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1962 PT1, Exhibition PRAGA ´62, numbered, mounted after/behind L margin to 1. sheet from exhibition catalogue U:A5
1968 PT5Aa + PT5Ba, Hradčany 10h, 2 pcs of, 1x in/at black and 1x in red color, both with same number U:A5
1971 PT8a + PT8b + PT8c, Agriculture and science, complete set all 3 variants; c.v.. 2.600CZK U:A4
1972 PTXc, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card, variant with printed pictures + stamp. Pof.1991 and 1992 mounted below pictures, but in/at obráceném sequence (!), 2 red special postmark to this action; rare variant, which/what c.v.. Pofis doesn't report! U:A5
1972 PTXa, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card, variant with stamp. Pof.1991-1992 in black color U:A5
1972 PTXa, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card, variant with stamp. Pof.1991-1992 in black color, with red special postmark to this action U:A5
1972 PTXa, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card, variant with stamp. Pof.1991-1992 in black color, with manual signatures of authors M. Hegar, J. Mráček and M. Ondráček U:A5
1972 PTXb, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card, variant with printed pictures přelepenými stamp. Pof.1991 and 1992, red special postmark to this action; value 30h with date of print U:A5
1974 PT9, Karlův Týn, unnumbered, c.v.. Pofis this variety at all doesn't report (!); minor faults - on face-side lower stripped paper and in L margin of stmp smudge printing color; after all interesting U:A5
1974 PT9, Karlův Týn, unnumbered, large format 111x196mm, c.v.. Pofis this variety doesn't report (!); minor faults - in the middle stamp. smudge printing color; after all exceedingly interesting! U:A5
1974 PT9a + PT9b, Karlův Týn, 2 pcs of, 1x numbered and 1x with zero U:A5
1978 PT11 production flaw, Perštýn, numbered, on/for the bottom margin significant Braille printing same stamp., turned about/by 180 stupňů!; sought, quite rare offer U:A5
1978 PT11a + PT11b, Perštýn, 2 pcs of, 1x numbered and 1x unnumbered U:A5
1979 PT13a + PT13b, Levoča, 2 pcs of, 1x numbered and 1x unnumbered; in/at c.v.. Pofis variant unnumbered very podceněna U:A5
1988 PT19Ab, Exhibition PRAGA ´88, blue, unnumbered U:A5
1988 PT19B, Exhibition PRAGA ´88, brown, unnumbered; c.v.. 3.500CZK U:A5
1989 PT22, Exhibition WASHINGTON ´89 - Indian, 2 pcs of, 1x without postmark and 1x with black CDS U U CONGRESS POST OFFICE/ USPS/ 13.NOV.1989 U:A5
1992 PT25, 500th Anniv of Discovery of America.; very fine, c.v.. 3.500CZK U:A5
1970 VT2c, 25. anniv of liberation Czechoslovakia, unnumbered, large format 165x205mm /on/for width still 2 mm more/larger/, superb condition; rare occurrence, at our place teprve potřetí in auction, c.v.. 15.000CZK kurzivou U:A4
1980-83 ZNL - special first day sheets - ministerial, complete set 5 pcs of commemorative sheets ESSEN 80, WIPA 81, PHILEXFRANCE 82, NORDPOSTA 83, always with blue and red special postmark, in addition NORDPOSTA 83 only with black special postmark postmark U:A4
1963-90 [COLLECTIONS] SU1-SU28, complete set souvenirs inquiry MF, incl. SU1 and SU2 etc..; c.v.. 2.900CZK U:O5