1918ANK-catalogue 225yB-227yB, Airmail without overprint FLUGPOST, imperforated, marginal 2 Koruna **, 3 Koruna **, 4 Koruna (*), white paper; very fine and very rare; extraordinary offer!
1919Reg letter franked with. mixed franking Austrian parallel stamp. 2x 15h Charles and Hradčany 10h, cancelled nationalized CDS BYSTŘICE P. H. 28.II.19 - last day of validity Austrian stamps!, yellow Austrian Reg label; good condition
1919Reg letter with mixed franking parallel Austrian and Hradčany-issue stamp., franked with Austrian stmp Crown 6h and 2x 12h + Hradčany 3x 5h light green, right value general franking 45h for I. postal rate, nationalized CDS RADENÍN 27/2 19 (penultimate day validity Austrian zn.!); good condition, exp. Kvasnička, decorative piece
1919commercial letter sent in the place franked with. Austrian Postage due stamp 25h Big numbers, Mi.P41, used as postage stmp with overprint FRANCO, CDS BOGUMIN 2/ 12.I.19; only light vertical fold in envelope, rare occurrence - decorative piece!
1918-19VYPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI comp. 6 pcs of Reg letters, CDS REICHENBERG, PRAGUE, STARÉ MĚSTO U TESTER. HRADIŠTĚ, LICHTENSTADT and NOVÝ ETINK with provisional kreslenou Reg label, 4x addressed to to Vienna, part commercial correspondence, usual quality
1919VYPLACENO V HOTOVOSTI comp. 6 pcs of Reg letters franked/paid cash, CDS ROŽMITÁL, PRAGUE and SUŠICE with provisional registry label as rubber hand stamp, supplemented with postcard Ostrava with straight line postmark "Paid in cash paid" with CDS MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA; good condition
Pof.RV43-57, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) 3h violet - 1 Koruna red, all with red overprint on cut-squares with CDS BUDĚJOVICE 1/ 10.XI.18; back side exp. by Mahr
Pof.RV100-103, Budějovice issue (Horner's overprint), highest value 2 Koruna - 10K, from that 3 Koruna and 4 Koruna granite paper, 10K dark violet unclear print; all with mark Horner, c.v.. 3.200CZK
Pof.RV133-159, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), comp. 10 pcs of various stamp. Reaper - Parliament with inverted (8x) or vert. (2) overprints; 6 pcs of exp. by Gilbert., 7 pcs of commercial stamp. Daniel
Pof.RV145, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint) Reaper 40f green, in addition with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG; short teeth, rare occurrence, c.v.. Pofis doesn't report, exp. by Mrnak and 2 owner's mark
Pof.RV146, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint) Charles 10f red, in addition with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG; short teeth, rare occurrence, c.v.. Pofis doesn't report, exp. by Mrnak and 2 owner's mark
1918 Prague overprint I (Small Emblem) Reg letter to Germany, with Coat of arms 6h and 40h with Prague overprint, CDS PRAGUE 2 / 8.XI.18; on reverse arrival postmark
Pof.6, 10h green, print on gummed side, large incomplete-printing due to folded paper + Pof.6C, 10h green, line perforation 13¾;, significant shift vertical perf; interesting
Pof.7 joined spiral types + joined bar types, 15h bricky red, L vertical half-sheet plate 1, 5x joined spiral types, 3x joined bar types, 2x joined bar types with bar subtype, 3x combined ST spiral and bar from that 1x with subtype; only fold, c.v.. 6.700Kč++