czech quartet on/for joined/common portrait pohlednici: Joseph Suk, Charles Hoffmann, George Herold and Ladislav Zelenka, photo Drtikol; on reverse hints of adjustaci, otherwise very fineStarting price: 1 200 CZK
1887 DVOŘÁK Anthony (1841-1904), one from best known Czech musical skladatelů and světově nejhranější Czech composer at all, autograph "Antonín. Dvořák" with datací and dedication Boženě Vykoukalové (1865-1888, harfenistka, in/at uvedeném year členka Orchestru National theatre) on the reverse side cabinet portrait photo Prague studio Tietz-Gallat; light cut margins, otherwise very fine, very rare, Dvořák's signatures occur only quite exceptionally!Starting price: 20 000 CZK +150,0 %
1940 FOERSTER Joseph Bohuslav (1859–1951), important Czech composer, autograph with datací on card, incl. original envelope/-s; good conditionStarting price: 300 CZK +33,3 %
1930 HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), known Czech písničkář, actor, textař, composer; autograph with part of partitury on/for portrait photo postcard, decorative and soughtStarting price: 1 000 CZK +120,0 %
1920-1938 HUDEBNÍCI / KUBELÍK Rafael - autograph on program concert in Bratislava in 1938, KOCIAN Jaroslav - autograph with dedication on/for own photoStarting price: 600 CZK
1950 HURNÍK Ilja (1922-2013), important Czech composer, handwritten letter with signature; interestingStarting price: 500 CZK
1925 KALVODA Alois (1875-1934), important Czech impresionistický painter, disciple Julia Mařáka, handwritten 6-řádkový text with whole signature and datací; folded, interestingStarting price: 800 CZK
1906 correspondence card with signatures umělců: painters J. Obrovský, O. Bubeníček, J. J. King, V. Skála, sculptor H. Folkmann, theatre actress H. Kvapilová and other; perfect condition, interesting multipleStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1939 KUNDERA Lewis (1891-1971), Czech pianist, muzikolog and musical pedagogue + KUNDEROVÁ Milada (1902-1984), rodiče writer Milan Kundery, handwritten texts with signatures on Ppc addressed to on/for J. Kunce (1883-1976, pseudonym K. Jánoš, Czech composer and pedagogue); very fineStarting price: 500 CZK +40,0 %
1959 LHOTÁK Kamil (1912–1990), Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator, one from zakládajících members Skupiny 42, autograph on envelope FDC; good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK
1936 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), světoznámý Czech painter, autograph with 2-lines přípisem on Ppc sent from Paris to Prague, with text written Muchovou wife Marií Uchytilovou-Muchovou; overall good condition and soughtStarting price: 3 000 CZK +66,7 %
1922 MUZIKA Francis (1900-1974), Czech painter, illustrator, typograf and scénograf + MÜLLER Charles (1899-1977), Czech painter, graphic artist, illustrator and pedagogue, handwritten text and spolupodpisy on Ppc addressed to on/for rodiče Müllera; very fineStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
NEDBAL Oscar (1874-1930), světoznámý Czech composer, conductor and violista, handwritten written wish with signature on/for portrait cabinet photograph; nice in good condition condition, exceedingly decorativeStarting price: 1 500 CZK +6,7 %
1926 RADIMSKÝ Wenceslas (1867-1946), important Czech painter, representative Czech and French impresionismu turn of 19. and the first middle 20. century; handwritten 3-stránkový letter with signature; folded, in good condition condition, sought Starting price: 1 000 CZK +140,0 %
1928 ROSSMANN Zdeněk (1905-1984), Czech modernistický architect, scénograf, photographer, designér and pedagogue, member Devětsilu, student Bauhausu, author noted poster and catalogue exhibition "Civilisovaná woman", autograph on presence document, then signatures i.a. Frederic Václavek (1897-1943), Bohuslav Koutník (1891-1965) and other; nice good condition, very rareStarting price: 5 000 CZK
SEDLÁČEK Vojtěch (1892-1973), Czech illustrator, graphic artist and painter especially country East Bohemia, selection of handwritten written letter and 9 pcs of author Ppc (lithography, dry-point) with texts and signatures, incl. 6 pcs of original envelopes; good condition, as multiple interestingStarting price: 1 000 CZK +20,0 %
STRAUSS Johann (1866–1939), Austrian composer, autograph on portrait postcard; very fineStarting price: 500 CZK
1908 SUCHARDA Stanislav (1866-1916), important Czech sculptor, vytvořil set monumentálních sochařských work, i.a. memorial F. Palacký in Prague (Palacký square), is also author line medals and plaket, handwritten text with signature on Ppc Nice sent on/for architect J. Stibrala; very fine and rareStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1929 ŠPÁLA Wenceslas (1885–1946), important Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator, handwritten 2-page letter with signature; nice good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1928 ŠPÁLA Wenceslas (1885–1946), important Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator, handwritten text with signature on/for author postcard, issued ARTĚL; very fine and soughtStarting price: 2 000 CZK +350,0 %
VEJVODA Jaromír (1902-1988), Czech composer and kapelník, author světoznámé polky Škoda love; autograph on portrait photograph; sound condition, decorative and soughtStarting price: 700 CZK
1920-1930 [COLLECTIONS] MALÍŘI / interesting selection signatures important Czech painters, graphic artists and other personalities, i.a. V. Špála, J. Úprka, F. Líbal, F. Hoplíček, J. Wenig, Z. Burghauserová, K. Beneš, J. Bauch, K. Vik, J. Grus, J. Salavec, V. Rytíř, K. Holan, F. Kaván, L. Vacátko, B. Jaroněk, J. Honsa, J. Loukota, F. X. Naske; nice in good condition condition, placed in box, suitable also to other elaboration, as multiple definitely interesting!Starting price: 2 000 CZK +50,0 %
BAAROVÁ Lída (1914-2000), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, B/W portrait photo postcard with whole signature; lower small spot, otherwise nice in good condition condition, soughtStarting price: 1 200 CZK +358,3 %
BAAROVÁ Lída (1914-2000), one of nejslavnějších Czech hereček, B/W portrait photo postcard with whole signature; nice in good condition condition, soughtStarting price: 1 500 CZK +153,3 %
BRICE Pierre (1929-2015), French actor and singer, known mainly as film representative Vinnetoua, autograph on B/W photograph in/at role/roll Vinnetoua; good condition, soughtStarting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
1905 DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930) (Emilie Kittlová), světoznámá Czech opera singer, handwritten pages letter in Czech with signature; good condition and very soughtStarting price: 2 600 CZK +323,1 %
DIETRICH Marlene Magdalene (1901–1992), světoznámá German - American actress and songstress, signature on B/W portrait photo postcard with dedication; very good condition, soughtStarting price: 1 500 CZK +126,7 %
FUTURISTA Ferenc (one's own name Francis Fiala, 1891-1947), known Czech actor, portrait photo postcard with signature; very fine and very soughtStarting price: 900 CZK
1942 GOLLOVÁ Nataša (1912–1988), important Czech actress, autograph with wish and datací on/for B/W portrait photo postcard, atelier Ströminger; very fine, soughtStarting price: 800 CZK +462,5 %
1935 HAAS Hugo (1901-1967), important Czech actor and film director, autograph on portrait photo postcard; postcard after/around sides cut, good condition, rareStarting price: 1 000 CZK +200,0 %
1972-1982 ACTORS / HERMANOVÁ Ljuba - photograph with dedication, PEŠEK Ladislav - autograph on postcard, HORNÍČEK Miroslav - autograph on paper slipStarting price: 600 CZK
1945 ACTORS / commemorative sheet signatures of actors and hereček, i.a. T. Pištěk, J. Štěpničková, R. Schránil, B. Waleská, S. Májová, V. Fabiánová etc..; good condition Starting price: 1 000 CZK +140,0 %
1926 ACTORS / postcard sent from Italy with spolupodpisy Czechosl. herců: Jára Kohout (1904-1994), Ferenc Futurista (1891-1947) and Andula Tichá (1906-1989); nice good condition, interestingStarting price: 600 CZK +33,3 %
1940 ACTORS / postcard Zlín with manual signatures of actors and hereček, i.a. BAAROVÁ Lída (1914-2000), NEDOŠÍNSKÁ Antonie (1885-1950), MÁJOVÁ Stella (1923-2009), DÓĎA PRAŽSKÝ (1892-1981) and oths.; toned, overall but good conditionStarting price: 1 000 CZK
ACTORS / comp. of 10 portrait photo postcard with descriptions important Czech of actors, contains i.a. K. Höger (3x), Gustav Nezval, Vítězslav Vejražka, Francis Mrázek etc..; sound condition, as multiple interestingStarting price: 1 000 CZK +70,0 %
HEREČKY / comp. of 7 portrait photo postcard with signatures Czech hereček and zpěvaček: V. Fabiánová, O. Scheinpflugová, V. Matulová, K. V. Střelcová, J. Ebertová, Š. Jelínková etc..; sound condition, as multiple definitely interestingStarting price: 900 CZK +233,3 %
MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actress, portrait photo postcard with signature, atelier Balzar; sound condition, soughtStarting price: 1 300 CZK +146,2 %
MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actress, portrait photo postcard with signature, atelier Ströminger; sound condition, soughtStarting price: 1 600 CZK +75,0 %
1953 MEDŘICKÁ Dana (1920–1983), important Czech actress, signature on portrait photo postcard with datací; very fine and decorativeStarting price: 600 CZK +216,7 %
OPERA / comp. of 2 portrait photo postcard and handwritten written letter 3 important Czech classic operních zpěváků: Emil Burian, Charles Burian and Adolf Kloessing, 1x atelier Langhans; interestingStarting price: 800 CZK +25,0 %
1962 SCHEINPFLUGOVÁ Olga (1902–1968), Czech actress, authoress, poetess and dramatička, wife Karel Čapek, handwritten 5-řádkový letter with signature and datací; horiz. folded, very fineStarting price: 500 CZK
1947 SKUPA Joseph (1892–1957), Czech puppeteer, founder Theatre Spejbla and Hurvínka, handwritten text with signature on Ppc; good condition, soughtStarting price: 800 CZK +62,5 %
1928 SUZANNE MARWILLE (1895-1962), one's own name Marta Schölerová, slavná Czech actress éry němých filmů, wife režiséra Martin Frič, portrait photo postcard studio Ströminger with handwritten dedication and signature; sound condition, rare usageStarting price: 600 CZK
ŠMERAL Vladimír (1903-1982) + BUREŠOVÁ Mary (1907-1972), filmoví and theatre actors, signatures on/for joined/common photo postcard; nice good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK +60,0 %
1928 ŠVÁB-MALOSTRANSKÝ Joseph (1860-1932), at all the first Czech movie actor (as spolupracovník J. Kříženeckého in 1898), kabaretiér, prose-writer, dramatist, písničkář, film director and scenárista, i.a. also publ. proslulý svými žertovnými picture-postcards, autograph with printings švába on/for strojopisném letter on/for heading paper; folds, small tearing in margin, otherwise nice zachované, rareStarting price: 600 CZK +50,0 %
1918 ŠVÁB-MALOSTRANSKÝ Joseph (1860-1932), at all the first Czech movie actor (as spolupracovník J. Kříženeckého in 1898), kabaretiér, prose-writer, dramatist, písničkář, film director and scenárista, i.a. also publ. proslulý svými žertovnými picture-postcards, handwritten text with full signature and personal postmark on/for certificate učně from Švábova shop, except other franked with. Austria-Hungary revenues already in/at December 1918 (forerunner užití!); cross fold, nice good condition, rare and soughtStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
1974 WERICH John (1905-1980), film also theatre actor and writer, 2x autograph (1x with dedication and datací) on/for portrait fotografiích as part envelope/-s journal Reportér from May 1969; overall in good condition condition, soughtStarting price: 2 000 CZK +10,0 %
PIVEC John (1907-1980), slavný Czech actor, selection of by hand written wish with signatures on 10 cards supplemented with about/by 6 B/W portrait reproduction photos; on/for exhibit sheets, as multiple interestingStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1993 BUCKNA Mike "Matěj" (1913-1996), canadian hockey player and coach Slovak origin, which/what dosáhl much úspěchů in/at Czechoslovakia, autograph with dedication from conclusion life; very fine, soughtStarting price: 1 100 CZK
1922 FOOTBALL / AC SPARTA PRAGUE / postcard sent from Hamburg with signatures of players: Peyr, Janda-Očko, Pešek-Káďa, Schäffer, Hajný, Hojer, Müller and oths.; good condition, sought Starting price: 1 200 CZK +83,3 %