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1993 Pof.5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, complete set PB according to plate A - D; c.v.. 2.500CZKStarting price: 700 CZK
1993-2001 SELECTION of / Pof.15 production flaw, Plzeň 5CZK, corner blk-of-4 with significant shift numeral value downward + Pof.140 inverted harrow perforation, Historical Architectural Styles 4,60CZK, L upper vertical corner str-of-4 with inverted frame perf + Pof.A289 production flaw, Baroque 50CZK, miniature sheet with production flaw - violet circle in the middle upper blue area above PU (republic); mint never hinged Starting price: 400 CZK
1996 Pof.A110/113, miniature sheet Protected Mammals, upper half miniature sheet with production flaw - almost full incomplete-printing grey-green color in background savců on/for all 4 stamp. (!); very rare, c.v.. in this rozsahu doesn't report, including common block of four on/for comparisonStarting price: 3 000 CZK +50,0 %
1997 Pof.140 inverted harrow perforation, Historical Architectural Styles 4,60CZK, upper marginal bnd-of-20, inverted frame perf; cat. min. 3.500CZKStarting price: 700 CZK
1997-2001 SELECTION of / Pof.140 inverted harrow perforation, Historical Architectural Styles 4,60CZK, L upper vertical corner str-of-4 with inverted frame perf + Pof.159, Historical Vehicles 4CZK, marginal block-of-4 with plate variety 19/1 + Pof.168 plate variety, Havel 4,60CZK, horizontal strip of 3 with plate variety 43/1 + Pof.A289 production flaw, Baroque 50CZK, miniature sheet with production flaw - violet circle in the middle upper blue area above PU (republic); mint never hingedStarting price: 400 CZK
1998 Pof.179-182 production flaw, Nature Protection, value 8CZK corner blk-of-6 with production flaw on pos. 18 - color point in/at bushes + value 4,60CZK horizontal strip of 3 with production flaw on pos. 49 - line by pecker + value 4,60CZK, horizontal strip of 3 and single stamp., both with production flaw on pos. 9 - blue stains near the head; complete set popular flaws of occurring only part of editionStarting price: 500 CZK
1998 Pof.PL184 production flaw, EUROPA - national celebrations and feast days 15CZK, whole blk-of-10 with production flaw - light print violet ofsetové color in background; mint never hinged, rare occurrenceStarting price: 900 CZK
1999 Pof.218 production flaw, Zodiac 9CZK, marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - bands black color through/over all pos.; mint never hinged, interestingStarting price: 200 CZK
1999 Pof.241 production flaw, Zodiac - Scorpio 5,40CZK, selection of marginal blk-of-10 with shifted perforation downward and marginal pairs with shifted perforation up (povolená perf between stamp.) + shift brown color; unusualStarting price: 1 500 CZK
1999 Pof.241 production flaw, Zodiac 5,40CZK, comp. 2 pcs of bloks of four with lower margin and with shifted perforation 1x up and 1x downward + shift brown color; unusualStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
2000 Pof.A245 production flaw No.1, miniature sheet BRNO 2000 value 50CZK, partially omitted red color (significant below value numeral 50), including standard miniature sheet on/for comparison; very fineStarting price: 500 CZK
2000 Pof.261 production flaw, Prague 9CZK, right upper corner stamp. with production flaw 1 - shift blue color L-wards up; mint never hinged, also with common stamp. on/for comparisonStarting price: 400 CZK
2001 Pof.A289 production flaw, miniature sheet Baroque 50CZK, comp. 2 pcs of with production flaw - violet circle, 2 various location, 1x in upper part printings above PU (republic) and 1x in the middle upper blue area above KÁ (Czech); mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.000CZKStarting price: 300 CZK
2001 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.300-301 production flaw, Zoo 5,40CZK, complete 50 pcs of sheet with production flaw 1 - significant shifted print, in addition sporadically stains black printing color, the most significant on pos. 16 and 26; rare and sought production defect, in/at complete counter sheet quite exceptional usage!Starting price: 4 000 CZK
2001 Pof.302/303 production flaw, Nature Protection 5,40CZK, marginal vertical bnd-of-10 with date of print, on/for several stamp. significant black stains (bad stěr color); folded in perforation, soughtStarting price: 500 CZK
2003 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.353 production flaw, Krajky 9CZK, comp. of 2 complete 20 pcs of sheets (plate A+B), both with significant blue smudge through/over whole sheet způsobenou rozmazáním color in/at name state; very fine, unusualStarting price: 400 CZK
2003 Pof.382 production flaw No.1, Klaus 6,50CZK, marginal block-of-6 with production flaw - significant shifted print nominal value; mint never hinged, also with common stamp. for comparisonStarting price: 800 CZK
2005 Pof.421 production flaw, Traditions Czechosl. stamp production 6,50CZK, right the bottom corner horizontal strip of 5 with production flaw - significant black vlnité lines in the picture all stamp. (defect scrap); mint never hingedStarting price: 300 CZK
2005 Pof.423 production flaw, Beauty of Flowers Lilie 7,50CZK, L the bottom corner vertical strip of 3, production flaw - significant stains black color on 2 stamp. + L corner horizontal pair, production flaw - significant shift golden iridescentní color L-wards downward; mint never hinged, rareStarting price: 400 CZK
2005 Pof.443 production flaw, European Championships in baseballu 9CZK, upper marginal bnd-of-10 with production flaw - significant stains black printing color in the picture major-part stamp. (defect scrap); only vert. fold in perforation, interestingStarting price: 500 CZK
2005 Pof.443 production flaw, European Championships in baseballu 9CZK, upper marginal bnd-of-10 with production flaw - significant stains black printing color in the picture major-part stamp. (defect scrap); only vert. fold in perforation, interestingStarting price: 600 CZK
2007 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.514 production flaw, Praga 2008 11CZK, complete 100 stamps sheet without print, only stamp. paper with gum and perf; mint never hingedStarting price: 1 000 CZK
2006 PRIVÁTNÍ PŘÍTISK / Pof.PL459, Bunch of Flowers 10CZK, CHYBOTISK with nesprávným year "2007", comp. 6 pcs of with private additional printings: P36297 and P36419 - Koncertní hall O. Jeremiáše in/at Č. Budějovice + P36444 - Prague tower clock + P36516 - Prague Semmering + P36485 - Prague museum - záplavy + P35281 - Christmas; c.v.. Pěnkava 42.000CZKStarting price: 3 000 CZK +6,7 %
2008 Pof.A562 production flaw, miniature sheet Ledebour garden 51CZK, production flaw 2 - rose circle above building by/on/at L upper corner pos.; mint never hinged, soughtStarting price: 400 CZK
2008 Pof.570 production flaw, Olympic Games Beijing 10CZK, marginal block-of-4 with katalogovou production flaw 26/L - white circle L from wedge [ ˇ ] in/at "Č"; rare defect, catalogue misvaluesStarting price: 400 CZK +25,0 %
2009 Pof.602 production flaw, Firemen CTIF 17CZK, corner blk-of-4, production flaw 45/P - big green stain above R; catalogue misvalues, only on/for very small part/-s printingStarting price: 400 CZK
2010 Pof.630 production flaw, Fifinka value A, complete booklet variants C (address Depo Karlovy Vary), double pin hole and násek on all stamps., field 3; c.v.. 2.000CZKStarting price: 1 000 CZK +10,0 %
2010 Pof.630 production flaw, Fifinka value A, horizontal pair with production flaw - without pin hole; c.v.. 8.000CZKStarting price: 2 000 CZK +40,0 %
2010 Pof.630, Fifinka value A, comp. of 3 booklets variants B (round corners hologram and in/at address P.O.Box) with significant c.v.. color shades: 1x very light blue, 1x green-blue and 1x common darker blue; c.v.. 3.040KčStarting price: 1 700 CZK
2010 Pof.660 production flaw, Myšpulín value A, two complete booklets variants A (address P.O.Box), both with production flaw 4/4A - big black stain R from values A to pravému náseku, but different form/shape and size stains (c.v.. variants this production flaw doesn't report); very interesting, c.v.. 1.212KčStarting price: 900 CZK +11,1 %
2010 Pof.664 production flaw, Christmas 10CZK, block of four with production flaw 36/4B - sun through/over L part lower decoration at lower margin; sought c.v.. defectStarting price: 400 CZK
2011 Pof.672, Pinďa value A, complete booklet variants B (address Depo Karlovy Vary), on all stamps double násek and pin hole, in addition very vyražený (distinct also on cards); c.v.. 6.000CZK, on/for market occures minimallyStarting price: 2 600 CZK +23,1 %
2014 Pof.809 production flaw, Jů and Hele value A, complete booklet with two překrývajícími with hologramy one above the other (are vyraženy 1 mm crossways from themselves); c.v.. -,-, kuriózní and rare production defectStarting price: 1 600 CZK +6,3 %
2014 Pof.809 production flaw, Jů and Hele value A, comp. of 2 complete booklets with c.v.. production flaw 8/4 - blue circle in upper part, 1x significant, 1x thin/light (sought stage before/(in front of) zánikem defects); c.v.. 1.212KčStarting price: 800 CZK
2016 Pof.A885, miniature sheet Charles IV. 54CZK, I. printing with printing error "Karolus Quatrus"; mint never hingedStarting price: 500 CZK +120,0 %
2021 Pof.1059, Kolo Favorit value B, L marginal block-of-4 from reprint from printing-plant Hradišťko, light rose value letter B place tmavorůžového (only small part of edition); for comparison also with common stamp. from same reprint, significant and very rare shade, mint never hingedStarting price: 500 CZK +40,0 %
2021 Pof.1110 production flaw, Bělásek 1CZK, R vert. bnd-of-20, the bottom blk-of-10 with significant smykovým print black color incl. bottom inscription and čárového kódu; decorativeStarting price: 500 CZK +20,0 %
2023 Pof.A1228/1231, miniature sheet Shakespearovské celebration with smaller, avšak zřetelným shifted perforation crossways downward, on/for the bottom stamp. zasahuje closely to nápisům; unusualStarting price: 1 200 CZK
2024 Pof.A1288/1289, miniature sheet Gastronomie value B, comp. of 2 miniature sheets with production flaw on pos. 2 - white stain closely R from talíře with jitrnicemi, 2 stage (more/larger and smaller stain); very rare usageStarting price: 1 300 CZK +207,7 %
2018-2020 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.942 and 1090, complete counter sheet PRAGA 2018 Modrý Mauricius (50 pcs of value A) and Rumělkový Mercure (50 pcs of value E); only face-value 3.900CZK, sheets 942 are today rare, printing quite rozebrán!Starting price: 3 600 CZK
2000 Pof.AT1 production flaw, Veveří (castle), variant I, DVOJITÝ FIALOVÝ print values 14.40CZK without asterisk, stamp. with violet value was/were připraveny for PAL6; mint never hinged, very rare, rarely occur very fine stamp. nenalepené on/for PB, usage stamp. with production flaw values is exceptional!Starting price: 3 000 CZK
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), value 14.40CZK without asterisk, variant I, triple, significantly shifted print nominal value + otazníky at upper marginStarting price: 400 CZK +25,0 %
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), variant II, comp. of 5 stamp. with production flaw No.6 - wide yellow band L, values 1CZK, 5,40CZK, 8CZK, 11CZK and 14,40CZK, all with *; very fine, nice selection ofStarting price: 3 000 CZK
2002 Pof.AT2 production flaw, Zvíkov, comp. of 8 stamp. with various VV: násobný print values, various values, double impression stamp., inverted print, "reed" etc..; interesting selection ofStarting price: 900 CZK
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, 22-páska (!), upper stamp. without print values, on other stamp. print of introductory program (letters, number, coats of arms); 2x fold between stamp., c.v.. 5.500Kč++, c.v.. shows - rarer usage 4- to 10-pásek, here exceptional 22-páska!Starting price: 1 500 CZK +6,7 %
2007 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, complete set of 14 various values, 7,50CZK - 35CZK, with valuable statement in FIALOVÉ color place black (from post Liberec 1 from period of from 7. 2. to 12. 4. 2007); very fine, catalogue shows, very rare, in/at auctions with practically is rareStarting price: 7 000 CZK +14,3 %
2008 Pof.AT4 production flaw, Průhonice, selection of 21 pcs of stamp. with double also trojitými prints values, same also various values, variously significant shifted prints etc.. + 3 stamp. quite without print values; interesting study selection ofStarting price: 900 CZK +33,3 %
2007 stamp-booklet - PERSONALISED STAMP / stamp booklets ČTÚ 4/2007 with blk-of-10 stamp. Pof.537; minimum usage, rare!Starting price: 800 CZK
2007 stamp-booklet / stamp booklets ČTÚ x/2007 "ASMKS" with blk-of-10 stamp. Pof.537; minimum usage, rare!Starting price: 800 CZK
1998 PAL5, 5. anniv of Czech Republic, unnumbered; very fineStarting price: 1 000 CZK +20,0 %
1993-2001 [COLLECTIONS] FDC / collection 1993-2001 in 5 letter files, contains also several postcard and i.a. POB2 etc..Starting price: 1 000 CZK +100,0 %
1997 CVIČNÁ POST - APOSTA / sheet 4 pcs of Un labels cvičné post; without defects, rareStarting price: 500 CZK
2000 CDV51, Prague - European Capital of Culture 5CZK, printing error without hologram; very fineStarting price: 400 CZK +100,0 %
1997-2009 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL MUZEUM / collection unused p.stat with added-print Postal museum from uvedeného period, from PM7, major part contains more times, various variants with / without special postmark, with signatures of authors etc..; placed in album Optima, c.v.. ca. 18.000CZK, unusual selection ofStarting price: 2 000 CZK +20,0 %
1993-1999 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / stamp. from uvedeného period placed in stockbook A4 and on 4 cards A4, contains except basic stamp. coupons, joined printings, souvenir sheets, several special commemorative print etc.., many duplication, also with small addition stamp. and miniature sheets Czechoslovakia; only valid face-value ca. 7.000CZKStarting price: 4 000 CZK +25,0 %
1993-2001 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection on pages in two spring folder, incl. miniature sheets, PB, joined printings etc..; face-value 9.500CZKStarting price: 5 000 CZK +30,0 %