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1993 Pof.3, Havel 2CZK, blk-of-9 with upper margin, omitted perforation hole - big perf. holes; very rare occurrence U:A5
1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, PB with plate variety 2/A - black point; c.v.. 900Kč
1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, comp. of 2 PB from that 1x with plate variety 2/A - black point; c.v.. 1.350CZK U:A5
1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, comp. of 2 PB from that 1x with plate variety 2/A - black point; c.v.. 1.350CZK U:A5
1993 PLATE PROOF Pof.7, 1000 years Břevnovského monastery, plate proof - print original gravure in black color, else/yet with original name state and without nominal value, on/for lightly yellowy strong carton with signature Paul Kovářík; interesting U:A5
1993 Pof.15, Plzeň 5CZK, vertical L marginal bnd-of-20 with date of print 13.IX.93, with shift values "5" downward and with shifted perforation; interesting U:A4
1994-2004 selection of stripe with date printing: Pof.35, Brno (1x February 1994, 2x January 1995); Pof.70, Venkovské building/-s 40h (7 various date from 4 editions on/for both papers, color shades, Wifag 2 also 3), Pof.200, (1 date), Pof.201, (2 date from 1. reprint); Pof.258, Zodiac 2CZK, unfolded bnd-of-10 16.IV.00 (original plate for black OT color with lines in/at obrysu numeral(s) 2; only two days, then repaired); in addition Pof.399 from 25.II.04 (date, in/at němž came to definitive výměně číslovačky on/for typewriter W3) U:A4
1994 Pof.41, For Children-issue 2CZK, set of all 6 catalogue plate variety - original TD: plate variety 13/2 and 28/2, new TD: plate variety 43/1 and 44/1 + plate variety 30/2 and 38/2; nice set U:A4
1995 Pof.90 production flaw, Art Nouveau 3CZK, marginal block-of-4 with quite omitted print blue color - missing name state (!), superb, c.v.. 12.000CZK U:A5
1994-2005 chosen selection of plate variety on stock-sheet A5, all described, i.a. Pof.104 with plate variety 13/1, 16/1, 5/1; 256 with plate variety 6/2, 273 with plate variety 49/1, 284 with plate variety 42/1 etc..; c.v.. ca. 2.700CZK U:A5
1994-2005 chosen selection of plate variety on stock-sheet A5, all described, i.a. Pof.115 with plate variety 7/1, 13/1, 19/2, 22/2; 135 with plate variety 10/1, 284 with plate variety 42/1; 481 with plate variety 41/2 etc..; c.v.. ca. 3.000CZK U:A5
1997 Pof.PL144 plate variety, Myths and legends - Bruncvík, plate variety 1 on pos. 2/D - line through ruku rytíře; significant catalogue defect U:A5
2001 Pof.283TV, Zodiac - Lion 12CZK, blk-of-10 with R margin, 2x production flaw significant incomplete-printings black OT barvy: stamp. L at top whole the bottom front paw; stamp. R lower whole backbone, stehno and tail of lion; decorative U:A5
2003 Pof.361, Outlook-tower Slovanka, LR corner blk-of-4, 1. printing, plate for red color before/(in front of) arrangement; marked additional mark D1 (cat. min. 800CZK) U:A5
2005 Pof.PL424, Gate with peacock 7,50CZK, PB with additional-printing BRNO 2005, Cairn of Peace, V082; c.v.. Pěnkava 7.500CZK U:A4
2005 Pof.PL424, Gate with peacock 7,50CZK, PB with additional-printing BRNO 2005, Santon V081 U:A4
2005 Pof.PL424, Gate with peacock 7,50CZK, PB with additional-printing BRNO 2005, Stará post V083 U:A4
2005 Pof.PL424, Gate with peacock 7,50CZK, PB with additional-printing BRNO 2005, Žurán V084; c.v.. Pěnkava 7.500CZK U:A4
2006 Pof.PL459 V3, Bunch of Flowers 10CZK, logo Czech post, additional printing P36516, Prague Semmering, printing error "2007" instead "2006"; comp. 2 pcs of printing errors, c.v.. 2.800CZK, interesting U:A4
2006 Pof.463, Personalities - Gerstner 11 CZK, vertical unfolded bnd-of-10 with date of print, on edge significant defect scrap black OT color in form of sinusoidy; unusual and decorative U:A4
2007-2008 Pof.531, Water Tower 7,50CZK, L corner blk-of-10, production flaw on pos. 3 and 6 - partial incomplete-printings upper frame and „Kč“ values (on pos. 6 also zero numeral value) + Pof.571, Emmaus 10CZK, horizontal strip of 4, on 5 stmp significant red line marking/-s in L white area cathedral; interesting U:A4
2007 Pof.538 production flaw, Schengen 10CZK, 1x blk-of-15 with L margin with mark counter sheet, catalogue production flaw L/24 „růžová stain between E and S (cestou)“, in addition production flaw L/27 - blue stain in „b“ (republic); and 1x lower blk-of-10 P with production flaw P/26 „růžová stain above „e“ (cestou)“ and P/34 „růžová stain above „e“ (republic), interesting and sought U:A4
2009 Pof.614 production flaw, 17. November 14CZK, vertical pair with lower margin with production flaw - significant shifted perforation downward; catalogue misvalues., c.v.. 4.000Kč++ U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, complete booklet (surplus print with inscription Depo), production flaw 2/1 - very significant circle closely above „in“ (Fifinka); catalogue defect, sought U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, vertical pair with L printings with production flaw - without pin hole; rare zelenomodrý shade (usage ca. 10x lower then light blue); c.v.. for common shade 8.000Kčs U:A5
2010 Pof.635, Mucha Z, 2x complete booklet, 1x extremely dark color (very rare, catalogue for the present doesn't report), 1x normal color, but oblique pin hole (on pos. 6 to on/for hranu values Z); very unusual U:A5
2010 Pofis., 600. Anniv Staroměstského orloje 21 CZK, marginal block-of-4 with significant shifted perforation R; catalogue shows only shift L-wards, interesting U:A5
2010 Pof.PL644, Philately development E, with additional-printing Krása motorcycles, P47079 U:A4
2010 Pof.659, Kamna 20CZK, unfolded bnd-of-10 with date 30.VIII.10 and number counter sheet, on 9 stamp. very significant production flaw - brown line from L ornament to/at vertical perf; unusual, interesting 2010 Pof.660, Four-leaf clover - Myšpulín, complete stamp booklets with popular production flaw - without pin hole, printing field 5; small stroke by pen on reverse, else preserved, other piece with mainly popular production flaw, in/at Aukci 32 realizováno after/behind 60.000 + fee, c.v.. 80.000CZK U:A5
2010 Pof.660, Myšpulín, whole booklet with production flaw 1/6A „žlutá stain on face Myšpulína“, other form/shape then production flaw 7/5A; interesting U:A5
2010 Pof.660, Myšpulín, whole booklet with production flaw 4/3C „modrá stain R from ucha“; catalogue defect U:A5
2010 Pof.660, Myšpulín, whole booklet with production flaw 4/4A „velká black stain by right okraje“, catalogue. defect, in addition production flaw 4/2 „výrazná black stain L from nose Myšpulína“ U:A5
2010 Pof.660, Myšpulín, whole booklet with production flaw 6/2B „výrazný yellow měsíček by/on/at hlavy“; catalogue defect U:A5
2010 Pof.660, Myšpulín, whole booklet with production flaw 7/1A „výrazná oblique yellow line horiz. with L nožičkou A hodnoty“; catalogue defect, in addition significant shift hologram up U:A5
2010 Pof.660, Myšpulín, whole booklet with production flaw 7/1B „žlutá stain above white kytičkou“; catalogue defect U:A5
2010 Pof.660, Myšpulín, whole booklet with production flaw 7/5A „žlutá stain on right face Myšpulína“, catalogue defect U:A5
2011 Pof.672 Pinďa, whole booklet with production flaw 8/4 „bílý circle above U words REPUBLIKA“; catalogue defect U:A5
2011 Pof.672, Pinďa, 2x complete booklet, 1x basic print, significant shift hologram downward, 1x surplus print (on reverse inscription Depo), significant shift hologram up, on/for this booklet shifts hologram very rare U:A5
2011 Pof.673, 20th Anniv of Visegrád Group 20CZK, block of 8, plate variety on pos. 3 - significant blue stain on prostředníčku right hand; catalogue defect U:A5
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, complete PA3, L 4 column normal (red), then crossing, right/genuine 5 sloupců stamp. red-brown; cat. only červenohnědých stamps 5.000 CZK, crossing colors significantly rarer (c.v.. -,-), as sheet quite exceptional, on/for long period last chance získat red-brown stamps U:A3v–
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, L bnd-of-20, surplus print (nezdvojené perf. holes in margins), catalogue production flaw 3/2, 42/2 and 44/2, in addition production flaw 24/2 - yellow stain by L ribbon L from L leg falcon; very sought also as printing U:A4
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas value A, marginal block-of-4, very strong print black, upper stmp in addition double L also right inscriptions and whole upper frame; very significant and unusual U:A5
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas value A, vertical pair without pin hole (!); extraordinary offer, c.v.. 15.000CZK U:A5
2012 Pof.724, St. Wenceslas, value A, vertical pair with L margin, significant oblique shift pin hole downward to picture of stmp (pin hole below small frame through/over vršek value character) and transport; from still jediného noted sheet, c.v.. 3.000CZK U:A5
2012 Pof.735-40, World car E, complete booklet, significantly strong and dark black color on/for obale, back inscriptions double, other known piece U:A5
2012 Pof.A741, 800 years Zlaté buly Sicilian, shift name state to to seal; for comparison including normal miniature sheet, unusual U:A5
2012 Pof.750-51, booklet Four-leaf clover in service King, on/for obale significantly light green color (basic print with original hologram); interesting shade U:A5
2013 Pof.PL762, Europe 25CZK, grey instead grey-violet (very rare color shade) U:A5
2003 Pof.771, stamp booklets Kafka, production flaw 2/6 - significant violet stain L by/on/at circle hodinek; sole still known important defect on/for this booklet, katalogizováno, sought U:A5
2013 Pof.783-784, 20. Anniv Czech post, complete booklet with significantly tmavým shade yellow color all stamps, on/for this booklet with shades TESTER exceptionally; catalogue shows, but doesn't evaluate U:A5
2013 Pof.786VV, Horses 13CZK, block of 6 with lower margin, production flaw on pos. 25/2 - the bottom frame below R interrupted; the most significant defect on this issue, in catalogue underprized U:A5
2014 Pof.A808, Prague castle - Rubens 37CZK, shift red color downward outside frame on/for both stmp U:A5
2014 Pof.809, Jů and Hele, 2x booklet, from that 1x shift pin hole R, 1x stamps normal, but on face-side cover significant white vertical line through 2. „e“ (Hele) to to head Jů; unusual U:A5
2014 Pof.809, Jů and Hele, complete booklet with production flaw 1/5 - significant yellow rabbet in R margin; catalogue defect U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, 2x L the bottom corner blk-of-6 with production flaw 37/3 - 1x significant rose stain L from tree, but nedotýká with him (still unknown variant); 1x rose stain by L margins blue area in the middle; catalogue defect U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, 2x L corner blk-of-9, 2x production flaw 13/3 - significant rose round stain in L part/-s roofs, 1x in the middle and 1x lower, cataloged defect U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, marginal strip-of-3 with production flaw 13/3 - significant rose round stain in L part/-s roofs at top; catalogue defect U:A5
2014 Pof.828, Christmas A, Joseph Lada, L the bottom corner blk-of-6, production flaw 37/3 - significant rose stain L from tree; catalogue defect U:A5
2014 Pof.829, Cimrman A, complete 25 pcs of counter sheet, significantly shifted skidding print light brown color ("dvojitý“ print stamps also all inscriptions in L printings); for comparison also with normal vertical strip of 5 with L printings; very unusual and decorative U:A4