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1920 Pof.L1-3, the first issue., all LR corner pieces, L3 violescent paper with control-numbers, L1 full overprint offset, L2 ribbed paper, exp. by Gilbert., St U:A5
1920 Pof.L1-3, issue I in horiz. blocks of 6, all marginal, value 24Kč/500h spiral type II (!), very wide margins, mint never hinged, in multiblocks rare, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1920 Pof.L1B, the first issue., 14Kč/200h, superb, exp. by Hirsch., Tri, c.v.. 6000CZK U:A5
1920 Pof.L2B, issue I, 24CZK/500, c.v.. 4000CZK U:A5
1920 Pof.L3, the first issue., stamp. with significant paper crease and upper margin, hint on margin, exp. by Mrnak., Šula U:A5
1920 Pof.L3A, issue I, value 28Kč/1000h with line perforation 13¾;, superb, exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert, Karasek + photo-certificate Karásek, c.v.. 20000CZK U:X
1920 PLATE PROOF I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/20h blue-green, black Opt, marginal piece with control-numbers, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1920 PLATE PROOF 14CZK / 500h, the first issue., brown, brown inverted overprint, lower margin, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1920 PLATE PROOF 28CZK / 200h, the first issue., blue, green overprint, corner piece, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1920 PLATE PROOF 28CZK/ 25h, issue I, overprint in black color, nice, exp. by Mahr + exp. by Gilbert.., c.v.. 1800CZK U:A5
1922 Pof.L4 double overprint, The 2nd issue., value 50/100 with double overprint, exp. by Mrnak U:A5
1922 Pof.L4Pp, issue II, inverted overprint, mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek., Nov and Pytlíček, mint never hinged, c.v.. 5000CZK U:A5
1927 Reg and airmail PC transported 4.VII.1927 1. flight Mariánské Lázně - Prague and then to Dresden, CDV 33A, uprated with stamp Pof.147,215,L4, all attributes air mailing., decorative, absolutely good condition, cat. Horka minimally 3000CZK U:A5
1922 Reg, express and airmail letter to Vienna with Pof.L4-L5 2x, L6, CDS PRAGUE 30.XI.22, exact franking, arrival WIEN 31.XI.22, c.v.. Horka 8000CZK, light crosswise fold, short tear in UL corner, very nice U:A5
1923 postcard sent by air mail from Prague to Graz, with Pof.148, L4, L5, Express, arrival cancel. Wien (Vienna), arrival postmark GRAZ/ 22.9.23 on/for front face postcard, exceedingly good condition, exceptional mailing! U:A5
1924 postcard from 5. congress German stamp collectors sent by air mail to Paris, with Pof.L4, L5, 149, special postmark Karlovy Vary/ V. Deutscher (German) Philatelistentag (the day of philatelists) Karlsbad/ 17.VIII.24 and CDS Prague-airport/ 19.VIII.24, airmail direction label., arrival postmark Paris 19.8.24 in front, good condition, cat. Horka 4800CZK U:A5
1926 The 2nd issue., first flight Košice - Prague, airmail letter sent from Brno to Prague with Pof.L4 pair, 146, 148, red CDS BRNO 1/ 24.VI.26 (wrong set up date see c.v.. Horka page. 97), arrival postmark PRAGUE 31/ 25.V.26, exp. by Stupka., good condition U:A5
1926 The 2nd issue., first flight Prague - Brno, airmail letter with Pof.L4 pair, 146, 148, CDS PRAGUE 82-Airport 24.V.26, red cachet RC-A, on reverse arrival postmark BRNO 2/ 24.V.26, exp. by Stupka., good condition U:A5
1926? BALLONPOST shozová postcard Dresden from velikonočního flight, franked with. German stamp. Mi.355 2x, cachet Ballonpost and přídavný cachet with instructions for nálezce, found in territory of Czechoslovakia, posted in post in Podmokly, CDS PODMOKLY 8.IV.??, sent recipient to Dresden, postage due, catalogue Horka doesn't register, very interesting U:A5
1927 The 2nd issue., the first flight Prague - Dresden, airmail letter franked with. 6-tuple franking airmail stmp 50/100, Pof.L4, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 4s/ 21.III.27, supplemented with frame cancel. PRAGUE 8-Letiště 21.III.27 and airmail red cachet Flugpostamt Dresden N.25, exp. by Stupka., good condition, decorative U:A5
1927 The 2nd issue., Reg and airmail letter to China (!), with Pof.L4-L6, 222 2x, CDS PRAGUE 82-Airport 2.V.27, red framed pmk same office, cachet air-mail Berlin C.2, on reverse CDS BERLIN C.2 2.5.27, MOSCOW 5.5.27 and arrival BEIJING 20.May.27, exp. by Stupka., good condition, výjímečná destination! U:A5
1927 The 2nd issue., znovuzahajovací years Prague - Bratislava, airmail letter with Pof.L5, 143, 149, CDS PRAGUE 82-Airport 16.III.27, supplemented with frame cancel. same office, on reverse arrival postmark BRATISLAVA 1/ 16.III.27, exp. by Stupka., good condition U:A5
1927 issue II, air-mail letter to Sweden, franked with. air stamp. Pof.L4-L6, 218, 217 2x, cancelled by postmark PRAGUE 82-Airport AIRPORT 19.IV.27, supplemented with red air-mail framed pmk same office and red cachet Mit Luftpost ... Berlin C2, on reverse CDS BERLIN C2/ 19.4.27 and arrival postmark MALMO 20.4.27; good condition, exp. by Stupka., interesting destination! U:A5
1928 The 2nd issue., first flight Prague - Rotterdam, Reg and airmail letter with Pof.L4, L5, L6 2x, CDS PRAGUE 82-Airport 30.IV.28, supplemented with black frame cancel. same office and date, on reverse CDS HAARLEM 30.IV.28, exp. Gilbert, good condition U:A5
1928 issue II, first flight Prague - Kassel, Reg letter franked with. air stamp. Pof.L4-L6, CDS PRAGUE 82-Airport / 30.IV.28, supplemented with frame cancel. same office and red cachet "Mit Luftpost ... Kassel - Bettenhausen", on reverse arrival postmark KASSEL 30.4.28, exp. by Stupka., good condition U:A5
1928 Reg and airmail letter to Portugal with Pof.L6 + 235, 237 and 240, CDS Chřešťovice 28.X.28 and PRAGUE 82-Airport 30.X.28, additional cancel. Exclusively By Air, on reverse transit pmk Paris 31.10. and arrival postmark Lisbon Centro 3.NOV.28, recipient J. Jůzek, decorative and well preserved U:A5
1929 issue II, airmail letter sent as poste restante of the 1st flight from Prague to Uzhhorod, CDS PRAGUE 82-Airport 6.V.29, arrival postmark Uzhhorod 6.V.29, fee paid by due stmp 30h with CDS Uzhhorod 8.V.29, good condition, exp. by Stupka U:A5
1930 2x air-mail letters., transported first flights Prague - Zagreb and backward, Hor.89a and 90d, CDS PRAGUE 82-Airport 1.VII.30, on reverse arrival postmark., franking Pof.L4-6, opposite years 2.VII.30, cachets, arrival postmark., well preserved, c.v.. 1800 + 1700CZK U:A5
1930 Reg and airmail letter transported by the first flight Prague - Basel, Hor.88c, with Pof.L4 + L5 + 2x L6, CDS round also frame PRAGUE 82-Airport 2.VI.30, arrival postmark. BASEL FLUGPLATZ, good condition, c.v.. 2500CZK U:A5
1931 air-mail letter to England, franked with. airmail stamps issue II and III Pof.L4 + L7-L9, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 27.I.31, on reverse transit. PRAGUE 7 FOREIGN COUNTRIES and BERLIN ZENTRALFLUGHAFEN (central airport), sender WYROWYJ, well preserved U:A5
1934 letter sent R from Prague to Vienna, franked. stamp. 20CZK Pof.L14, single franking, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 26.1.34, on the reverse side airport cancel. Prague 7, good condition U:A5
1938 Reg and airmail letter to Mexico, franked/paid combinations meter stmp and stamps, meter stmp OLOMOUC 1/ 23.11.38/ OTTAHAL/ rate 6,50CZK, on reverse mounted stamps in value 5,50CZK, transit (Prague 7, New York) and arrival postmark, good condition U:A5