1690LEOPOLD I, Holy Roman Emperor (1640–1705), manual signature, imperial edict concerning extraordinary war tax, Czech - German text, 12 sheets, whole imperial seal and signature with powdery gold, preserved, extraordinary offer!
1918HRADČANY-issue collection of circa 2000 pieces of stamps (only postally unused), many black-prints, trial printings and entires, contains 6 complete printing plates, many blocks, designes, spiral and bar types, Švanda's forgeries etc., all in stockbook A4
1918-39Czechoslovakia 1918-39 mainly complete collection of stamps, contains i.a. Pof.1-26 including 6N, 9N, 10N, 11a, 21a, 22a+b, various perforation of Hradčany-issue, color shades, associated perforation Pof.13K - without guarantee, Pof.33-50, 55, 80-81, inverted overprint 123PP, 132-139, 140-142, 151-161, 173-175, 0351, L1-L3, L1A, L3B, L4-L6, DL1-DL28, 2x Exile miniature sheet and other, all placed in 8-sheet stockbook A4, to it envelope full of mint stamps with coupons, very high catalogue
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, interesting collection of stamps, contains i.a. Hradčany 10h, 20h, Masaryk, Festival, Congress, Airmail, Legionaire - nice expertized blocks of four (!), SO1920 (overprint) and oths., Overprint issue 1939, placed in old album Kaplánek, c.v.. 24.500CZK, all included to sum as hinged, profitable price, addition postmarked stamps
1945-92CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 big selection of miniature sheets, PB and printing sheet, contains i.a. complete group of Partyzánských miniature sheets, variants of coupons, valuable blk-of-10, interesting for collectors issue and oths., all placed in 2 pcs of new big 32-sheet stockbooks A4 Schaubek, c.v.. ca. 80.000CZK, high quality, We recommend it !
1945-92CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 mainly complete partially specialized collection of stmp and miniature sheets, contains i.a. big Košice-issue cross incl. 5 Koruna - grey-black, plate mark, variants of coupons, types, varieties, plate variety and oths., carefully sorted on hingeless sheets LINDNER in/at 8 pcs of superb 18-kroužkových stockbooks, cat. over 96.000CZK, all in/at transportní box, total 25kg of material, excellent quality, profitable price, We recommend it !
1897-1916GERMANY / COLONIES collection 268 pcs of stamp. on 3 on stock-sheets A4, incl. higher values, from values 3Pf (9x) and 5Pf (1x) also multiblocks, high catalogue value
1880-1950 STAMP COUNTRIES small collection of stmp stamp countries in/at small stockbook A5, contains i.a. countries as SungejUjong, Japanese occupation Malajsie, Selangoru, Barmy, then Corfu, Bengasi, U.N. Geneva, stamp. international offices in Switzerland, overprints Russian, Brit., French post abroad etc.., interesting!
1900-80BANKNOTES / WHOLE WORLD big selection of bank-notes of whole world, contains i.a. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 incl. better pieces, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA incl. ručních and machine overprints, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92, Europe and overseas, placed in 12 pcs of screw stockbooks A4, all in medium big box, total 8kg of material, various quality, very high catalogue value, profitable
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection of mainly mint stamps, contains i.a. complete set Budějovického issue 1918, several values Prague overprint II, block of four Pof.RV121, Hradčany 6N, 13N, 7 type Is + 3 pcs of perf stamp. in/at carmine color, 21a+c, 22 - 3 various shades, 3M folded gutter, blocks of four, perf 4D, 4G, 6B, 7B type IIs, 11E, 11G, 11Fa corner blk-of-4, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 50+50a, 83, Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreaker 8x offset, Red Cross 171Na, 170Nc-171Nc, Congress 180-182 P6, Airmail L2 2x, L3, L9C, L11A; various plate variety and production varieties on issue Hradčany with overprints and oths., in 8-sheet stockbook A4 and 3 pcs of album sheets, very high catalogue value, it is worth seeing, interesting
1840-1990 GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND collection of stamps, well contains classic, contains i.a. Mi.1, variants of plates of Mi.16, many valuable stamps, placed in 5 pieces of stockbooks A4, catalogue 9000€, total 5,2kg of material
trial print 500h on green paper, 93. stamp field, frame type, lower margin without control-numbers - for air-mail overprint, also with stmp for comparison stmp field, very rare PLATE PROOF
Pof.157F, 60h blue, forgery to defraud the post, fragment CDS Podmokly, sought by specialists, rare offer, exp. by Karasek., Šrámek and Kraus, c.v.. 10000CZK
1918 trial print 10h in/at olive color + 3 pcs of 20h in violet and red-violet color and brown color, 1x defect in gum, exp. by Mrnak., Kubis, Kvasnička
1918 CPŘ1, PC 10h Crown sent as Reg, uprated. Austrian Postage due stamp Mi.P63, CDS PETERBAUDE/ 28.12.18, on reverse chatové postmark, exp. by Karasek.., nice quality
1927 SPORTSMEN / FOOTBALL Bohemians 1905 (AFK Vršovice), picture-postcard of Adelaide from famous tour to Australia, machine postmark 12.MAI.27, signatures of players: Eisner, Havlín, Hoffmann, Hybš, Kašpar, Knížek, Kučera, Kulda, Krejčí, Mašat, Pinc, Průšek, Rubeš, Šejbl, Špic, Wimmer, good condition, interesting offer for sport historians
1920 Czechoslovakia 1918-39 PIGEON-issue carefully elaborated collection, contains trial prints, unissued stamps, double prints, line perforation 13¾, paper creases, interesting postmarks, perfins, perforation defects, horizontal comb, tete-beche pairs, documents of postal usage on entires and others, placed on 16 sheets in letter file, catalogue Merkur-Revue over 28.000CZK
1939-45 SLOVAKIA basic collection incl. complete overprint issue, the highest values with coupons, Alb. (exp. Novotný), violet Štefánik, gutter Hlinka, gutter Tiso 2-stamps also 4-stamps, miniature sheet For Children-issue etc.., supplemented with 6 pcs of entires, c.v.. total min. 13000Sk
1945-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection of stamps, PB, miniature sheets and black-prints, contains i.a. souvenir sheets Praga 1962, Praga 1962, set PB Art, more expensive black prints and oths., quantum of doublets, placed in 4 pcs of stockbooks A4, high catalogue value
1918-38 PERFINS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection more than 1600 pcs of stamps with perfins, carefully sorted and described, in 16-sheet stockbook A4 and 5 pcs of stock-book sheets, chosen quality, it is worth seeing
Pof.RV133-162, Žilina issue - Šrobár's overprint, complete set,. RV147**, on stmp RV149 lower short teeth, 22 pcs of exp. by Mrnak and 8 pcs of exp. by Gilbert.., c.v.. 9000CZK
Pof.11a Is, 25h black-violet, spiral type I, pos. 31, plate 2, wide margins, mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek + photo-certificate Karásek from y 2002, c.v.. 10000CZK
Pof.18STs, 75h grey-green, lower corner blok of 4 with joined spiral types, T I. on pos. 82, plate 2, note by pencil on edge sheet, mint never hinged, sought c.v.. 12000CZK
1920 Pof.143, complete 100-stamps sheet, retouch on pos. 45 - letter, retouch on pos. 56 - frame, exp. by Pittermann.., folded, between stamps torn perf, UR corner sheet damaged out of stmp
1920Pof.L3A, issue I, value 28Kč/1000h with line perforation 13¾;, superb, exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert, Karasek + photo-certificate Karásek, c.v.. 20000CZK
1926Pof.DL45 AN, T II., to exhaustion- issue Agriculture and Science, unissued stmp 50/400 grey-brown, exp. by Mahr., Karasek. + certificate Karásek, rare occurrence!
1939-45Alb.2-21, incl. 19b, from that 19a 4x, 20 4x, 21 3x, 22 2x, blue Štefánik 4x, 2x 4-stamp gutter Tiso, Postage due stmp, all better item/-s, only several pcs. used, 2x Alb.22 with forgery overprint