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1938 postal-agency CHUDLOVO (ANTALOVCE)/ Худльово (Анталовці), cat. Gebauer 2529, 90 pt.., violet postmark on postcard CDV69/305, Uzsok, CDS UZHHOROD 5.X.38, very nice U:A5
1915 Maxa B87, PC Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "B.&W." f. Breda & Weinstein, Opava, MC OPAVA 24.VII.15, very good condition U:A5
1910 Maxa S29, PC Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "S.G." f. Siegmund Guttwillig, Plzeň, MC PLZEŇ 15.II.10, good condition U:A5
1872-75 forerunner of perfins - comp. 2 pcs of PC 2 Kreuzer "yellow", Mi.P9, P18 with commercial embossed print "Spedition Comission Antonín. Tichy Tropau", straight line postmark TROPPAU/ 21.AUG. 72, other with embossed print above printed stmp." IGNATZ TAUBER" with CDS JECHNITZ 17/3 75, good condition U:A5
1923 Maxa H16, invoice with revenue 20h with perfin "HFS" f. Henry Francek's Sons, Chomutov, incl. confirmation, light stain in margin U:A4
1926 Maxa K50, invoice with revenue 1CZK with perfin "K&S" f. Kastrup & Swetlik, ES-KA Cheb, incl. confirmation, good condition U:A4
1919 Maxa Z2, envelope with additional-printing Žilina factory on/for celulózu sent as express to Germany, with Hradčany Pof.3, 5, 10 3x, all with perfin "Z.C.", Hungarian CDS ZSOLNA 919 Aug.21., Us Czechosl. censorship with straight line postmark "Vojenskýn office open" and Hungarian stick-on label, on reverse arrival postmark DRESDEN 27.8.19; light vertical fold and lightly hinged postal transport; very interesting contemporary document! U:A5
1914 PRZEMYŚL correspondence card with print FP cachet cancel. K.u.K Fliegerkompagnie No.11, according to text written 31.12.14, interesting text about obklíčení and transport post Zeppelins, yellow card, superb U:A5
1919 letter sent Russian legionary from Novonikolajevska to Tomska, with Pof.PP2 - postmark Dejstvujusčaja Česko-Slovackaja armija, then FP-postmark 8, exp. by Gilbert., 2x vert. fold, else preserved U:A5
1919 FRANCE 22. Czech-Slovak Regiment / Commander 1. batt./guidon, bilingual blue round postmark French legions on/for letter envelope and postcard sent from Prague, envelope supplemented with straight line postmark 2. Regiment Czechoslovak legions./ 3. batt./guidon 11. troop/ PRAGUE with CDS PRAGUE 11/ 20.VIII.19 and on Ppc with CDS PRAGUE 11/ 18.VIII.19; superb print, decorative, rare usage! U:A5
1919 FRANCE 22. Czech-Slovak Regiment / Commander 1. batt./guidon, bilingual blue round postmark French legions on Ppc sent from Prague with nationalized CDS PRAGUE 11/ 7.VII.19; good condition U:A5
1919 FRANCE postcard with view military přehlídky sent from town Cognac 3.X.1919 to Czechoslovakia with round violet cancel. DEPOT DES REGIMENTS TCHECO - SLOVAQUES / FM; nice print, text also postcard U:A5
1919 RUSSIA letter Russian legionnaire sent from field post 7 to Hodkovic, military unit postmark Shooting Regiment John Kozina/ 9.rota, exp. by Gilbert , letter L slightly zkrácen cutting U:A5
1920 RUSSIA letter incl. content to Czechoslovakia, equipped bicircular violet cancel. Field post Czech - Slovak armies, on reverse 11. Czechoslovak. Rifle Rgt. Fr. Palacký/ Machine-gun troop, according to text written in/at Pograničnaja 5. May 1920, interesting text about evakuaci legionaries; good condition U:A5
1920 RUSSIA letter sent Russian legionary to Brno, FP-postmark, cross flash, on the reverse side mounted 3 stamps Pof.PP2 with omitted the bottom row perf - nerazítkováno!!!, exp. by Gilbert., good condition U:A5
1920 RUSSIA letter sent Russian legionary to Žamberk, FP-postmark cross flash, military unit postmark 11. Rifle Rgt. with lion, exp. by Gilbert., good condition, decorative U:A5
1920 RUSSIA PC sent from Vladivostoku- Russian island to Skuteč, with Pof.PP2, FP-postmark 9, exp. by Gilbert., good condition U:A5
1919 RUSSIA money letter sent from Omsku to Irkutska, FP-postmark 4, on reverse seal field post 4 in vosku, exp. by Gilbert., hints of ungentle opening letter, uneven margins U:A5
1919 RUSSIA postcard sent between members legions from Harbin to Irkutska on/for train Poselství, FP-postmark 6, exp. by Gilbert., good condition U:A5
1920 RUSSIA Reg letter from Prague on Rifle Rgt., with Pof.PP2, postmark management field post and two other circular postmark field post 1 and 3, recipient nedohledán, letter-card/-s post. dead letter off. Prague, exp. by Gilbert., damaged, signs of usage U:A4
1919-20 RUSSIA comp. 2 pcs of letters incl. content sent to Czechoslovakia, 1x round cancel. 11. Shooting Regiment/ 1. machine-gun troop, according to text written Atčinsk 10/8 19, envelope with tearing in upper margin; other letter with round FP cachet cancel. 11 Shooting Regiment FR. Palacký/ 2. machine-gun troop and bicircular FP-postmark No.7 Poste Militare, according to text station Petrovské works 19/3 19; good condition, interesting texts letters U:A5
1919 RUSSIA service letter from military inženýra Czechosl. armies in Russia commander 4. shooting regiment, marked "Důvěrné", FP-postmark, by hand notice vrátit, exp. by Kvasnicka., absolutely good condition, rare U:A5
1919 RUSSIA service letter sent from Vladivostok to Manchuria, postmark field post 5, exp. by Kvasnicka., in the middle folded, signs of usage U:A5
1919 RUSSIA court service letter from Vladivostok to Manchuria, FP-postmark cross flash, exp. by Kvasnicka., in the middle folded, good condition U:A5
1919 ŠNEJDÁREK'S CAMPAIGN, comp. 2 pcs of Ppc Těšín with Hradčany 10h with CDS CIESZYN 2/ 11/II.19 and CDS CIESZYN 1/ 12.II.19 - here sender Czechosl. Reg. of Freedom č.III, detachment/section telefonů Těšín; good condition, superb postal imprints U:A5
1920 Czechosl. air-mail storage area in Nitra, red line military unit postmark, CDS PP5 10.VI.20, very fine U:A5
1945 Brit. postal stationery cover for registered mailing field post, Mi.FEU3 I., cancel. CS.P.P./ 7.AP.45, Reg label FPO D.S. No.+ in red BCZ1/ No.0290, schield censorship mark No.11690 (Tank batt./guidon 2), sent to bank in/at Nottinghamu, well preserved U:A5
2003 comp. 6 pcs of letters to member of unit in/at Kuwait, mission "Operation enduring freedom 2003", philatelically franked, cachets, arrival postmark, incl. content, nice quality U:A5