Public Auction 24 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Air Stamps

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85797 - 1920 Pof.L1-L3, I. provisional air mail stmp., perforated, L
1920 Pof.L1-L3, I. provisional air mail stmp., perforated, L1A + L2B + L3B, marked, all exp. by Stupka., good quality, c.v.. 5800CZK, profitable
Starting price: CZK
87554 - 1920 Pof.L2BIIp, I. provisional air mail stmp., comb perfora
1920 Pof.L2BIIp, I. provisional air mail stmp., comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, spiral type II + bar type II., pos. 2, plate 2, well centered, lightly hinged, sought piece, exp. by Skaloud + photo-certificate Škaloud from y 2006
Starting price: CZK
85503 - 1920 Pof.L3, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h rose,
1920 Pof.L3, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h rose, sought shade, mint never hinged, exp. by Mrnak
Starting price: CZK
85795 - 1920 Pof.L3APp I. provisional air mail stmp., inverted overp
1920 Pof.L3APp I. provisional air mail stmp., inverted overprint, line perf 13¾; (marked), quality almost **, exp. by Sula + St + owner's marks, c.v.. 8000CZK
Starting price: CZK
87054 - 1920 Pof.L3APp, I. provisional air mail stmp., value 28Kč/1
1920 Pof.L3APp, I. provisional air mail stmp., value 28Kč/1000h with line perforation 13¾;, inverted overprint (!), light off center, mint never hinged, sought by specialists, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek + old owner's mark
Starting price: CZK
85796 - 1920 PLATE PROOF  I. provisional air mail stmp. 28/25h viole
1920 PLATE PROOF I. provisional air mail stmp. 28/25h violet, black Opt, without perf, spiral type II., nice margins, lightly hinged, exp. by Leseticky., St., c.v.. 1100CZK
Starting price: CZK
81393 - 1920 PLATE PROOF  I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/20h bl
1920 PLATE PROOF I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/20h blue-green, black Opt, marginal piece with control-numbers, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
85673 - 1930 Pof.L10, Airmail - definitive 3CZK dark violet T III.,
1930 Pof.L10, Airmail - definitive 3CZK dark violet T III., in lower part of stmp double perf, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
85674 - 1930 Pof.L11, Airmail - definitive 4CZK blue T I., horiz. ma
1930 Pof.L11, Airmail - definitive 4CZK blue T I., horiz. marginal Pr, double vert. perf in margin counter sheet, on reverse lightly ribbed paper, otherwise mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
85675 - 1930 Pof.L12, Airmail - definitive 5CZK brown, UL corner blk
1930 Pof.L12, Airmail - definitive 5CZK brown, UL corner blk-of-4 with smaller perf folded paper, mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
88858 - 1930 Pof.L12aA, Airmail - definitive 5CZK light brown, line
1930 Pof.L12aA, Airmail - definitive 5CZK light brown, line perforation 12¼;, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, certificate Karásek, 2002, c.v.. 40000CZK
Starting price: CZK
85676 - 1930 Pof.L13, Airmail - definitive 10CZK blue, UL corner blk
1930 Pof.L13, Airmail - definitive 10CZK blue, UL corner blk-of-4 with perf folded paper, smaller shifted perforation, on 1 stmp on reverse stain on gum, otherwise mint never hinged, decorative
Starting price: CZK
87142 - 1919 air postcard field post from Uzhhorod to Spišská Nov
1919 air postcard field post from Uzhhorod to Spišská Nová Ves (!) and then to Prague, print blue postmark FP No.46 from 14.VI.19 and Hungarian CDS MUNKÁCS 919 Apr.8., after/around uspěšné Hungarian ofenzívě came to tear Czechosl. eastern army and post was/were several days dopravována by air mail!! (see c.v.. Horka page. 41); good condition, sought!
Starting price: CZK
88792 - 1921 issue I, cut square from international post. dispatch-n
1921 issue I, cut square from international post. dispatch-note franked with. airmail stamp 14/200, Pof.L1 + stamp. Pigeon-issue 10h, Pof.146, CDS HORNÍ HENNERSDORF 1.II.21; rare usage, rare usage!!
Starting price: CZK
87113 - 1921 Reg and airmail letter sent from Prague to Paris, with
1921 Reg and airmail letter sent from Prague to Paris, with Pof.L2A, 160, 157, 144, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 4b/ 30.III.21, supplemented with straight line postmark air-mail company CFRNA in violet color Compagnie Franco - Roumanie de Navigation Aériene and mounted airmail směrovkou, without other transit postmarks, on reverse only cancel. sender Fr. Šašek, neprůkazná air transport; good condition
Starting price: CZK
88169 - 1922 special delivery air-mail letter to Austria, commercial
1922 special delivery air-mail letter to Austria, commercial envelope with The 2nd issue., Pof.L4 - L6, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 4a/ 14.IX.22, supplemented with on face-side CDS PRAGUE - AIRPORT 14.IX.22 and arrival CDS WIEN FLUGPOST 14.IX.22; exp. by Stupka., good condition
Starting price: CZK
88028 - 1924 Reg and airmail letter to Strasburku, with Pof.L4, L5,
1924 Reg and airmail letter to Strasburku, with Pof.L4, L5, L6 and 156 in front + corner blk-of-4 Pof.149 on reverse, CDS Prague 1/ 25.VIII.24, Reg label No.1 (!) and label Esperanto, exactly franked/paid, off. direction label Praha-Strasbourg, undelivered, redirected to Berlin, on reverse 4x arrival postmark Berlin N/ 28.8.24, signs of usage., decorative, well preserved, c.v.. Horka 4800CZK
Starting price: CZK
82758 - 1924 Reg and airmail letter sent from Prague to Paris, with
1924 Reg and airmail letter sent from Prague to Paris, with Pof.L4, L5, L6 2x, CDS Prague 1 and Prague - airport 7.10.1924, cat. Horka 4800bodů, good condition
Starting price: CZK
88032 - 1925 airmail letter to Vienna, with Pof.L5 2x and 148, CDS P
1925 airmail letter to Vienna, with Pof.L5 2x and 148, CDS Prague 1/ 1.X.25 and Prague-airport/ 2.X.25, exactly franked/paid, framed pmk Airmail, arrival Wien 1/ 2.X.25 in front, well preserved, c.v.. Horka 5000CZK
Starting price: CZK
88176 - 1927 Reg and airmail letter sent 1. flight Prague - Bremen t
1927 Reg and airmail letter sent 1. flight Prague - Bremen then to Soviet Union, with Pof.L4, L5 3x, L6, 230, general franking 9CZK, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 2.V.27, red framed pmk PRAGUE 2.V.27 supplemented with airmail frame cancel. BERLIN C.2, on reverse CDS BERLIN C.2/ 2.5.27 and arrival postmark MOSCOW 5.5.27; good condition
Starting price: CZK
87767 - 1927 Reg and airmail letter to Germany, with Pof.L4-L6, 210,
1927 Reg and airmail letter to Germany, with Pof.L4-L6, 210, 212, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 19.IV.27, supplemented with red frame cancel. PRAGUE 82 DOPRAVENO LETECKOU POST 19.IV.27 and cancel. AIRMAIL, on face-side arrival red framed pmk Flugpostamt Braunschweig,na back side CDS Brunswick 20.4.27, sender Fr. Šašek; good condition
Starting price: CZK
87769 - 1928 Reg and airmail letter as printed matter to Netherlands
1928 Reg and airmail letter as printed matter to Netherlands of the 1st flight Prague - Rotterdam, with Pof.L4-L6, CDS PRAGUE 82-Airport 30.IV.28, supplemented with red straight line postmark first flight / Premier Vol., and frame cancel. PRAGUE 82-Airport 30.IV.28, on reverse arrival postmark ROTTERDAM 30.4.28, incl. certificate of mailing; good condition, cat. Horka 3000CZK
Starting price: CZK
87762 - 1928 Reg and airmail letter to England, with Pof.L4-L6, 208,
1928 Reg and airmail letter to England, with Pof.L4-L6, 208, 215, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 24.I.28, supplemented with red frame cancel. AIRMAIL and směrovou label Prague - London, on reverse arrival postmark Registered LONDON 25.JA.28, sender Fr. Šašek; good condition
Starting price: CZK
85848 - 1929 Reg and airmail letter from Uzhhorod to South Africa, w
1929 Reg and airmail letter from Uzhhorod to South Africa, with Pof.L4, L5, L6 + 228, framed pmk Uzhhorod Airport/ 6.V. + CDS UZHHOROD 1/ 6.V.29, Reg label Uzhhorod 1, sender J. Bastl, well preserved, rare destination, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
88544 - 1931 Reg and airmail letter to USA, with Pof.L8, L12, 255, C
1931 Reg and airmail letter to USA, with Pof.L8, L12, 255, CDS Prague 1/ 9.II.31, on reverse CDS Prague 7 Abroad/ 9.II.31, cancel. Post Off./ Prague 1 Philately/ state coat of arms + 4 transit and arrival postmark USA, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
82796 - 1933 airmail letter from Uzhhorod to Prague 1.8.1933,  with
1933 airmail letter from Uzhhorod to Prague 1.8.1933, with Pof.L9, good condition
Starting price: CZK
88180 - 1934 airmail letter to Indochina, with Pof.L12, L8, L7, CDS
1934 airmail letter to Indochina, with Pof.L12, L8, L7, CDS PÍSEK 22.IX.34, on reverse air-mail cancel. PRAGUE 7/ 22.IX.34, transit and arrival postmark SAIGON 4.10.34, exp. by Stupka.; good condition, rare destination!
Starting price: CZK
82763 - 1935 airmail letter sent from Prague to China - Kantonu, wit
1935 airmail letter sent from Prague to China - Kantonu, with Pof.L7, L10 pair, CDS Prague 7/30.9.1935, all attributes, in/at address part/-s described ink by pencil
Starting price: CZK
82762 - 1935 airmail letter sent from Prague to China - Kantonu, wit
1935 airmail letter sent from Prague to China - Kantonu, with Pof.L7, L8 2x, L11, CDS PRAGUE 7/7.10.1935, all attributes, good condition
Starting price: CZK
85856 - 1936 airmail letter to Brazil with Pof.L9, L10, L12, 223, 26
1936 airmail letter to Brazil with Pof.L9, L10, L12, 223, 260, 291 (3x) + hand-made "Taxe percue 15CZK", CDS Olomouc 3/ 28.I.36, red cachet Deutsche Luftpost/ Europa-Südamerika, on reverse Prague 7/ Airmail/ 29.I.36 and arrival postmark Sao Paulo/ Coreo Aereo/ 2.II.36, interesting, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
88179 - 1936 airmail letter to afrického Senegal, franked by stmp P
1936 airmail letter to afrického Senegal, franked by stmp Pof.224, 223, general franking 5,50CZK, CDS ČESKÁ LÍPA 3.XI.36, on reverse air-mail cancel. PRAGUE 7/ 3.XI.36, transit PARIS AVION 7.XI.36 and arrival postmarkl DAKAR / SENEGAL 9.Nov.36, exp. by Stupka.; good condition, unusual destination!
Starting price: CZK
87779 - 1937 heavier commercial air-mail letter addressed to to Ecua
1937 heavier commercial air-mail letter addressed to to Ecuador (!), franked on back side stamp. Pof.L13 4x, L7, 312 6x, general postal-charge is 70,50 CZK, CDS ÚSTÍ above O. 14.VI.37, air-mail framed pmk PRAGUE 7/ 14.VI.37 and arrival ECUADOR Jun.23.37; envelope open from three sides, after all exceptional destination and franking!!
Starting price: CZK
85860 - 1938 airmail letter to Canada franked with. pair Pof.L11, CD
1938 airmail letter to Canada franked with. pair Pof.L11, CDS Brno 1/ 14.X.38, Reg label Brno 1 (Ex offo), framed pmk CENSUROVÁNO, transit and arrival postmark Prague 7/ Airmail/ 16.X., New York 26.10. and Toronto 26.OC.38 on reverse, well preserved, interesting destination!
Starting price: CZK
87782 - 1938 airmail letter to Palestine (!), with Pof.L7 2x, L8, 31
1938 airmail letter to Palestine (!), with Pof.L7 2x, L8, 314 2x, 324, 325KP, CDS BRNO 2/ 9.I.38, on reverse air-mail framed pmk PRAGUE 7/ 10.I.38, arrival postmark RAMAT GAN 15.Jan.38; good condition, quite rare destination!!
Starting price: CZK
88181 - 1938 Reg and airmail letter to Argentíny, franked with. sin
1938 Reg and airmail letter to Argentíny, franked with. single franking airmail stmp 20CZK, Pof.L14, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 26.I.38, on reverse air-mail cancel. PRAGUE 7/ 26.I.38, supplemented with arrival CDS BUENOS AIRES 2.Feb.38 and round cancel. CERTIFICADOS CENTRAL 451, exp. by Stupka.; decorative!
Starting price: CZK
88177 - 1938 Reg and airmail letter to Ecuador, with Pof.L14, 308, g
1938 Reg and airmail letter to Ecuador, with Pof.L14, 308, general franking 22,50CZK, CDS PRAGUE 14/ 13.VII.38, on reverse air-mail cancel. PRAGUE 7/ 13.VII.38 and arrival postmark GUATAQUIL, exp. by Stupka.; good condition
Starting price: CZK