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1918-38 selection chosen stamp. and sets on stock-sheet A5, contains i.a. complete T. G. Masaryk Jubilee, Festival, Congress, issue Chainbreaker 50h with plate variety - little-egg as Pr, Blue Štefánik mint never hinged (!), I. provisional air mail stmp. - complete imperforated etc..; higher catalogue U:A5
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection unused stamp. in/at superb spiral stockbook SAFE, from issue Hradčany, then POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, i.a. Pof.76, then Pof.161a, 4-stamp gutter Newspaper stamps 2h *, 5h ** etc.., better item/-s expertized; originate of collector from Germany, higher catalogue U:Z
1918-23 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation more than 350 pcs of especially 100 pcs of parcels used stamp., contains issue Hradčany 5h - 500h (ca. 50% content), issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science; more than 2kg of material suitable to examination specialist on/for mentioned issue - originates from Austria! U:K
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] selection duplication on 4 cards A5 + 1x A4, from issue Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, postage stmp, air-mail etc..; mainly basic values U:O4
1919-39 [COLLECTIONS] duplication stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 in two stockbooks Pofis, contains issue Legionaire, Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science, T. G. Masaryk and other from 30. years, Express, Airmail 1922 and 1930, Newspaper stamps, Postage due stmp, basic stamp. in more pcs., offsets, plate number etc..; valuable U:Z
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 30 pcs of entires Czechoslovakia I., contains i.a. Cash vyplacenou postcard, halving franking, franked with. view (TESTER) sent by FP No. 44, parcel dispatch card segment with 1CZK from miniature sheet Anthem-issue, Hradčanké, forerunner and parallel franking etc..; good condition U:O4
1920-39 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 250 pcs of entires, contains R, Ex, abroad, surtax, p.stat, dispatch-note, gift album from year 1937, school PC, several paper slips with stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 etc.., all in/at one box, it is worth seeing! U:K