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1943 PARTIE / Pof.NV11 plate number, issue II 5h blue, selection of 18 pcs of corner blk-of-4 with various plate number, always from one number L also R blk-of-4; mint never hingedStarting price: 500 CZK
1943 [COLLECTIONS] issue II / collection corner blk-of-4 with plate number, mainly complete, without 10h plate number 2-43; mainly nice quality, several minor faultsStarting price: 3 000 CZK
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.DR1-DR2, Delivery stmp 50h blue and red, 100 pcs of counter sheet distributed on/for middle; soughtStarting price: 1 500 CZK +6,7 %
1939 Pof.OT1, 10h red, lower bnd-of-20 with plate number 2-39, frame terminated trigon; 1x minor gum faultStarting price: 600 CZK +266,7 %
1940 COMMERCIAL PRINTED MATERIAL / big commercial advertising envelope firm Bahlser, paid str-of-3 (!) stamp. for commercial printed-matters 10h, Pof.OT1, incomplete imprint of daily postmark VŠETATY 17.I.40; envelope cut, quite rare and rarely occurring franking, always only on/for big and heavy mailingsStarting price: 1 500 CZK +6,7 %
1939 Pof.DL6 plate number, 50h red, 4-stamps. detached gutter with plate number 3-40 / 3A-40; mint never hinged as 2-stamps., in/at right marginal stmp label, production rovnací folds, soughtStarting price: 2 000 CZK
1941 VYBRAT DOPLATNÉ (due) / comp. 2 pcs of letters, 1x unpaid, 1x franked stamp. Official I. 1,20 Koruna, with mounted cards Postal office PLZEŇ resp. PŘEŠTICE with report for sender, 1x letter addressed to Financial headquarters in Plzen with mailing CDS KOLOVEČ 8.XI.41, mounted Postage due stamp 60h (corner piece with plate number), 1,20 Koruna and 2x 80h + 1x letter sent to Protézovou care in Plzen, mounted Postage due stamp 80h, 1 Koruna, 1,20 Koruna, CDS PLZEŇ 9.IV.41, both letters refused and surtax zrušeny, lot of cancel. and handwriting notices; good condition, minimum usageStarting price: 1 000 CZK +40,0 %
1939 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE NUMBERS / Pof.DL1-14, collection 143 corner pieces with various plate number values 5h - 10K + 6 pcs of bloks of four values 20K with plate number; only several minor faults and jednotlivin with label, overall but nice quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing!Starting price: 6 000 CZK
1941 [COLLECTIONS] the first issue / complete collection R and L bloks of four and corner pieces with plate number; several minor faults, we advice viewingsStarting price: 1 500 CZK +6,7 %
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp with line perforation 10½ on small cut-square with CDS PRAGUE; nice piece, exp. and znalecký official letter KarásekStarting price: 3 000 CZK +6,7 %
1943 Pof.Pr1A, Admission stmp with line perforation 10½, UL corner piece; mint never hinged, on/for upper margin light protlačený paper from office paperclip, which/what was/were stamp. attached to úřednímu blank form and sent consignee, in addition date-stamp numeral(s) "6", ex Pour, certificate Karásek, exp. by Gilbert., KarasekStarting price: 7 500 CZK
1943 Pof.Pr1B, Admission stmp, imperforated with lower margin; mint never hinged, only light prohnutí in paper, exp. by GilbertStarting price: 6 000 CZK +8,3 %
1943 Pof.Pr1C TA(4), incomplete zmenšený print sheet 4 admission stamps with perf 10¾ (without upper margins), postmark with favor BOHUŠOVICE 13.VI.43; sporadically zpevněná perf, certificate Krischke, cat. only used stamps ca. 24.000CZK, very rare usageStarting price: 20 000 CZK +25,0 %
1943 PLATE PROOF Pof.IV B, imperforated plate proof in dark green color, different printing - thin/light mraky; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, exp. by Gilbert., rare usage, rare!Starting price: 20 000 CZK
1943 FORGERY / Pof.Pr1A, original printing sheet forgeries Terezínských stamps in/at green color on stamp paper with gum, imperforated vertical blk-of-12; very fine, on the reverse side marked "Padělek"Starting price: 300 CZK
1942 larger cut out parcel dispatch-note with fee after/behind transport food paid 2 pcs of stamp. food tax 1 Koruna, Pof.PD1, cancelled by postmark PRAGUE 85/ 10.II.42; good condition, rare usageStarting price: 1 200 CZK
1939-1943 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 22 pcs of entires with meter stmp, contains i.a. 8 pcs of with forerunner print, 1x I. part C.O.D. post. dispatch-note, 1x as Registered etc..; good conditionStarting price: 600 CZK +16,7 %
1939 PR1, PRAGUE – Visit Führer and empire chancellor 15. and 16. March 1939, 18.III.39, 3 print red special postmark with rozlišením /b/, supplemented with CDS PRAGUE 10 HRAD 15.III.39, inside rozkládacího memorial sheet with brown picture Prague; good condition, catalogue doesn't report!Starting price: 800 CZK
1941 PR73, UNTERGAU 490 SOMMERLAGER BURGBERG ZLÍN 1/ 16.IX.41, 3 print black special cancel. on/for Un letter envelope, mounted 3 stamp. Linden Leaves 10h; good condition, 3 print other nejvzácnějšího Bohemian and Moravian postmark on/for philatelically motivated envelopeStarting price: 800 CZK
1942 PR86, PRAG 1/ Drei years im Grossdeutschen Reich, envelope FDC with additional-printing empire eagle and Bohemian and Moravian emblem / symbol, franked with. issues to/at 3. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia, Reg, good conditionStarting price: 500 CZK +380,0 %
1945 PR117, PRAGUE 1 / BOLŠEVISMUS NIKDY! / 2.II.45, philatelically influenced card with 3 print special postmark, franked with. 3 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler; good conditionStarting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
1940 PDR1, NYMBURK/ 80. years Hlaholu, green special postmark NEUENBURG a.d. ELBE/ NYMBURK/ 4.XI.40 on cut-square with newspaper stamp. 2h; nice print, rarest Bohemian and Moravian postmark!Starting price: 1 000 CZK +20,0 %
1942 commemorative sheet A4 with mounted postcard R. Heydrich and 5 pcs of stamp. with PR86, PR87, PR96 and CDS PRAGUE 1/ 3.VII.42; good conditionStarting price: 900 CZK +211,1 %
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] MEMORIAL PRINTINGS A POSTMARKS / collection memorial/special cancel. on cut-squares, memorial/special pages, entires etc.., placed in/at full 44-listovém stockbook A4, contains i.a. PR73, UNTERGAU 490 SOMMERLAGER BURGBERG ZLÍN 1 and PR117, PRAGUE 1/ Bolshevism never!; overall good conditionStarting price: 1 500 CZK +20,0 %
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] OFFICIAL POST, FIELD-POST, CENSORSHIP / small collection entires German official post in/at Protectorate, supplemented with entires with Czechosl., Bohemian and Moravian and German censorship on entires; all placed on pages in screw folder Schaubek, originates from abroadStarting price: 2 000 CZK
1939 INTERNAČNÍ TÁBOR IVANČICE U./B. / comp. of 2 cards sent prisoner from internment camp for Jewish běžence from Austria and nacisty occupied south Moravia, CDS IVANČICE 1.VIII.39 and 3.XII.39, franked with. Czechosl. stamp; 1x folds, rareStarting price: 700 CZK +85,7 %
1942 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / Un Ppc barracks in/at Terezín, mounted stamp. Linden Leaves 10h with print CDS THERESIENSTADT 30.VI.42 - last day activity/-ies postal office in/at Terezín (annulled 1.7.1942 ); good conditionStarting price: 400 CZK
1939 CZL2, letter-card State Coat of Arms 1CZK, CDS KAZNĚJOV 29.XII.39, nice good conditionStarting price: 400 CZK
1939 CDV51, parallel Czechosl. PC abroad T. G. Masaryk 1,50CZK carmine without emblem / symbol, sent by air mail to England, uprated by. parallel Czechosl. stamp. Plzeň 50h, CDS PRAGUE 77/ 11.VIII.39; good condition, usage PC from year 1933 in time Protectorate is rare!Starting price: 1 500 CZK +100,0 %
1939 parallel Czechosl. CDV69/44 Písek, Czechosl. CDS ORLÍK N. V. 13.VIII.39; preserved, rare usageStarting price: 600 CZK
1939 parallel Czechosl. CDV69/77 Orlík n./V., Czechosl. CDS KLUČENICE 25.III.39; spots, otherwise preserved, rare usageStarting price: 600 CZK
1939 1. DAY OF USAGE / CDV72/206, Czechosl. pictorial PC Beneš 50h Brno, postmark 1. of day Protectorate FRÝDEK 2/ 15.III.39, supplemented with propagandistic cancel. Wir sind frei!/ Friedek with swastika; very fine, superb postal imprints on/for Czechosl. PC from first of day!Starting price: 1 500 CZK
1939 CDV5, Linden Leaves 60+60h, in both directions Us undetached double PC sent as Reg to Slovakia, richly uprated parallel Czechosl. stamp. and overprint stamp., general postage 3,70K, CDS JOSEFOV 15.XII.39, answer part uprated Slovak stamp. Hlinka 2,50K(!), CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 11.I.40, censorship; slightly toned, quite rare and decorative entire!Starting price: 4 000 CZK
1939 CDV6/1-12, Linden Leaves 60h, complete set of 12 pcs of Un pictorial post cards, in addition Plzeň in 2 expressive shades; very fineStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
1939 CDV6/8, picture p.stat PC 60h Südböhmen - South Bohemia; Un, without defectsStarting price: 400 CZK
1940 stationery CPV1, Linden Leaves 80h, Un NEROZPŮLENÁ post. order card, folded in perforation; very nice good condition, c.v.. 45.000CZK, exceptional usage!Starting price: 25 000 CZK
1944 CZS1, urgent message sent from Plzeň to Turnova, MC PLZEŇ 3/ 20.XII.44; good conditionStarting price: 900 CZK +55,6 %
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection in glassine envelopes in spring folder, contains i.a. overprint issue, then coupons, gutter, plate number, plate mark, plate variety etc.., stamp. postage stmp, newspaper, official, postage-due and oths.; various quality, we advice viewingsStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
1941-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 32 pcs of letters mainly with multicolor franking, from that 18 pcs of Reg, 1x money letter for 3.000K, several letters with mixed franking German and Bohemian and Moravian stamp., part correspondence Us after/around freedom; good conditionStarting price: 900 CZK +44,4 %