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1939 Alb.2-22, Overprint issue, does not contain 19b, superb, better stamp. exp. by Synek., c.v.. 9700Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.3, Coat of arms 10h, blk-of-15 with R margin, on pos. 80 + pos. 100 stamps moletovány about/by 0,5mm value, nice, c.v.. Földes min. 800SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.11, Štefánik 60h, marginal block-of-4, c.v.. 1400SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.19a, Slavkov 3,50CZK, with red overprint, UL corner blk-of-4, nice, exp. by Gilbert.., c.v.. Földes 3200SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.19b, Slavkov 3,50CZK, with blue overprint, UL corner blk-of-4, nice, exp. by Gilbert + Mrňák., c.v.. Földes 6800Sk U:A5
1939 contemporary forgery of overprint on stmp 10CZK with upper coupon, Alb.22, print from original poškrábané folder, red lines in the picture also on coupon, exp. Kaufmann, c.v.. Alb. 2500SKK only for stamp. without coupon U:A5
1939 Alb.23C, Hlinka 50h, with overprint, horizontal pair from R side gutter (gutter-pair), lower margin + L blank field with part of stamps, mixed perforation 12½; + 10½;, combination C10 + C7, overprint dull, good quality U:A5
1939 Alb.M23B, Hlinka, 4-stamp gutter, perf line perforation 10½;, light fold in perforation, otherwise nice, c.v.. Földes 5000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.24A, Hlinka 1 Koruna, with omitted vertical perf R, exp. by Novotny + Alb.30, Hlinka 1 Koruna with omitted perf lower, both stamp. mint never hinged, cat. Földes 1500SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.24C, Hlinka 1 Koruna, with overprint, UR corner blk-of-4, vert. perf in R margin double, 1x 12½; + 1x 10½;, combination right/genuine stamps is 2x C4, fold in upper margin, short detachment/section in perforation, otherwise good, exp. by Novotny U:A5
1939 Alb.N25, Hlinka 5h, pair, without perf, nice, c.v.. Földes min. 7000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.26C, Hlinka 10h, perf line perforation 12½; : 10½;, combination C4, marked and exp. by Sablatura.., nice, c.v.. 4500SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.27C2, Hlinka 20h, block of four with line perforation 10½:12½;, superb, on request zajistíme odzkoušení, c.v.. 14000Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.SK31N, Hlinka 2,50 Koruna, trial print in colour 5h stamps, pair, wide margins, nice, c.v.. Földes min. 5000SKK U:A5
1941 Alb.62-64, For Children-issue, complete 50-stamps. counter sheet with margin, all plate variety according to catalogue, folded in perforation, otherwise very fine, cat. Földes ca. 2000SKK U:A3v–
1942 Alb.72-74, Postal Congress, complete set 100-stamps. counter sheet with margin, total 6 pcs of, Pl 1 +1A, all plate variety according to catalogue, folded in perforation, short detachment/section in perforation, by/on/at No.72 (1) more/larger detachment/section in perforation, otherwise nice, cat. Földes ca. 3200SKK U:A3v–
1943 Alb.90-93, Railway, complete 100-stamps. counter sheet with margin, 2x plate variety, folded in perforation, small detachment/section in margin, otherwise nice quality, cat. Földes ca. 1700Sk U:A3v–
1944 Alb.98-105, Princes, complete 100-stamps. counter sheet with margin, folded in perforation, part counter sheet partly detached, part totally detached, part neoddělených, some plate variety according to catalogue, otherwise stamps nice quality, cat. Földes ca. 4500SKK U:A3v–
1944 Alb.115-118, War Damaged, complete 100-stamps counter sheet with margin, 1x retouch, folded in perforation, small detachment/section in margin, otherwise nice quality, cat. Földes ca. 2150Sk U:A3v–
1944 Alb.H119, miniature sheet For Children-issue, MS pos. H, inexact cut, R margin narrower then L, (18-25mm), interesting production flaw, nice U:A5
1944 Alb.H119, miniature sheet For Children-issue, complete set 8 MS pos. (A-H), standard quality, rare chance U:A5
1945 Alb.120-124, Tiso, incomplete selection of 100-stamps. counter sheet with margin, missing No.125 (10 Koruna), some plate variety, folded in perforation, small detachment/section in margin, otherwise nice quality, cat. Földes., ca. 3300Sk, profitable U:A3v–
1942 EXPROPRIATION OF JEWISH PROPERTY service letter with Alb.33, Hlinka 1,30 Koruna, red three-line postmark Provisional house management Jozefa Feldmanna/ provisional manager Gejza Bobrovský, good condition U:A5
1939 Reg and C.O.D. on/for 15Sk, pre-printed envelope notářství, with Hlinka, Alb.29, 30 4x, CDS HYBE/ 13.VI.39; light tearing envelope/-s in upper margin, rare usage! U:A5
1940 without franking official envelope State railways with postmark Vec úradná/ porto refunds recipient, fee paid on reverse 2 stamp. Tisko 50h, Alb.43 with hand-made transcription "Postage due" with official railway cancel. LIPT.SV. MIKULÁŠ 28.X.940; vertical fold and light yellowy, after all exceptional entire! U:A5
1944 address part railway-station parcel newspapers Grenzbote, franked with. newspaper stmp 37x Alb.NV27 + 1x Alb.NV26 (37,50Ks), CDS DUBNICA above V./ 27.XII.44, stamps in larger blocks, vert. fold, else preserved U:A3v–