Public Acution 49 / Collections
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1900-60 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection of unused stamps in 2 stockbooks, contains various complete set, prewar (partly hinged) and postwar sets, several souvenir sheets and others., i.a. Mi.191-203*, 235-243*, 266-269*, 344-346*, 386-392*/**, Bl.8, 497-504, Bl.9A+B, Bl.15-16867-871, 909-913, 952-959, 992-994, 1022-1027, 1028-1034; cat. ca. 2.500€ U:Z
1870-2001 [COLLECTIONS] larger collection in 30-sheet stockbook, contains used and unused stamps, part from classic period, also better sets or parts, middle values, souvenir sheets and others.; high catalogue value, according to owner 6.000€ U:Z
1864-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting small collection of used stamps aimed at numeral postmarks, ca. 60 pcs, on 3 sheets from exhibit; cat. ca. 2.400€ U:Z
1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting study collection of used stamps on 3 sheets from exhibit, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others. + 2 entires, i.a. 1x franked with pair; cat. according to owner ca. 2.100DK U:Z
1865-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 3S, (AFA 12), interesting smaller study collection of used stamps on 2 sheets from exhibit, i.a. 2x pair, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others.; cat. according to owner ca. 2.600€ U:Z
1864-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, (AFA 13 + 13a), interesting study collection of used stamps on 5 sheets from exhibit in spiral stockbook, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others. U:Z
1864-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, (AFA 13), interesting small collection of used stamps, aimed at numeral postmarks, more than 50 stamps, on 3 sheets from exhibit; cat. ca. 1.000€ U:Z
1864-70 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of 198 stamps Coat of arms 4S, AFA13, aimed on various plate flaws, flaw prints, cancel. and others.; all identified and described, on 3 two-sided full cards A4 U:Z
1865-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, nice collection aimed at numeral postmarks, 100 pcs on 7 sheets in spiral stockbook with descriptions; cat. ca. 1.400€ U:Z
1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, very nice collection aimed at numeral postmarks, many better and more interesting pieces, i.a. 2x blue and others., ca. 180 pcs, on 4 sheets in spiral stockbook with descriptions; cat. ca. 2.600€ U:Z
1885 [COLLECTIONS] REPRINTS Mi.11-15, Coat of Arms 2S-16S, i.a. values 2S, 3S and 8S and 16S as blocks of 6 (!); interesting, on 3 exhibit sheets, cat. 460€++ U:Z
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of 1.150 machine postmarks on cut-squares; placed in full 15 sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1930-2010 [COLLECTIONS] CHRISTMAS STAMPS collection of Christmas stamps in 3 full stockbooks, contains complete sheets, printing sheets, part used + several entires and dublets (incomplete sheets, printing sheets, atd.); interesting! U:Z
1946-92 [COLLECTIONS] FDC almost 900 FDC covers in 2 stockbooks and in the box, from 1946 - ; interesting collection, cat. ca. 1.500€ U:K
1950-92 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of 128 envelopes with various memorial cancel., incl. better pieces U:Z
1930 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.26-30, 400. Anniv of the death of F. Ferrucci, complete issue I-XIII with Opt with names of islands + Postage due stamps Castelrosso Mi.25-29; overall very nice quality, interesting group U:Z
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of used and also unused stamps in full 15-sheet stockbook A4, from issue Napoleon III., Ceres, Allegory, inter-war period, also issues of French colonies, Indochina and others., supplemented with 2 cards A4 with stamps Colis Postal; higher catalogue U:Z
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, from issues Victor Emanuell III., then i.a. Mi.100-103, 105-106, 183-185, 337-344 etc.; used also unused, cat. according to owner ca. 3.000€ U:Z
1900-60 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of dublets, unused stamps on 4 album sheets, incl. more interesting sets and parts, i.a. Mi.100-103, 105-106, 183-185, 337-344 (2x), 345-357, 391-407, 463-478, also postwar sets as Mi.748-759, 767-770, 774-776**, 780 etc.; also with several sets and single stamps VATICAN and SAN MARINO; mainly hinged, but part also mint never hinged, we recommend viewing, high catalogue value, interesting offer U:Z
1919-60 [COLLECTIONS] strong basic collection of unused stamps in 12 sheet stockbook, almost complete, incl. better sets as Mi.27-29, 33-50, 51-54, 212-221, interwar sets and especially postwar issues as Mi.583-586, 616-620, 628-639, air-mail Mi.644-652, then Mi. 698-703, 738-749, 776-787 and others., also several souvenir sheets, cat. more than 3.000€, in addition supplemented with issues TRIESTE ZONE A and B, i.a. Mi.1I-III, 31-34 and others., cat. ca. 900€, extraordinary offer U:Z
1890-1945 [COLLECTIONS] YUGOSLAVIA, MONTENEGRO, CROATIA collection in 10-sheet stockbook A4, only small part used, various issue; cat. according to owner ca. 1.000€ U:Z
1918-19 [COLLECTIONS] BOSNIA A HERZEGOVINA interesting specialized collection of first overprint issue on Bosnian stamps, issues Landscape, Express, Charitable stamps, Franz Joseph and Porto in 8-sheets stockbook, contains plate defects, inverted, double Opt, omitted perf, and others., total ca. 270 pcs, part blocks of four and strips, also 3x letter, 4x certificate; U:Z
1918-22 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, especially issue 1918, also Postage due stamps 1918-21, issue for Slovenia etc., incl. various shifted, double and inverted Opt etc. U:Z
1920 [COLLECTIONS] group of designes for unissued Jugoslavian stamps King Alexander and Sitting old man - obvious origins from Alfons Mucha, stockbook contains 6 big joined printings of both designes, also 12 joined printings with stamps King Alexander + quantum single stamps, all in various colors on chalky or ordinary paper without gum, all in 1 stockbook U:Z
1890-1940 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full 16-sheets stockbook A4, mainly contains stamps from occupied territory as BARANYA, BANAT, BÁCZKA, DEBRECZEN (commercial marks Tausig) etc.; supplemented with card A4 with stamps of Croatia U:Z
1919-21 [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary collection of almost 2.000 mainly unused stamps of Hungarian occupied territory on 22 full sheets in stockbook A4: BARANYA, BANAT, BÁCZKA, DEBRECZEN, FIUME etc., all sets, many better values, also blocks of four and others., part expertized or with marks (Mecz, Bodor and others), (also 1 side with Opt POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 - forgeries); interesting offer, offered as is U:Z
1900-19 [COLLECTIONS] collection of Hungarian PostCards (1x as parallel in Czechoslovakia), double PCs, letter cards, postal stationery covers and p.stat saving cards (!), all with printed stamp Crown of St. Stephen, total 52 pcs; placed on 24 album sheets U:Z
1871-1983 [COLLECTIONS] strong and almost complet collection of used and also unused stamps on sheets in 3 spring stockbooks, from copperprint Franz Joseph I., issue Letters with cipher, also Mi.128-144 (* + used), 303-311, 383-388, 403-410, Zeppelin 478-479, 484-487 (* and used), Mi.Bl.1-6, souvenir sheets Roosevelt luxury, Klb.1034-1035, souvenir sheets Bridges Bl.12-13, Bl.16, Bl.17 *, Bl.19, Bl.20-22, Bl.28A (3x), then Bl.39B, 42B, + supplemented with dublets on stock-sheets A5 and A4; cat. by estimation more than 3.500€, interesting offer U:Z
1870-1981 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used and also unused stamps in full 30-sheet stockbook, i.a. Franz Joseph I. copper print, also various inter-war and postwar sets, souvenir sheets and others.; high catalogue value, according to owner ca. 3.800€, all identified and described U:Z
1890-1940 [COLLECTIONS] interesting comp. of unused stamps, contains complete better sets as Wagner, Hindenburg, City Coats of Arms, etc., for example. Mi.344-350, 351-354, 378-384, 385-397, 410-422, 438-439, 482-495, 499-507, 529-539 and others.; cat. for * more than 2.500€ U:Z
1920-39 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, contains used also unused stamps, many better sets, i.a. used Mi.133-137, Official Mi.41-51, Postage due stamp on cut-squares Mi.1-14, also unused Mi.231-235, 262-266, souvenir sheets Bl.1-3 and others.; high catalogue value U:Z
1945-49 [COLLECTIONS] FRENCH ZONE complete collection on sheets in spring folder, used but also part stamps mint never hinged i.a. general issue Mi.11-13**, used souvenir sheets Bl.1A+B with certificate, also unused souvenir sheets Bl.2, Red Cross, then Rhein-Pfalz incl. Mi.Bl.1, Würtenberg with Mi.Bl.1 and others.; supplemented with many entires, cat. only stamps and souvenir sheets 4.300€, interesting offer U:Z
1947-59 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on hingeless sheets in folder, mainly complete (without souvenir sheets and Mi.226-238), contains complete sets, i.a. Mi.206-225, 283-286 and others.; cat. according to owner 1.300€, also in addition 7 entires U:Z
1948-60 [COLLECTIONS] BERLIN, BDR very strong collection of unused stamps in stockbook A4, especially from beginnig period, incl. better sets and values, i.a. BERLIN Mi.1-20 (exp. Diena), 35-41, 42-60, 61-63, 68-70, Bells etc., cat. more than 3.000€ + BDR i.a. Mi.111-112, 113-115, 121-122, 117-120, 139-140 etc., cat. more than 1.500€, interesting offer U:Z
1949-1991 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of mint never hinged stamps on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (expertized), 42-60, Block No.1, issue Bells etc., incl. all machine stamps and booklets; only Mi.61-63 used; all luxury quality, cat. more than 7.000€ U:Z
1949-90 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of used stamps on sheets in folder Schaubek, complete from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (expertized, only Mi.33 **), 42-60, Block No.1, 106-109 (exp.) (!), issue Bells etc.; supplemented with several entires, high catalogue value, interesting offer U:Z
1949-91 [COLLECTIONS] collection 700 letters and FDC, various frankings, incl. better issues, only period 1949-55 cat. ca. 2.700€; all chronologically arranged and placed in 6 stockbooks for entires; cat. 5.500€, interesting offer U:Z
1948-55 [COLLECTIONS] interesting basic collection of unused stamps on 7 sides in stockbook A4, contains complete sest, incl. SOWJWTISCHE ZONE, i.a. souvenir sheet Göthe *, then GDR i.a. Mi.251-255, 256-259, 261-270, souvenir sheet Debria *, 286-288 **/*, 327-341 (marginal pieces, missing only cheap Mi.340) etc.; high catalogue value, we recommend examination U:Z
1949-76 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on sheet KA-BE in stockbooks, i.a. Mi.111-1212, 115, 117-120,123-138, 139-140 etc.; high catalogue value, in addition supplemented with stockbook with ca. 350 entires from 1956-76 U:Z
1860-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 200 p.stat and entires, mainly PC, part used, but also other p.stat as COB, letter-cards, dispatch-note, newspaper wrappers, private postal stationery covers etc., supplemented with several letters from various period, all in one box; from old collection U:K
1920-90 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of complete sheets, i.a. GDR MHB1 (3x) with special postmark, 2(3x) with special postmark, 11 **, 20-21 **, then several sheets or parts, various issues of Deutsches Reich, Berlin, Soviet zone and others.; high catalogue value U:Z
1883 [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary collection of stmp and entires VII. issue in/at full 32-sheet stockbook, specialisation on/for types, perf, color, lot of cut-squares, various postmark, lot of entires postcard, p.stat, letter-card/-s, telegraph cards, receipts; line entires as Registered, various franking etc.., part Lombardy-Veneto; high catalogue value, interesting offer U:Z
1901-18 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of complete unused sets on 5 sheets in album A4, for example Bosnia and Herzegovina Mi.29-44 (2x),45-60, 61U, 63U, 99-116, 124-141, Postage due stamps Mi.1-13, 14-26; also FP Mi.22-48 + issue for Italy Mi.I-XIV (2x); cat. ca. 700€ U:Z
1863-1908 [COLLECTIONS] group of more than 110 unused p.stat, part double or abroad, postal stationery covers, letter-cards, newspaper wrappers safecards, posting cards, dispatch-note, smaller part issue for Levant etc., mainly in very good condition, high catalogue value U:O5
1914-18 [COLLECTIONS] FORERUNNER and PARALLEL small collection 15 pcs of PC and letter cards Charles and Coat of arms with various upratings stamp. Hradčany or newspaper Sokol, on 9 album pages + supplemented with smaller collection Austrian private p.stat, total 13 pcs of envelopes, PC and newspaper wrappers on 6 album pages U:Z
1908-10 [COLLECTIONS] PRIVATE POSTAL STATIONERY comp. of mainly used private p.stat as PC, postal stationery covers, newspaper wrappers and letter-cards, from that 3x p.stat cover sent as Reg and richly uprated, 1x larger part of dispatch-note with additional-printing of 60h stam, several pieces used p.stat with exhibition postmark PRAGUE etc.; mainly good condition, very interesting group U:O5
1908-10 [COLLECTIONS] SHEETS selection of whole sheets, various values of Coat of arms 2k-1R, Mi.65, 67, 68, 73, 74, 76, 77, incl. gutter and crosses; overall very good quality, interesting offer U:Z
1938-40 [COLLECTIONS] big accumulation of postage stamps mainly issue Professions, Mi.578 - 84 blocks-of-25, Mi.676 - 48 whole sheets, Mi.678 - 116 blocks-of-50, Mi.682 - 24 sheets, Mi.684 - 48 blocks-of-50, Mi.784 - 98 blocks-of-25, placed in covers in 2 spiral covers, good condition, suitable for specialist, various plate flaws, margins with imprints etc., cat. over 40.000€ U:Z
1870-1960 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of used and also unused stamps in full 16-sheets stockbook A4, on 10 sheets Russia from issue Coat of arms and Soviet Union, mainly incomplete sets, then Ukraine, Armenia + 1 sheet with stamps of TUWA, then supplemented with unused stamps of Mongolia, in addition Finland, Korea and Ireland; interesting offer U:Z
1884-1941 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of chosen sets also single stamps in stockbook A4 + A5 + on stock-sheets A4, from issues Coat of arms, emergency stamps, civil war and mainly USSR, i.a. Mi.364A, 397-401, 459, 507, 823A and others.; higher catalogue U:Z
1889-1923 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of unused stamps in 8-sheet stockbook A4, from issue Coat of arms, i.a. Mi.55-56y, also incomplete issue House of Romanov i.a. highest value 3R and 5R (!), also issue Charitable stamps, issue RSFSR etc., supplemented with 12 unused p.stat from classic period; cat. min. 500€ U:Z
1858-1940 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 4 sheets in 8-sheet stockbook, contains part of classic period, various editions of Coat of arms, part issue House of Romanov Mi.82-94, also RSFSR, and sets of USSR; used also unused, cat. according to owner ca. 550€ U:Z
1850-1940 [COLLECTIONS] GREECE, ROMANIA accumulation of used and also unused stamps in full 12-sheet stockbook A4, contains i.a. group of stamp. Head of Hermes, various parts of sets etc. U:Z
1894-1960 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection on 9 album sheets, contains various complete set, incl. some better as Mi.23-25, 100-104, Bl.1-3, 208-214, 258, 271-291, 292-308, 356-369, 379-386, 547-556 and others.; overall nice quality, cat. ca. 1.000€ U:Z
1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps in 17-sheets stockbook, contains various sets and parts, also souvenir sheets, i.a. Mi.Bl.3, 8, 9 etc., cat. ca. 5.000€ + supplemented with dublets in 8-sheet in stockbook A4, cat. ca. 2.000€ + collection of 156 FDC in spiral stockbook from 1991-2011; cat. ca. 800€, in addition specialized catalogue Michel / Sweiz-Liechtenstein Spezial 2011, interesting collection U:Z
1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in 12-sheets stockbook, contains especially complete sets, stamps in glassine envelopes, from Mi.71-73, Landscapes, Coats of arms, Air-mail and others., i.a. Mi.142 *, 145, 152 *, 228 *, 233-234, 246-249, 250-255, 328-330, 387-394, Bl.9 etc., war and postwar sets; mainly MNH, higher catalogue value U:Z
1929-60 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection on 5 album sheets, contains various complete sets, incl. some better as Mi.1-15 *, 17-20 *, 67-72, 73-79, 180-184, Block No.1 (viewing of quality recommended), 211 and others.; smaller part of stamps hinged, cat. ca. 1.000€ U:Z
1890-1960 [COLLECTIONS] interesting remaining selection of unused and also used stamps in stockbook A4, contains various inter-war also postwar sets of Europe (mainly hinged), i.a. Austria Mi.617-622; Liechtenstein Postage due stamps Mi.13-20; Luxembourg Mi.259-264 **/*; SERBIA Mi.Klb.94-98, GDR Mi.261-270, 2x souvenir sheet DEBRIA, complete set of Germany - Chinese friendship Mi.286-288, 1 page with stamps of Saar, 1 page of used stamps of Russia, issue Coat of arms etc.; cat. min. 500€ considering the quality; in addition big old album of stamps of Europe and the World - Schaubeks´s illustriertes Briefmarken-Album, issued R. Senf, 11. issue 1890, damaged, but still preserved binding, with various countries U:Z
1910-50 [COLLECTIONS] HUNGARY, RUSSIA, GERMANY, Czechoslovakia smaller collection in one older stockbook A4, i.a. nice blocks of German inflation with readable postmarks, 2x corner stamps from miniature sheet Anthem-issue, supplemented with several official cards U:Z
1890-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES, COVERS big selection of more than 2000 pcs of entires of Europe also overseas, contains i.a. Germany, Austria, Hungary (dispatch-note), America, Balkans etc., part older entires also several better items, interesting selection of almost 10Kg of omaterial suitable to other sale, in big box U:K