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1934 SG.21-30, George V., Motives ½P-5Sh; several stamps **, cat. 120+ U:A5
1938-53 SG.38-47, George VI. - Motives, ½P-10Sh, all with perf 13½; (!), incl. SG.42, 3P black / ultramarine etc.; cat. £500, extraordinary offer U:A5
1938-53 SG.40a, George VI. "Molo" vermilion / black with left margin, perf 13½;, with plate flaw "davit flaw" - arc L; favourite speciality, cat. £375++ U:A5
1956 SG.57-69, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½P-10Sh; complete used set, cat. £80 U:A5
1936-1948 6 air-mail letters to Czechoslovakia with very interesting multiple and mixed frankings, i.a. 10x Mi.219, 24x Mi.215, Landscapes 1931 and 1937 etc. U:A4
1895 SG.20, Rhodesie, 2x Coat of arms 2P green / red, with Opt B.C.A. and additional local Opt ONE PENNY (Cape Town), Opt normal and Opt double (without dots after PENNY); very nice quality, cat. £688 U:A5
1911-1955 7 letters and 2 Ppc, mostly to Czechoslovakia, Reg or air-mail; also French Equator Africa, West Africa, Somalia, Cameroon, Madagascar and Senegal, nice frankings; exceptional destination! U:A4
1923 ESSAY so-called. Harrison Springbok for issue 1926, block of four 1P red, printed on stamp paper with wmk and without gum, perf 14; refused design from Harrison and Sons Ltd. U:A5
1853 SG.3, "Hope", pair 1 , brick red on slightly blued paper; perfect pair with, triangular cancel. CGH, cat. £840++ U:A5
1853 SG.4, "Hope" 4P dark blue on slightly blued paper); very nice piece with part of original gum, cat. £1.700, rare stamp U:A5
1853 SG.4a, "Hope", pair 4P, blue on light blued paper; perfect pair, triangular cancel. CGH, cat. £480++ U:A5
1855 SG.5-8, "Hope" 1P-1Sh; complete set, so-called 2nd issue in basic colors; very nice quality, i.a. exp. Rieger and Richter, cat. £995 U:A5
1855 SG.5a, 5b, "Hope" 1P rose and deep rose red; very nice, cat. £675++ U:A5
1855-1863 SG.6a, 19, 19a, 19c, "Hope", 4 pcs of 4P, blue 1855; dark blue, blue and steel blue 1863, chosen pieces with luxury margins, cat. £635, rare set U:A5
1863 SG.18, "Hope" 1P deep carmine-red, unique postmark "D" instead usual CGH; extraordinary offer, we aren't aware of another piece!
1863 SG.18, "Hope" 1P deep carmine-red; hand obliteration "date 1.4.65 and contraction of the town" U:A5
1863 SG.18, 18b "Hope" 1P deep carmine-red, very nice; also with luxury piece of 1P deep brown-red, cat. £975, 18b exp. Arthur Maury U:A5
1863 SG.18, pair "Hope" 1P dark carmine red (deep carmine-red); perfect pair with original gum, cat. £650++ U:A5
1863 SG.20, "Hope" 6P bright violet (bright mauve); very nice piece, lower with close margins, with hand-made cancellation "2.12.64 Black..."; cat. £500++ U:A5
1874 TRIAL PRINT of SG.70, Victoria 6P (violet), print definitive gravure in black color on carton paper 92x60mm, cancel. "Oct. 3, 1873" and "BEFORE HARDENING", rare trial printing ex. De La Rue Archives! U:A5
1877 SG.85-89, 5 stamps Victoria 1P pink with Opt 1/2 HALF, types a-e; cat. £540 U:A5
1902 SG.142, 143, Edward VII. 1£; and 1,10£, very nice pieces with CDS DURBAN and PIETERMARITZBURG, cat. £210 U:A5
1886 SG.32a, provisional issue, pair tête-bêche 1Sh on blue granite paper; perfect corner piece with original gum, exp. Holcombe, cat. £375++ U:A5
1900 Brit. occupation SG.102a, printing error - Opt "V.R.I. 1P" on Oranje Staat Een Penny brown (SG.3 from y 1868), instead on Een Penny purpure; very nice piece, cat. £600, extraordinary offer U:A5
1900 Brit. occupation SG.108,108b, pair 6P Oranje Staat carmine with Opt V.R.I. 6P, on the left printing error - omitted numeral(s) "6"; very nice pair, cat. £345++ U:A5
1901 PIETERSBURG SG.8+9, imperforated blockk-of-5 2P orange / black with control signature "V. Smit", joined types big "P" in Postzegel and small "P" in Postzegel from 3 and 4. line of 24 pcs sheet; in addition with printing errors - SG.8a right flower inverted, SG.8b without little lines above lower "2", SG.9b L flower inverted, SG.9c POSTZEGEI instead POSTZEGEL; luxury, cat. £390 only as single stamps, for this multiple min. £800 U:A5
1901 PIETERSBURG SG.21d 1/2P green / black with control red signature "V. Smit", printing error "1/4" instead "1/2" L at top, CDS PIETERSBURG 6. APR 01; perfect piece, used provisional Pietersburg are very rare U:A5
1901 PIETERSBURG SG.29+30, block of four 2P orange / black with control signature "V. Smit", joined types big "P" in Postzegel and small "P" in Postzegel from 3 and 4. line of 24 pcs sheet, perf 11½; at top and lower omitted; luxury block, cat. doesn't report U:A5
1888-1893 SG.1s-11s, F1s, overprint 1/2P-5Sh ZULULAND and fiscal NATAL for post. usage in Zulu; all with local (!) hand-made violet Opt SPECIMEN, as always without 1P, SG.7-11 and F1s **; perfect set on sheet from important collection, cat. ca. £1.100 U:A4
1926-1927 SG.31da, tête-bêche pair Clipper 1P black / red (legendary ship "Dromedaris"), perfect quality, cat. £1.500, extraordinary offer!, very rare U:DR
1977-91 [COLLECTIONS] BOPHUTHATSWANA, TRANSKEI collection of stamps in 4-sheet stockbook A4, contains used and also unused stamps, from Mi.1, complete sets, souvenir sheets, various motives and others.; interesting destination, cat. ca. 300€ U:Z
1924-1929 SG.1a(var.), George V. 1/2P green, marginal pair with omitted vertical perf (!) in margin and between stamps; perfect, cat. for pair of hinged only with omitted perf between stamps £1.200, we estimate this pieace to £2.400! U:A5
1930-1938 letter to Prague with amazing franking "Native motives", 13 values from Sc.110, in addition Sc.155, 156; CDS BEIRA; then Reg and airmail letter from Portuguese India to Switzerland, with mixed franking of postage and air-mails Sc.444 + Sc.C5(2), C7(2), C8 strip-of-4, CDS DAMAO (DAMAN); interesting colonial entires U:A4
1897 SG.53c, BCA Coat of arms 3Sh black / green with provisional Opt ONE PENNY, Opt double; very nice marginal piece, certificate BPA, i.a. Holcombe, cat. £750++, rare, vyšel single sheet! U:A5
1908-1911 SG.76w, Edward VII, 4P red / / yellow, wmk inverted (!); perfect and rare, cat. * £150, ** ca. £300 U:A5
1913-1921 SG.93aw, George V., 1Sh black / green, wmk inverted (!); perfect and rare, cat. £200 U:A5
1913-1921 SG. 95 + 95d, pair George V., 4Sh red, right stamp MNH with NICK IN TOP RIGHT SCROLL (damaged margin ornament right at top), cat. * £400, ** ca. £750 U:A5
1913-19 SG.96ef, George V., 10Sh green - deep claret, marginal piece with DAMAGED LEAF AT BOTTOM RIGHT; perfect, certificate BPA, cat. £700, rare U:A5
1934 SG.114s-122s, George V. Coat of arms 1/2-1Sh, complete set SPECIMEN; cat. £350 U:A5
1938 SG.142a, George VI. 10Sh "bluish green, brown-red / pale green", ON ORDINARY PAPER without chal surface; perfect piece, cat. £425 U:A5
1938-1944 SG.143, marginal block-of-4 George VI, 1£; purple and black / red, 3 stamps **, cat. £200++ U:A5
1916 NYASALAND - RHODESIAN FORCE, complete issue for occupation units in former German East Africa, SG.N1-N5, George V. 1/2P-1Sh with Opt N.F., in addition pair 1/2P; plate flaw "very small dot after F" on 1/2P and "disturbed F" on 1P; cat. of basic stamps £130, with plate errors more U:A5
1896-1909 selection of 16 bloks of four Coat of arms, small and big formats, Penny also shilling values, i.a. rare block of four 4P olive with left coupons (gutter), 2Sh6P, 3Sh, block of 6 10Sh, block of four 2£, Opt RHODESIA 7½P, RHODESIA on ½P apod., vše with CDS SALISBURY, BULAWAYO, GWELO, UMTALI; interesting set U:A5
1892 SG.11, Coat of arms £2 pink red; very nice quality, with large part o.g., cat. £550 U:A5
1892 SG.13, Coat of arms £10 brown, CDS SALISBURY; on the left margin small thin place, otherwise very nice piece; cat. £700 U:A5
1892 SG.14-17, Coat of arms 6P(3x) and 1Sh with Opt new face value 1/2P-8P, complete set, cat. £650; rare issue U:A5
1897 SG.74, 2x Coat of arms £2 pink - red, perf 15, with date perfin resp. with perfin "USED" and with violet fiscal pmk BULAWAYO, cat. for postage postmarks £950 U:A5
1898-1908 SG.90, 91a, block of 6 Coat of arms 2£ brown with CDS SALISBURY, right lower stamp with "RE - ENTRY"; cat. £130++
1910-1913 SG.172,174,176, Royal Couple, comp. of 3 values 2½P, 4P, 6P, perf 15; 6P at top thin place, otherwise perfect, cat. £1.035 U:DR
1910-1913 SG.173a, Royal Couple 3P "claret and pale yellow-olive", perf 15; part original gum, partial offset on reverse, nice piece and one of most precious stamps of "Double Head Issue", cat. £3.750 U:A5
1910-1913 SG.175, Royal Couple, 5P "lake brown / olive" , perf 15, exp. Stolow, certificate Brandon, £800, exceedingly quality piece! U:A5
1909 SG.108b, Coat of arms, 2Sh6P blue-grey, inverted overprint "RHODESIA", certificate BPA U:A5
1910-1913 SG.182,184,185, Royal Couple, comp. of 9 stamps, three values 1/2P, 2½P and 8P, color types 182a,185a, perf 13½; perfect set on 2 sheets from specialized collection, cat. £1.300 U:A4
1965-1978 [COLLECTIONS] Independent Rhodesia, Mi.1-226, Postage due Mi.P1-P15, in addition several dublets; set incl. pound values, overprints, favourite set "Dual Curency" etc., in stockbook A4, cat. min. 535€, rare offer, rare destination! U:Z
1954 SG.1-15, Elizabeth II. 1/2P-£1; complete set, cat. £120 U:A5
1954-63 SG.1-15, 32-37, 40-41, comp. of 3 complete usd sets Elizabeth II. + NYASALAND SG.188-198; interesting, cat. £110 U:A5
1855-1963 SG.16, 17, 32-49, D1-D4, Elizabeth II.; set and Postage due stamps, cat. £55 U:A5
1959 SG.18-31, Elizabeth II. - Landscape, 1/2P-£1 (Coat of arms); complete set, cat. £110 U:A5
1960-1968 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1-85, complete collection, incl. popular sets Fauna, especially Mi.48-59; very fine, interesting U:A4
1922 SG.97b, George V. , Coat of arms 1/2P black, printing error TORN FLAG; perfect, cat. £275 U:A5