1918private postal stationery cover with printed stmp 3h Crown issue 1916, uprated to Registered with stamp stamp. Mi.189 (Crown 12h), and on reverse Mi.186 2x (Crown 5h), 223 (Charles 25h), CDS PRAGUE 1/ 6.XII.18 (incomplete-printing date of printing , but after all distinct 8 in/at cancel on reverse), envelope with additional-printing LLD. Charles Rix, addressed to to Vienna; light fold cross, rare private forerunner p.stat, decorative!
1919Reg letter with unique mixed franking Austrian stamp. 3h Crown 6 pcs of and Hradčany-issue stamp. 10h + 20h, Mi.185 6x, Pof.5, 8, posting nationalized CDS PRAGUE 7/ 24.II.19, sent to Slovakia, on reverse arrival Hungarian CDS PEREDMÉR 919 Feb.26.; small stains, torn flap, after all rare franking!!
Pof.13N, 30h light violet, exceedingly large block, due to folded paper omitted print + print on gummed side, interesting, nice quality, exp. by Karasek
Pof.22, 25 and 26, Náchodské forgeries to defraud the collectors, from every values block of 8, complete printing sheet without margins, sought by specialists
Pof.4D IIs, 5h blue-green, line perforation 11½;, spiral type II, lower corner blok of 4 with control-numbers, mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 3500CZK
Pof.7C joined bar types, 15h bricky red, block of four with joined bar type, plate 2, pos. 77, 78, 87, 88, exp. + photo-certificate Karasek, luxury piece, rare usage (!!), cat. Merkur-Revue for plate 2 hodnoceno –,–
Pof.7E Is+IIp, 15h bricky red, corner piece, line perforation 11½:10¾;, pos. 91, plate 1, associated type, spiral type I., bar type II., slitá color, c.v.. 3500CZK, lightly hinged
Pof.11A, 25h violet, marginal piece, comb perforation 13¾:13½;, mint never hinged, superb, exp. by Leseticky., Karasek, on reverse note by pencil "I-21", c.v.. 10000CZK
Pof.11L joined bar types, 25h violet, marginal block-of-4 with ministerial line perforation 10½;, 2x bar types combination, pos. 81, 82, plate 1 + arc type on pos. 81, on pos. 91 minor gum fault., otherwise mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek., corresponding price in/at přepočtu to ostatním perf ca. 7-8000CZK
1919Reg letter franked with. str-of-3 stamp. 25h black-violet, Pof.11a, CDS MANĚTÍN 15/12 19, light fold and on reverse hints after sticking, exp. by Karasek
1919Registered and Express letter to Plzen with Pof.28 6x (block), CDS STAAB (Stod) 1.XI.19, on reverse arrival - incomplete print, overfranked only about/by 5h, quite exceptional!!
1919Registered and Express letter right with mixed franking of stmp POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 and Hradčany 60h, Pof.38, 44, 17, forerunner single-circle (!) CDS SCHURZ 22/12 19, addressed to to Prague, Austrian Reg label, small format envelope/-s, very nice, decorative entire!