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1947 ministerial FDC M 1/47 Two-year plan - blue, on reverse Minister post, No. 164, in front address, inside insertion with dedication, nice quality, Monograph 1500CZK U:A5
1949 FDC 2A/49n, 1. Anniv of February 1948, with two stamps Pof.500, filed address to Poland, lapel nezalepena, c.v.. Monograph 2500CZK, rare, good quality U:A5
1947 ministerial FDC M 5/47 T. G. Masaryk, on reverse Minister post, No. 69, in front address, inside insertion with dedication, small spots in corner, else preserved, Monograph 1500CZK U:A5
1952 FDC 11/52v +11/52w, 3 pcs of, with stamps Pof.648-650 Agricultural Work, different mounting stamps and 2x plate variety, stmp Pof.648 with plate variety 33/1 (cut wedge [ ˇ ]), stmp Pof.650 with plate variety 40 (reflector), Un, good quality U:A5
1985 2x special envelope to election president V A/85 + V B/85 - 22.5.1985, postmark red and blue, various combinations, Un, lapel unfolded, nice U:A5