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1953 Pof.751 PLATE PROOF Day Czechoslovak Airlines, plate proof in/at hnědočerné color, white paper, in/at upper and bottom margin smudges from štětce, on reverse signed J. Goldschmied U:A5
1954 Pof.770ZT Gottwald, trial print in brown color, on/for chamois paper, nice U:A5
1954 Pof.785 PLATE PROOF, print original gravure stamp. Pof.785, issue Profession, value 2Kčs Lékař, in brownlila color on chalky paper, rare, sought U:A5
1957 Pof.PL930 I.-III., V.-VI., Comenius 60h, incomplete comp. of 5 types PB, missing IV. type, c.v.. 6000CZK U:A5
1957 Pof.935ZT Sport - box, trial print, black-blue color, white paper, signed engraver Jirka L., marked + exp. by Karasek.., good quality U:A5
1958 Pof.999ZT Novotný, trial print in blue color, white paper, without gum, exp. by Karasek.., good quality U:A5
1962 Pof.1268ZT Praga 1962, trial print stamps for miniature sheet, corresponding color, paper browny, on reverse offset hints, in front light stains, examination recommended, rare U:A5
1964 Pof.1385ZT 100 years fire protection, trial print in brown color, carton on reverse with printing, wide margins, nice quality U:A5
1966 Pof.1523ZT Prague castle, trial print miniature sheet stamps, original color, paper in front yellowy and on reverse white, missing wedge [ ˇ ] above C, guide marks, nice, expert Benes U:A5
1966 Pof.K1543 Guernica, UR corner piece with coupon and margin, joined paper, overlap ca. 25mm, at top also lower on reverse thin transparent adhesive strips, nice U:A5
1971 Pof.1875 Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, vertical strip of 3 with lower margin, joined paper, print on/for isolepě !!, mint never hinged U:A5
1972 Pof.1950ZT Czechoslovak. graphic/prints, trial print in/at original colors, white carton, nice U:A5
1980 Pof.1966, Vernacular Architecture - Mělník Region, whole counter sheet with margin, luminiscenční paper, mark TÚS (Technical Services), date of print 4.IX.80, number counter sheet 91408, significant shift red color, plate variety on pos. 43/1, nice quality, c.v.. 20.000CZK U:A3v–
1974 Pof.2115ZT Art, trial print in black color, white carton, signed J. Herčík, nice U:A5
1976 Pof.2216 Coil stamps 30h, horizontal strip of 3, joined paper, print on/for brown isolepě !!, 1x on reverse number, light red strokes of pen ?, otherwise mint never hinged U:A5
1978 Pof.2339Ms, Anniv of Mass Media, unfolded vertical 6-zn. same facing gutter, quite rare offer - in the market doesn't occur, in catalogues underprized U:A5
1990 Pof.2928 inverted harrow perforation, Havel 50h, L upper corner blk-of-10 with margin, inverted frame perf, significant digression perf stroke, date of print 18.I.90, nice, high catalogue value U:A5