1918 letter franked with Austrian stmp 5h crown Mi.186 + 24/10h PORTO Mi.60 with oblique black overprint FRANCO, CDS Unter-Reichenstein 30.11.18, exp. by Kvasnicka.., good condition
1919 response letter franked with. bisected stmp Mi.194, State Coat of Arms 40h olive, CDS PŘEDKLÁŠTEŘÍ 18.I.19, on reverse arrival BRNO 20/1/19, cat. Merkur-Revue 1500CZK, very good condition
1919cut square from accounting sheet with mixed franking provisory postage-due and parallel postage-due stamps, Austrian stamp. Coat of arms 3 Koruna 2x and 2 Koruna with overprint "T" + Austrian postage-due 25h Malé number + Hradčany 5h with overprint "T", quite rare franking!
Pof.RV1-21, Prague overprint - Small Emblem, complete set, value 3 Koruna greyish paper exp. by Sula.., Gilbert., Mrňák., value 4 Koruna greyish paper exp. by Sula.., Gilbert., value 10K granite paper, exp. by Leseticky.., Gilbert., other stamp. exp. by Sula.., Gilbert., values 6h and 80h R short teeth, c.v.. 3000CZK
Pof.RV1-21, Prague overprint - Small Emblem, complete set, value 3 Koruna granite paper, all exp. by Gilbert.., resp. Lešetický., Gilbert., in addition value 2 Koruna Pof.RV16a, c.v.. 3200CZK
Pof.RV133-162, Žilina issue - Šrobár's overprint, complete set,. RV147**, on stmp RV149 lower short teeth, 22 pcs of exp. by Mrnak and 8 pcs of exp. by Gilbert.., c.v.. 9000CZK
1918 letter franked with Austrian stmp Mi.187, 189 and 221, all with Levecovým overprint "Czechoslovak Republic", franking total 33h, commercial envelope, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 2.XI.18, see cat. Merkur, page. 579, well preserved
Pof.11, 25h violet, L corner blk-of-4 plate 2, 1x bar type pos. 1 + 2, 2x bar type II pos. 11 + 12, 2x type II arc pos. 11 + 12, complete machine offset, 1 stamp. with small flaw gum, exp. by Skaloud
Pof.11a Is, 25h black-violet, spiral type I, pos. 31, plate 2, wide margins, mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek + photo-certificate Karásek from y 2002, c.v.. 10000CZK
Pof.18STs, 75h grey-green, lower corner blok of 4 with joined spiral types, T I. on pos. 82, plate 2, note by pencil on edge sheet, mint never hinged, sought c.v.. 12000CZK
Pof.25 IIp, cut C.O.D. dispatch-note, with 500h, closed spiral, long bar, arc type IIap, marked and exp. by Skaloud.., other franking 50h Hradčany, 3x 100h issue Agriculture and Science (1x cut), CDS ZVOLEN/ 27.XI.20
Pof.2Cvz-26Cvz, overprint VZOREC, line perforation 13¾;, selection of 24 pcs of perforated bloks of four, very good condition, c.v.. 82.000CZK, quite rare in blocks of four!
Pof.7D joined spiral types + joined bar types, 15h bricky red, L upper corner blk-of-12 plate 1, contains 4x ST spiral, 4x ST bar, 2x associated ST, exp. by Karasek., rare piece!
Pof.11D joined bar types, 25h violet, horizontal pair with L margin with ST bar, pos. 1, plate 2, omitted vert. perf, superb, exp. by Karasek., Škaloud
Pof.11E joined bar types + STo, 25h violet, upper blk-of-9, 3x ST bar pos. 3, 4, 5 and ST arc pos. 23, plate 2, exp. by Skaloud., very fine piece - rare!