1991 Mi.423-424, 2x PLATE PROOF EUROPA CEPT, Kosmickývýzkum2.50Fr and 3,50Fr, definitive print on carton paper, so-called. "DeluxeSheets" or "feuilletministeriel", printing ca. 200 pcs of, rare destination also motive!
1910-11 Mi.81-88I, 81-88II, 81-88III, 3 complete sets National fund, Fight against tuberculosis and Exhibition in Charleroi; on reverse larger part with commercial mark S.; cat. 425€
1924 Mi.186Klb., King Albert I. 5F, issued for philatelic exhibition in Brussels, 4 stamps, imprint of commemorative postmark in margin and control perf; small gum flaw, cat. 400€
1930 Mi.Bl.1 + Mi.287, souvenir sheet Philatelic Exhibition in Antwerp with special postmark + single stamp from this souvenir sheet; hinged, cat. for * ca. 400€, sought
1937-38 Mi.Bl.6+Bl.7, souvenir sheet Musical foundation of the Queen Elizabeth + souvenir sheet Monument in Nieuwpoort with special postmark; luxury, without usual production bends, cat. 150€
1956-1957 Mi.1043-1044, 1070-1071, so-called. "Feuillet de luxe" - TRIAL PRINT for issue EUROPA, in definitive colors on carton in miniature sheet form, according to Belgian Monograph Catalogue Officiel de Timbres Poste LX21, LX25, LX26, and with added-print 5-10-58 special SLX3A, SLX3B, market nett price 162€
1950-60 Mi.Bl.23*, 25, 26, comp. of 3 postwar souvenir sheets: European World Championship in athletics, Polar expedition and Year of refugies (small gum flaw); cat. 260€
1941 PRIVATE ISSUE Mi.Block III.I -IV.II; V.I-VI.II, complete set of private souvenir sheets Orval (V) with controll and without controll numbers with variants of years 1142-1942; interesting set, cat. 450€
1869-1916 selection of 10 old letters and uprated p.stat, with Mi.15A, 28A+27A, 55 with both coupons, postcard 5C Mi.P55 with rarely uprated to Reg with Mi.110-112 + French Mi.125+126, CDS LE HAVRE
1930-1938 5 air-mail letters from Brussels to Prague, franking Mi.280-283, 399-400, 469, all with arrival CDS PRAGUE AIRPORT, 1x first flight.; perfect
1870-2001 [COLLECTIONS] larger collection in 30-sheet stockbook, contains used and unused stamps, part from classic period, also better sets or parts, middle values, souvenir sheets and others.; high catalogue value, according to owner 6.000€
1930-1944 5 airmail a Reg letters and 1 Ppc, to Czechoslovakia and Protectorate, with extraordinary frankings for example Tsar Boris 1944, etc., 2x 10 Leva Mi.209 and oths., arrival airmail pmks, censorship marks,; interesting set
1851 Mi.1I(2x),1II, FIRE R.B.S. Ferslew 2x and Thiele 1x, once retouch; rare blue dumb postmark (Facit 3000SEK), then hand-made cross cancellation and hand-made blue stroke with very rare additional datestamp, all exp. P. Macoveanu; perfect piece from important collection
1851 Mi.1II, 5 pcs, 1x cut square, FIRE R.B.S., various colors, i.a. chestnut also black-brown, pmks 1 and 101 - very rare postmarks of GRAVENSTEIN, 51, 153, 195; nice group
1854-1863 Mi.4(5x), 5, 6, 7(7x), 9(2x), group of 16 pcs from issues Coat of arms, mostly 4Sk, various colors and better whole postmarks incl. No. "7", "72", "73"; cat. only stamps 440€
1880-1900 REPRINTS (NEUDRUCKS) chosen selection of reprints on stock-sheet A4, i.a,. 7x block of four, strips, various issues of Coat of arms, i.a. NE4Bb, NE4Ba, N2Aa etc.; also with 2 certificates Moller, cat. according to owner ca. 11.600DNK
1951-61 REPRINTS chosen selection of reprints on stock-sheet A4, i.a,. 4x block of four, strips, various issues of Coat of arms, i.a. N3, N7a, N10, N28-37 and others.; interesting
1864-1882 Mi.22IIYAa, Mi.31IIZB, 3 Øre dull ultramarine / grey, 100 Øre grey / yellow, INVERTED FRAMES, wmk Y and Z, perf 14/13½ and 12¾, cat. 620€, in addition 35 pcs of from Mi.11-33, from issues Numerals in frame, Coat of arms in oval, the first issue and others., i.a. Mi.11A(2),13Ab,24,33(2); interesting pmks, other excluded from sum better wmk and inverted frames, cat. total min. 1.050€
1816-1869 comp. of 5 folded letters, 1x letter to Husumu ( (Sleswick) from 1816, on reverse seal, 1x pre-philatelic letter from Copenhagen to Randers, single circle pmk COPENHAGEN 3/8/41 on reverse and 3 folded letters from 1862-69, i.a. 1x used AARHUUS-ARNHEM, transit HAMBURG; 1x single-circle RANDERS 10/11; all good condition
1851 folded letter to Bordeaux from Copenhagen, black straight line postmark DANEMARCK PAR HAMBURG, blue round KJOBENHAVN 8/5.1851, transit and arrival postmark
1855-1862 selection of 12 letters with 4S, AFA7, various numeral circular cancel. "5", "24", "54" etc., i.a. 1x sent to Schleswig etc.; various quality
1856-1862 2 folded letters, i.a. 1x to France, round KJOBENHAVN + frame DÄNEMARK R.2, cancel. VALENCIENNES + 1x letter to Netherlands with black round spark cancel., through Hamburg
1858-1870 selection 12 folded letters, 11x with Coat of arms in oval 4S, Mi.13, AFA13, i.a. pair, various numeral cancel. + 1x letter with Coat of arms 4S 1858; interesting
1858-70 selection of 13 folded letters, 12x with Coat of arms in oval 4S, Mi.13, AFA13, i.a. strip-of-3, pair, various numeral cancel. + 1x letter with Coat of arms 4S 1858; interesting
1864-1870[COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting small collection of used stamps aimed at numeral postmarks, ca. 60 pcs, on 3 sheets from exhibit; cat. ca. 2.400€
1865-1870[COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting study collection of used stamps on 3 sheets from exhibit, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others. + 2 entires, i.a. 1x franked with pair; cat. according to owner ca. 2.100DK
1865-70[COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 3S, (AFA 12), interesting smaller study collection of used stamps on 2 sheets from exhibit, i.a. 2x pair, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others.; cat. according to owner ca. 2.600€
1864-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, (AFA 13 + 13a), interesting study collection of used stamps on 5 sheets from exhibit in spiral stockbook, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others.
1864-70 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, (AFA 13), interesting small collection of used stamps, aimed at numeral postmarks, more than 50 stamps, on 3 sheets from exhibit; cat. ca. 1.000€