1924 Mi.186Klb., King Albert I. 5F, issued for philatelic exhibition in Brussels, 4 stamps, imprint of commemorative postmark in margin and control perf; small gum flaw, cat. 400€
1930 Mi.Bl.1 + Mi.287, souvenir sheet Philatelic Exhibition in Antwerp with special postmark + single stamp from this souvenir sheet; hinged, cat. for * ca. 400€, sought
1851 Mi.1I(2x),1II, FIRE R.B.S. Ferslew 2x and Thiele 1x, once retouch; rare blue dumb postmark (Facit 3000SEK), then hand-made cross cancellation and hand-made blue stroke with very rare additional datestamp, all exp. P. Macoveanu; perfect piece from important collection
1851 Mi.1II, 5 pcs, 1x cut square, FIRE R.B.S., various colors, i.a. chestnut also black-brown, pmks 1 and 101 - very rare postmarks of GRAVENSTEIN, 51, 153, 195; nice group
1934Mi.137-145, World Championship in football, complete set incl. air-mail, Italian stamps Mi.479-483 with Opt "ISOLE ITALIANE DELL´EGEO"; several pieces mint never hinged, others lightly hinged, cat. min. 500€
1919 3 letters sent in the place POSTE RESTANTE and letter to Vienna; Hungarian postage-due as postage stamps - disallowed with postage due of 30, newspaper with Opt FIUME, 4-block and strip-of-5, letter with corner strip-of-5 10F Charles + 5F Reaper, interesting selection
1849 letter to poste restante to Valey, with Ceres 20C black, Mi.3b, very wide margins, dumb grid cancel. + CDS MONTPELLIER/ 2.AOUT.49!, small format, on reverse transit cancel. BOULOGNE and PARIS/ 5.AOUT.49 and seal; 1x vert. fold, otherwise good condition
1935-1940 complete set of issues Personalities from interwar period, from Mi.299, Delessert to C. Bernard Mi.477, incl. C. Ader Mi.425 and others.; perfect quality, cat. 530€
1852commercial letter to Genoa, Sass.1+8, 1/2Baj+7Baj as atypical half rate to Sardinia 7½ Baj, notice "6" (decimi), CDS BOLOGNA (Romagna), additional VIA DI SARZANA, quite rare franking!
1930-34 group of chosen complete sets on card A4: Mi.345-357, 362-368, 369-371, 373-384, 385-390, 391-407, 413, 439-444, 514-519; many stamps mint never hinged, cat. for * ca. 500€, interesting offer
1918 VENEZIA GIULIA Sass.1-16, Crown, Charles and Coat of arms issue 1916, set without highest values 4 K and 10K with Opt "REGNO D´ ITALIA / VENEZIA GIULIA / 3. NOV. 18.", the most expensive pieces 40h, 2 K and 3 K exp. Richter, rare occurrence of MNH stamps, cat. 5.300€
1876-1912comp. of 15 entires with Letter with cipher, from that 7 sent as Registered, also 8 entires sent as Printed matter with 2f, many postmarks from Slovak territory, i.a. TRENCSÉN, BESZTÉRCZE BÁNYA, TISZÓLCZ, VÁG BESZTERCZE, DESZER, SZAKOLCZA etc.; good condition, interesting selection
1904-18selection of 16 entires with Turul, from that 9 commercial Reg cards, supplemented with 5 larger parts of dispatch notes + 3 entires burdened by surtax with Hungarian Postage due stamps, part postmarks of post offices from Slovak territory i.a. LOSONCZ, MARIKÓ, NAGYSZOMBAT, ZÓLYOM, VÁG ÚJHÉLY etc.; good condition, interesting selection
1931Mi.478U, 479U, Zeppelin 1 Pengo and 2 Pengo, IMPERFORATED pairs corner and outer; exp. Stolow, cat. 1.400€ only as single stamps; very rare, extraordinary offer!
1919-21[COLLECTIONS] extraordinary collection of almost 2.000 mainly unused stamps of Hungarian occupied territory on 22 full sheets in stockbook A4: BARANYA, BANAT, BÁCZKA, DEBRECZEN, FIUME etc., all sets, many better values, also blocks of four and others., part expertized or with marks (Mecz, Bodor and others), (also 1 side with Opt POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 - forgeries); interesting offer, offered as is
1923 Mi.278 IV., Postage 8T/ 30Pf dark blue-green, with plate flaw IV. - "Keil in der 0"; Befund G. Bechtold BPP from year 1994 : "echt and einwandfrei", cat. 130€
1933 Mi.Bl.2, souvenir sheet NOTHILFE; stamps luxury, small spots in margin, owner's mark, without usual bends or folds, size 209x147,5mm, cat. for * 1.500€
1919-1941 set of 7 stamp booklets in various quality, i.a. MH12, Germania 1919 with complete first sheet 6x 15Pf, Mi.15bB, cat. 190€, then MH32 (*), MH48 with HB 117,118 and others.; low starting price!
1872-75 selection of 19entires with Eagle small and large shield issue 1872, contains i.a. folded letter to Italian Genoa with surtax, several letters addressed to Prague and Vienna, part postal stationery covers, various postmarks; good condition
1890-1940[COLLECTIONS] interesting comp. of unused stamps, contains complete better sets as Wagner, Hindenburg, City Coats of Arms, etc., for example. Mi.344-350, 351-354, 378-384, 385-397, 410-422, 438-439, 482-495, 499-507, 529-539 and others.; cat. for * more than 2.500€
1920-39 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, contains used also unused stamps, many better sets, i.a. used Mi.133-137, Official Mi.41-51, Postage due stamp on cut-squares Mi.1-14, also unused Mi.231-235, 262-266, souvenir sheets Bl.1-3 and others.; high catalogue value
1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.104Klb., Copernicus 1+1Zl, set of 4 printing sheets, 1x Mi.104Klb. IV., 1x first edition I/4; 2x II/3 and 1x II/4; excellent quality, cat. 110€