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1940-1945 WORLD WAR II / U.S. ARMY / selection of 18 pcs of contemporary amatérských photos probably from výcvikového camp in USA, zachyceni američtí soldiers in uniforms, with zbraněmi, posing before/(in front of) ubikacemi etc..; nice good condition, interestingStarting price: 1 500 CZK
1860-1920 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / ca. 200 pcs of various photos from uvedeného period, mainly vizitkové and cabinet, but also other formats, especially portraits, also several krajinek and other motives, large part art studios from Bohemia and Moravia (i.a. slavné Eckert, Langhans aj.), also from other part/-s Austria-Hungary monarchy and several foreign; mainly perfectly good condition, interesting collectionStarting price: 5 000 CZK +10,0 %