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1963 SG.1-15, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½P-£1; complete set without additional value £1, cat. min. £100 U:A5
1963-1969 BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY SG.1-15, 15a, Elizabeth II., Landscape 1/2P-1£, incl. additional value 1£; red / black; mostly corner pieces, cat. £275+ U:A5
1893 TRIAL PRINT SG.5-10, TRIAL PRINT for issue Queen Takau 1P-10P, prints of gravures (Govt. Printing Office, Wellington) in black colosr, in addition 1x 1P in definitive brown, on thin hand-made paper; perfect quality, rare offer U:A5
1944-1945 SG.A1-A8,B1-B8,C1-C8,D1-D8, 4 sets, FALKLANDS George VI. - Landscapes 1/2P-1Sh with red Opt for GRAHAM LAND, SOUTH ORKNEYS, SOUTH SHETLANDS, SOUT GEORGIA; total of 32 stamps, typical violet postmarks U:A4
1946 SG.G1-G8,G9-G.16, George VI. - Maps, both complete sets "Map thick" and "Map thin"; perfect quality, black and violet postmark, nice pmks, cat. £137, rare! U:A5
1954-1956 SG.G26-G40, G41-G44, Elizabeth II. * Ships, 1/2P-1£; and "Antarctic Exp. 1P-6P", complete set, cat. £130
1954-62 SG.G26-G40, Elizabeth II. - Motives ½P-£1; complete sought set, cat. £130 U:A5
1878-1889 SG.4, Victoria 1Sh yellow-brown unwatermarked; at our place still unoffered, cat. £70 U:A5
1891-1902 SG.17, 22, 24, 25, 30, 34, 36, 38, Victoria 1/2P-1Sh; nominal complete set, color variants; cat. min. £240 U:A5
1918-1920 Robot: SG.70a,71c,72a, 73-80 (without 74), George V. set WAR STAMP with 1/2P yellow green (!), then set George V. "Multiple Script CA" 1/2P-3Sch, nominal set without cheap 1P red, 3Sh (£160) uncounted due to pmk, other cat. £868
1938-1950 SG.146-163, George VI. - Landscape, nominal complete set without cheap color variants from 2P, 2½;, 6P; cat. £275, these set as used is rarer then postally unused U:A5
1938 SG.161b, George VI. 5Sh indigo / pale yellow-brown; sought color shade, cat. £1.100, extraordinary offer U:A5
1952 SG.172-185, George VI. - Ships and sea motives, 1/2-1£, complete, cat. £75 U:A5
1952 SG.172-185, George VI. - Motives ½P-£1; complete used set, cat. £75 U:A5
1955-1960 SG.187-192, 193-207, 2 set Elizabeth II. - Sea motives and Birds, complete used sets; cat. £104 U:A5
1968 SG.232-245, Flowers 1/2P-1£, complete used set, cat. £45 U:A5
1938-55 SG.249-266b, George VI. - Motives, selection of 43 stamps, values ½P-£1, various shades, types, perf, marginal pieces and others.; cat. min. £200 U:A4
1963 SG.1-16, Elizabeth II. - motives of South Georgia and Sandwich Iceland, 1/2P-1£; complete set of 16 values, cat. £90, used set is rarer then "unused"! U:A5
1952 WESTERN SAMOA SG.219-228, imperforated TRIAL PRINT - definitive Imprimaturs, pairs Landscape 1/2P-3Sh; complete set, very fine, certificate BPA, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1907 SG.1-7, Canoe 1/2P-1Sh, complete, lithography W.E. Smith, Sydney; perfect, on sheet from old collection, cat. £275 U:A4
1908 SG.9-17, Canoe 1/2P-5Sh, De La Rue, complete and in addition blocks of four 1/2P and 1P; cat. £210 U:A5
1892 TRIAL PRINT SG.10, Coat of arms 1P, trial printing in grey-blue color; on carton paper U:A5