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1920 SPOJENÝ PŘÍČKOVÝ TYP / Reg letter sent in IV. postal rate from Svalavy to Vienna, postal-charge 250h paid on face-side horiz. pair stamp. 25h violet with joined type bar, Pof.11 joined bar types, pos. 56/2 and on reverse stamp. 2x Hradčany 10h green, Pof.6C + 3x 60h issue issue Chainbreaker, CDS SZOLYVA 920 Oct.3.; small toned, extraordinary usage!, exp. and ex ŠkaloudStarting price: 2 000 CZK
1928 KIRALHAZA / commercial Reg letter sent to post. headquarters to Košice, with T. G. Masaryk 3CZK brown, Pof.241, CDS KIRALHAZA 22.XI.28; only slightly tonedStarting price: 800 CZK +12,5 %
1929 ŤAČOVO, UZHHOROD / comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters sent to post off. directorate to Košice, both with Brno 3CZK, Pof.254, CDS ŤAČOVO 17.V.29 and UZHHOROD 1/ 16. XII.29; 1x torn back flapStarting price: 800 CZK
1930 TUŘÍ BYSTRÝ / commercial Reg letter sent to post. headquarters to Košice, with T. G. Masaryk 3CZK violet, Pof.262, CDS TUŘÍ BYSTRÝ 29.IV.30, bilingual R label with Czech text Turjanskoje Bystroje; only light bendStarting price: 800 CZK +462,5 %
1932 PEREČÍN / commercial Reg letter sent to post. headquarters to Košice, with Tyrš 3CZK brown, Pof.271, CDS PEREČÍN 10.VIII.32; good conditionStarting price: 900 CZK
1936-1938 USŤČORNA, UZHHOROD / comp. 2 pcs of pictorial post cards abroad, CDV58/5, CDV46/8, uprated by. and sent as R-Tiskopis, both PC with special postmark, 1x green USŤČORNA/ OSLAVY MASARYKOVY Czechoslovak ŠKOLY 22.VI.36 and blue special postmark UZHHOROD 1/ ZÁJEZD ČOS (Sokol) NA PODK. RUTHENIA; good conditionStarting price: 400 CZK +300,0 %
1939 JASIŇA / local overprint big Ukrajinského trojzubce (type I.) in black color on/for Czechosl. stamp. Coat of arms 5h - 40h, Pof.248-253, c.v.. Staiden shows date issue this hand-made overprint 14.3.1939, also according to c.v.. Majer it is one from private spekulačních issue; mint never hinged, according to c.v.. Staiden à 100€Starting price: 1 000 CZK +20,0 %
1939 KHUST / Un envelope with additional-printing "The first Congress meeting Carpathian Ukraine 2.III.1939"; nice good conditionStarting price: 400 CZK +25,0 %
1939 KHUST / PR39/006, ХУСТ-CHUST 15.III.39, commemorative envelope with Pof.351, Opening of Congress 3 Koruna, Reg, recipient Ota J. Brikcius; philatelically motivated entire incl. certificate of mailing, nice quality, authenticity potvrzena on reverse expert Mrňákem - mark with signature, certificate The Philatelic Foundation N.Y.Starting price: 1 800 CZK +44,4 %
1944 KHUST / POSTAGE-DUE / comp. 4 pcs of stamp., Majer.C31, C33, C34, C38; mint never hinged, only value 12f minor gum fault, all exp. BlahaStarting price: 5 000 CZK +10,0 %
1945 Majer U61, Užhorodský overprint issue II., 1,00/50f blue; mint never hinged, exp. G.v. Steiden, c.v.. 7.500CZKStarting price: 2 200 CZK
1945 Majer U65, Užhorodský overprint issue II., 2,00/50f blue; mint never hinged, exp. Blaha, c.v.. 3.000CZKStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1945 Majer U105, Užhorodský overprint issue II., Postage due stmp 10/3f; mint never hinged, exp. G.v.Steiden, c.v.. 3.600CZKStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1945 BEREHOVE / UZHHOROD Un overprint PC NRZU 40/18f green, Majer Ud5 I., thin/light original overprint ČSP/1944, uprated with stamp II. definitive issue 100 + 40, postal imprint UZHHOROD, without addressee and text; undamagedStarting price: 1 500 CZK
1945 Majer 1+1K, I. definitive issue, Soldier 60 red, perforated stamp. with right coupon and star, shift vertical perf to picture of stmp.; common production defects gumStarting price: 300 CZK
1945 Majer 3+3, I. definitive issue, Pěst 200, horizontal pair with omitted vertical perf; original gum with significant vynechávkami gumStarting price: 900 CZK
1945 Majer Mv3, 3N, I. definitive issue, Pěst 200, horiz. gutter with star on/for coupon + horizontal pair without perf (without gum) + stamp. with significant shift red colorStarting price: 700 CZK
1945 Majer PLATE PROOF 1, Soldier 60, definitive printing values "60" and more/larger letters, plate proof in black color on/for white stamp. paper; mint never hinged, rare occurrence!Starting price: 1 500 CZK
1945 Majer PLATE PROOF 2, Řetěz 100, plate proof in black color on/for white thin paper without gum; very fine, rare occurrence!Starting price: 2 000 CZK
1945 Majer PLATE PROOF 2, Řetěz 100, plate proof in/at definitive blue color on yellow paper without gum; very fine, rare occurrence!Starting price: 2 000 CZK
1945 Majer PLATE PROOF 3, Pěst 200, marginal Pr, plate proof in original colors on paper with printing school certificate on reverse, double impression, without gum; very fine, rare occurrence!Starting price: 2 000 CZK
1945 Majer PLATE PROOF 3e, Pěst 200, different form/shape and placing numeral(s) 200, plate proof in brown color on paper without printing, without gum; very fine, rare occurrence!Starting price: 2 000 CZK
1945 Majer PLATE PROOF 3e, Pěst 200, different form/shape and placing numeral(s) 200, plate proof in brown color on paper with printing school certificate, without gum; very fine, rare occurrence!Starting price: 2 000 CZK
1945 Majer 4, II. definitive issue, Hvězda 10 yellow, comp. 6 pcs of blocks and stripe with varieties color and production errors/flaws, contains 2x perforated block of four with various shades, vertical krajovou pair with double vertical perf, 1x block of four with plate number 1A, 2-stamps gutter and stamp. without perf; all with original gum mint never hingedStarting price: 900 CZK
1945 Majer 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, II. definitive issue, Hvězda, comp. 12 pcs of stamp. values 10, 20, 60, 100 and 200, various color shades; mainly mint never hingedStarting price: 700 CZK
1945 Majer PLATE PROOF 4, II. definitive issue, Hvězda 10, plate proof in/at original yellow color on/for ordinary rosy paper; without defectsStarting price: 500 CZK
1945 Majer Mv 7a, Mv8a, Mv9a. II. definitive issue, Hvězda, 60h red 2-stamps gutter + value 100 dark blue 4-stamp gutter + value 200 brown 2-stamps gutter.; mint never hingedStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1945 Majer 8aB, 9aB, II. definitive issue, Hvězda, value 100 + 200 without perf; mint never hinged, 1x exp. BlahaStarting price: 400 CZK
1945 Majer 9aN, II. definitive issue, Hvězda 200, light brown, imperforated blk-of-4; mint never hinged, exp. Blaha, rare occurrenceStarting price: 2 600 CZK
1945 Majer Mv 9aN, II. definitive issue, Hvězda 200 brown, imperforated 2-stamps. horiz. gutter with upper margin; original gum mint never hingedStarting price: 800 CZK
1945 Majer 10, 11, III. definitive issue, Hvězda, without perf, value 10 yellow single stamp. + 20 light grey in horiz. pair; mint never hinged, exp. BlahaStarting price: 700 CZK
1945 Majer Mv10, Mv11, III. definitive issue, Hvězda, value 10 yellow 2-stamps gutter + value 20 grey 4-stamp gutter with production flaw 1x double vert. perf; mint never hingedStarting price: 1 000 CZK
1945 Majer 11aN, III. definitive issue, Hvězda 20 grey, imperforated blk-of-4; mint never hinged, exp. BlahaStarting price: 900 CZK