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1952 Pof.635 plate variety, 4. Anniv Vítězného February 3Kčs red, stamp. with plate variety on pos. 13 - color stain closely above "VE" and above "SK" above small frame; will be katalogizováno, small spot, little vídanéStarting price: 500 CZK +60,0 %
1952 Pof.643 production flaw, Comenius 11Kčs, stamp. with production flaw - full incomplete-printing name state in upper part of stmp; light print fragmentu postmark, exp. by Sablatura., very rareStarting price: 2 000 CZK +10,0 %
1952 Pof.644 plate variety, Solidarity Day 1,50Kčs, L marginal block-of-4 with repeating plate variety on pos. 52 - arc below "äz" (väzňov); significant and sought defectStarting price: 500 CZK +160,0 %
1952 Pof.648 plate variety, Agriculture 1,50Kčs with plate variety - significant stain in character "Č" in/at name state; this pravidelně with opakující plate variety is anyway rare as "cut wedge [ ˇ ]" and will be katalogizována, in addition flaw print - white vertical little arc below "LO" in/at name stateStarting price: 1 400 CZK +7,1 %
1952 Pof.650 plate variety, Agriculture 3Kčs, right marginal horizontal pair, right stamp. with favourite plate variety 40/1,2 "reflector"; mint never hingedStarting price: 1 200 CZK
1952 Pof.654 plate variety, 9. May 5Kčs with plate variety 6/2 - arc in numeral 5 face value; very significant defect, will be katalogizována, small bend in cornerStarting price: 700 CZK +14,3 %
1952 Pof.A691/692 production flaw, miniature sheet Bratislava 1952, on stmp 3Kčs significant white vertical line along L margins stamp.; mint never hinged, minor gum fault, unusualStarting price: 600 CZK
1952 Pof.A691/692, miniature sheet Bratislava 1952, comp. 5 pcs of; mint never hinged, sporadically minor faults and minor gum fault, c.v.. 6.000Starting price: 2 000 CZK
1953 Pof.736-737, 740B-741, Zápotocký, comp. 5 pcs of L bottom corner blk-of-4, die-stamping 30h in two shades blue; mint never hingedStarting price: 400 CZK +175,0 %
1957 Pof.A967 II, miniature sheet Zápotocký 2Kčs, type II - berry, production flaw - smudge color around lower card; mint never hinged, exp. by GilbertStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1958 Pof.999B-1000B production flaw, Novotný, both values in/at marginal blocks of four, production flaw - significantly smudge print; mint never hingedStarting price: 300 CZK +100,0 %
1960-1961 DATA TISKU / Pof.1101-1105, 1107-1108, 1205, 1337, Castles and castles, comp. 10 pcs of corner pairs and one block of 6 with dates of print, Pof.1205 30h green 2x date 5.VIII.61; mint never hingedStarting price: 500 CZK +260,0 %
1961 Pof.1175ST, Mrštík 60h, UR corner blk-of-4 with 2 stamp. II. type "closed 6", pos. 9 and 10; mint never hinged, usual small production gum flaw, c.v.. as 2x types combination 10.000Kč++, sought!Starting price: 5 000 CZK +30,0 %
1961 Pof.A1216A, miniature sheet PRAGA 1962 "linen", plate A with plate variety - point after/behind numeral "5" on pos. 1; very fineStarting price: 500 CZK +40,0 %
1962 Pof.1244a, Space Exploration 80h dark violet, one from the most significant and most sought color shades CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., print only 24.3.1962; mint never hinged, c.v.. significantly misvalues, including common piece on/for comparison, on request exp. labourStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
1963 Pof.A1308, miniature sheet Cosmos, complete set 12 pcs of miniature sheets, types I.-XII.; hingedStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
1964 NÁVRH / for stamp. 20. anniv of Slovak National Uprising 30h, motive in/at small arrangement and with value 60h realizován as Pof.1390, printing by pencil and aquarelle on/for carton A4; very fineStarting price: 3 000 CZK +50,0 %
1964 Pof.A1400, miniature sheet Voskhod I 3Kčs, complete set 8 pcs of miniature sheets, type I.-VIII.; type III small spots, otherwise mint never hingedStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
1965 Pof.1487, Towns 3Kčs, comp. of 3 date print from various editions in/at different odstínech: 26.X.65, 18.II.70 (block of four with červenohnědým ocelotiskem) and 22.I.71 (stamp. with dark brown ocelotiskem and light žlutým background); dotisky in the market offered only quite exceptionallyStarting price: 1 800 CZK +150,0 %
1966 DATA TISKU / Pof.1564, Telč 50h, selection of 24 various date, mainly in/at complete bnd-of-10 from 15.-22. reprint on paper fl2: 1 date from 15. reprint (May 1984, WIFAG 3), 3 date from 16. reprint (March 1985), 1 date from 17. reprint (June 1985), 3 date from 18. reprint (August 1985), from that 2 with omitted perforation hole L from pos. 91, 5 date from 19. reprint (leden-únor 1987), 10 date from 21. reprint (červen-září 1987), from that 2 date with defective year 86, 1 date from last 22. reprint (5.I.88, penultimate day print this zn.); little vídaná selection of, exceptional chance!Starting price: 1 200 CZK
1966 Pof.1564 production flaw, Telč 50h, significant shift gravure color L, perf normal, thin/light print black; mint never hinged, soughtStarting price: 900 CZK +22,2 %
1966 Pof.1572 inverted comb perforation, Bear 1,20Kčs, R marginal blk-of-4 with getting perf comb perforation L to R (perforated R margin); mint never hinged, exp. PažoutStarting price: 900 CZK
1968-1970 DATA TISKU / Pof.1677-1678, 1808-1809, L. Svoboda., comp. 3 pcs of vertical pairs, 4 pcs of bloks of four and 3 pcs of corner blocks of 6 with dates of print; mint never hinged, only 1x bend in marginStarting price: 400 CZK +50,0 %
1969 Pof.1808 production flaw, Svoboda 50h, L the bottom corner vertical strip of 3 with date of print 31.X.69 and production flaw - "white head"; also with common stamp. on/for comparisonStarting price: 500 CZK +100,0 %
1969 Pof.1808, Svoboda 50h, comp. of 3 date print from all 3 editions from both machines (dark green, green, bright green), also with bnd-of-20 with c.v.. plate variety 81, 86, 88, 90, 91/2 and plate variety 82 and 92/2, 1 date with plate variety 2/1 and corner blk-of-9 with shifted perforation L-wards and plate variety 88/2 and 90/2; very nice selection ofStarting price: 700 CZK
1970 Pof.1808-1809 plate variety, Svoboda, value 50h green 2x corner blk-of-4 and lower bnd-of-20 with plate variety 2/1, 99/2 2x, 82/2, value 1Kčs 2x corner blk-of-4 and 1x corner blk-of-6 with plate variety 71-91 in various shades redStarting price: 500 CZK
1971 Pof.1875xba, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, 2 corner str-of-5 with dates of print on paper optically cleared, 2 different šarže optically cleared in terms of same reprint (blue 31.X.75 and violet-blue 29.X.75); difference under UV lamp is nejlépe to see on/for sticky side, occures commonly on stmp printed OTp (recess printing from flat plates), on/for postage from rotačky still unpublished, c.v.. single stamp. 8.000CZKStarting price: 5 000 CZK +10,0 %
1971 Pof.1875ya, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, two significant VV: corner blk-of-6 with significant red line (so-called. „kolejnička“) vertical over margin and pos. 2, incl. marks TÚS (Technical Services) + vertical pair with R margin, in/at German significant band red smudge color; block light folded in perforation, interestingStarting price: 700 CZK +85,7 %
1971 DATA TISKU / Pof.1877, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, comp. of 9 date print from 9 various editions (from basic print after/around 9. surplus print, missing only 1. surplus print from April 1971, which/what with in color neliší from basic print), contains all papers (without opticaly clearing agent, optically cleared, fluorescent paper No.1 and fluorescent paper No.2) also all existující shades incl. most precious (xaa, xab, xac, xba, xbb, xbc, ya and yb), variants xbb and xbc in/at corner str-of-5, variant yb (fluorescent paper No.2) with date 6.III.91 with small perforation hole (only one roll, otherwise have/has this surplus print exclusively big perforation hole), first-time in/at any auction!; very rare, cat. only single stamp. 8.135Kč, like that value multiply higher, exceptional chance!Starting price: 6 000 CZK +8,3 %
1977 Pof.2246 omitted perforation hole, Peace Race 30h, L marginal 15-pás with omitted perforation hole between pane position 9 and 16; extremely rare, with date 14.IV.77 known only 2 pieces, stěží repeatable offer, c.v.. very misvaluesStarting price: 2 600 CZK +7,7 %
1977 Pof.PL2255 production flaw, Postal Uniforms 2Kčs, complete counter sheet, on/for L stamp. flaw print - significantly thin/light print first "S" in/at name state; well visible, still nepublikovaná defectStarting price: 600 CZK +16,7 %
1977 Pof.PL2256 production flaw, Postal Uniforms 3,60Kčs, complete counter sheet with shift black color transport (letter Č in/at name state is in contact with L frame); for comparison including common pieceStarting price: 400 CZK +25,0 %
1977 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.2277a+b, Space Exploration 30h, two complete 50 pcs of sheets A, 1x shade and) orange-yellow / light blue (8.IX.77) + 1x shade b) yellow-orange / dark blue (surplus print 22.IX.77, next to pos. 21 ordinal number by ballpoint); sheets from reprint in the market offered only exceptionallyStarting price: 1 000 CZK +160,0 %
1978-1992 COUNTER SHEET / comp. 5 pcs of complete archů: Pof.2296, Common Space Flight ČSSR-SSSR 30h with plate variety 1/1 and 8/1 + Pof.2400, Historical Clocks 40h with plate variety 7/2 + Pof.2903, 40. Anniv SLUK with plate variety 47/1 + Pof.2907, BIB 1989 (plate A+B) + Pof.3023, 200. Anniv Slovak učeného tovaryšstva 5Kčs with plate variety 36/2 and plate variety 28/2 and 38/2 + Pof.3029, Day Czechosl. post. stamps 2Kčs with plate variety 42/2; folded only in perforation, sporadically slightly povolená perfStarting price: 300 CZK
1978 Pof.2331xb, New Prague 2Kčs, LR corner blk-of-4 + L marginal vertical strip of 5 with date of print, all paper -oz-; mint never hinged, marked by Pofis., c.v.. 2.700CZKStarting price: 500 CZK
1979 Pof.A2364A+B II, miniature sheet Intercosmos 10CZK, selection of 8ks: 6x perf + 2x imperforated, all type II - "ear-phone"; mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.100CZKStarting price: 400 CZK
1981-1983 COUNTER SHEET / comp. 11 pcs of complete archů: Pof.2471, Postal cars 3,60Kčs 2x incl. plate variety 3/2 + Pof.2509, Zoo Prague 7Kčs A+B, from that 1x with plate variety 48/1 + Pof.2506, Bienále Bratislava 10Kčs A+B + Pof.2625, Old Engravings 5Kčs 5x, from that 2x plate A and 3x plate B; folded only in perforation, sporadically minor faults in marginStarting price: 500 CZK +260,0 %
1981 Pof.2486, 60. Anniv Communist Party of Czechoslovakia 1Kčs bricky red, type I., marginal piece; intact luminiscence, also with common stamp. II. type on/for comparisonStarting price: 600 CZK +116,7 %
1983 DATA TISKU / Pof.2574, Husák 50h, selection of 91 date print (any other one) from VŠECH 16 existing editions this stamp., contains all color shades also shades white background print, i.a. single printing from machine WIFAG 3 from 23.V.84, band with omitted perforation hole L from pos. 81 from 7.VI.84, dvoudenní přemoletovaný surplus print from July 1984 and his srpnové continuation with new deskou for OT blue color also jednodenní surplus print from 10.VI.86; unrepeatable chance, from important collection postage stmp!Starting price: 9 000 CZK
1986 Pof.A2747B, miniature sheet 60 Years of F.I.P., imperforated, type II., CDS PRAGUE 1/ 3.6.86 (first day issue.); very sought variant!Starting price: 2 600 CZK
1989 Pof.St2889+2889, Czechosl. marine boating 4+4Kčs, vertical pair with margin from bklt sheet; mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.400CZKStarting price: 300 CZK +166,7 %
1990 Pof.2928 inverted harrow perforation, Havel 50h, upper marginal stmp., inverted frame perf, distinct digression; exp. labour, c.v.. 3.150KčStarting price: 500 CZK +80,0 %
1990 Pof.2928 production flaw, Havel 50h, R marginal blk-of-4 with shift blue color downward (frame půlí zkratku "h" in face value) and red color downward transport (Havlovy hair zasahují to name state), the most significant doložený shift on this stamp.; mint never hinged and interestingStarting price: 1 700 CZK
1991 Pof.2966 production flaw, Svojsík 3Kčs, UR corner blk-of-4 with production flaw - significant stain in margin hat by/on/at corner stmp.; mint never hinged, only the bottom stamp. with minor gum faultStarting price: 200 CZK +100,0 %
1992 ACCUMULATION / Pof.A3006 plate variety, miniature sheet 500th Anniv of Discovery of America with plate variety 6/2 - 560. Anniv, selection 20 pcs of; overall fine, c.v.. 18.000CZKStarting price: 2 000 CZK +10,0 %
1978 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.A2294, miniature sheet 30. Anniv February in/at gift cards Pofis Bratislava - PRAGA 1978, collection of ca. 100 pcs of miniature sheets in folder přelepených already porušenou balící strip; c.v.. ca. 2.000CZKStarting price: 300 CZK
1955 Pof.PL841, 842 II, Costumes (I) 75h and 1,60Kčs type II.; value 1,20Kčs minor faults and slightly tonedStarting price: 600 CZK +150,0 %
1960 Pof.PL1148-1153, Flowers, complete set; minor gum fault, toned in margins, we advice viewingsStarting price: 1 500 CZK +100,0 %
1961 Pof.PL1217-1223, Butterflies, comp. 7 pcs of blk-of-10 - without values 1,60Kčs and 2Kčs, value 20h with plate variety 8/A and 40h with plate variety 1/A; sporadically usual minor gum fault and minor faults, overall but nice quality, sought!Starting price: 4 000 CZK +100,0 %
1961 Pof.PL1220, Butterflies 40h, plate B2.1 with TESTER; mint never hinged, defects gum, after all sought!Starting price: 1 000 CZK
1963 Pof.PL1331-1336, People's art, complete set, only value 2Kčs with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 2IX.63 (original gum); mint never hinged, several minor faults and minor gum fault, overall good qualityStarting price: 1 500 CZK +6,7 %
1964 Pof.PL1394-1399, Summer Olympic Games Tokio, comp. 8 pcs of blk-of-10 values 60h - 2,80Kčs, contains 1394 A+B, 1395A, 1396A close margin, 1397B, 1398 A+B and 1399A; 1x 60h little allowed in perforation, several usual minor gum fault, overall but nice qualityStarting price: 3 000 CZK +26,7 %
1964 comp. 3 pcs of blk-of-10 Summer Olympic Games Tokio values 80h, 1,20h and 2,80h, Pof.1395A, 1397B, 1399A; overall fine Starting price: 700 CZK
1966 Pof.PL1541, Indian 1,40Kčs; several nepatrných minor gum fault and smítek in gum, overall nice piece, sought, often missing in collections!Starting price: 6 000 CZK +66,7 %
1968 Pof.PL1718, Coat of arms Prague 1Kčs; minor gum fault in corner, otherwise nice qualityStarting price: 300 CZK
1971 Pof.PL1927-1932, 25. Anniv UNICEF, value 60h type II.; mint never hinged, only value 80h print black color in gum on edgeStarting price: 600 CZK
1971 Pof.PL1927-1932, 25. Anniv UNICEF, value 60h both types; sporadically several minor gum fault, overall very fineStarting price: 800 CZK
1977 Pof.PL2263-2266, PRAGA 1978 - Costumes, complete set; very fineStarting price: 500 CZK
1979 Pof.PL2369A, Mountain Rescue Service 3Kčs, rare "rough" perf harrow perforation 11¾; light brownish gum in margin, sporadically minor gum fault, overall but niceStarting price: 1 200 CZK +25,0 %
1980 Pof.PL2431, Intercosmos 1,60Kčs; mint never hingedStarting price: 500 CZK