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1953 SG.120a-134, Landscape Motives, set 15 pcs, very fine, c.v.. 50£; U:A5
1953 SG.289-301, Landscape Motives, set 13 pcs, very fine, c.v.. 55£; U:A5
1956 BRITISH VIRGIN ISL. SG.149-161, Motives, set of 13 pieces, perfect, cat. 90£ U:A5
1964 BRITISH VIRGIN ISL. SG.178-192, Motives, set of 15 pieces, perfect, cat. 70£ U:A5
1932 CAYMAN ISL. Mi.70-81 (SG.135-47) William IV. + George V., complete set of 12 pieces, hinged, cat. 550€ (cat. Gibbons 400£) U:A5
1917 Reg letter franked by complete set Mi.49-56, CDS St. Thomas 6.1.1917, Reg cancel, addressed to to Netherlands, censorship, transit pmk New York on reverse, small format, only used stamp. c.v.. 360€ U:A5
1954 DOMINICA SG.140-58 Motives, set of 19 pieces, perfect, cat. 55£ U:A5
1891 Mi.12-24 Allegory with overprint, No.12 overprint IV., other without chyby, rest of hinge, also thin places, in front nice, examination back sides We recommend it, c.v.. 700€ U:A5
1954 LEEWARD ISL. SG.126-140, Queen Elizabeth II, set of 15 pieces, perfect, cat. 48£ U:A5
1938 TURKS AND CAICOS SG.194-205? (Mi.118-131), Raking Salt, set of 14 pieces, perfect, cat. 95£ U:A5
1950 TURKS AND CAICOS SG.221-233, Motives, set of 13 pieces, perfect, cat. 55£ U:A5