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2000 Pof.AT1 production flaw, Veveří (castle), comp. 8 pcs of, values 2CZK, 4CZK, 12CZK, 14CZK, 17CZK, 23CZK, 26CZK and 33CZK, all with production flaw "significant stain above ship" U:A5
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, 1x comp. of 4 values: 6,40CZK, 17CZK, 20CZK, 34CZK with production flaw 4 - cut wedge [ ˇ ] by/on/at "Č" (ČESKÁ), but without missing little lines above "í" (in ZVÍKOV), in addition significant oblique blue line R from "ZVÍKOV" + 1x comp. of 7 values: 5,40CZK, 6,40CZK, 8CZK, 9CZK, 10CZK, 12CZK, 14,40CZK with production flaw 1 - blue line below "K" in/at "REPUBLIC", in addition slightly double print black color; interesting multiple U:A5
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, comp. 5 pcs of officially unissued values 35CZK, 37CZK, 40CZK, 53CZK, 54CZK, from normal transport in Ústí n./L. (January 2011); c.v.. 7.500CZK, rare, collector sought! U:A5
2005 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, officially unissued value 54CZK, from normal transport in Ústí n./L. (part jediného of day 5. 1. 2011); for the present sole předložená from three at that time newly set up values (see c.v.. Pofis 2015, page. 148, hodnoceno –,–), other and last piece from same zdroje as in/at minulé Aukci 48 U:A5