1944 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA red Opt "Czechoslovak Post." on/for Hungarian stamp. 1f-50f, selection of 75 pcs of various stamps mainly in 4 to 7-páskách, margins, 1x corner str-of-4
1945 PLZEŇ / selection of 23 stamp. A. Hitler. 10h-50K with black overprint OSVOBOZENÉ BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA + 60h and 1,20h with overprint SVOBODNÉ DAČICE 9.V.1945
1945 ŘÍČANY by/on/at PRAHY three-line black Opt "Czechoslovakia / state coat of arms / Pravda wins" on stmp A. Hitler. Pof.78-9, 122; without highest value 50K, total 22 pcs of
1945 ROKYTNICE V O. H. comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters with multicolor franking German stamp. with overprint "Pravda wins" and "Czechoslovak post 5.V.1945", posting rubber hand stamp ROKYTNICE V ORL. H. 1945, supplemented with nationalized CDS with date 10.5.45; 1x missing back flap, both other envelope/-s with arrival pmk on/for back strně; good condition
1945[COLLECTIONS] OLOMOUC interesting selection revolutionary overprints "POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1945", in various colors, i.a. ½; sheets stamp. A. Hitler. lower values, blocks of four etc.., then complete sheets Olomouc issue - Eagle 60h-4,20Kč, blocks of four Skalica issue + supplemented with about/by several entires
1946provisional usage postage-due stamp. as postage in Slovakia, letter franked with. forerunner Postage due stamps 20h, 14 pcs of, Alb.D14, CDS ZÁRIVÁ 8.II.46, notice by blue raddle "Vyplatené", right franking 2,40Kčs; good condition, rare!
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with significant shifted print red color L - value 2 Koruna outside frame, red inscription "Košice Apríl 1945" zasahuje to frame stamp. 6 Koruna; very rare occurrence (!), folds in L bottom corner
1945 letter sent to Teschen Silesia with Pof.353, provisional double circle pmk KOŠICE/ 27.VI.45, arrival nationalized German cancel. HNOJNIK/ 03.8.45 on reverse + postcard (Košice) with Pof.353, nationalized Hungarian cancel. with date 15.IV.45; good quality
1945 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters, both franked with. 3 pcs of stamp. 2 Koruna, Pof.354, CDS KOŠICE 6.VII.45, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 16.VII.45; good condition
1945 Pof.365B, Bratislava's 1,50 Koruna, R corner blk-of-20, through/over pos. 70 very significant production defect, strong horiz. red line, so-called. „kolejnička“, in addition catalogue plate variety on pos. 90; very unusual and sought
1945 Pof.393 plate variety, London-issue 50h, with plate variety - below L by eye pilot group expressive stains, repeating defect, but on/for very small part/-s printing; sought