Public Auction 26 / Philately / Other Philatelic Domains / Field Post / Austria and Hungary

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97940 - 1903 S.M.S. ZENTA / 20.9.03, black circular pmk with date, p
1903 S.M.S. ZENTA / 20.9.03, black circular pmk with date, postcard Malagy franked by španělskými stamps 2x 5c, to Bohemia, well preserved, cat. Pithart 7000CZK for war period
Starting price: CZK
96095 - 1899 K.u.K FIELD-POST - LEITUNG No.14/ 17/9 99, superb posta
1899 K.u.K FIELD-POST - LEITUNG No.14/ 17/9 99, superb postal imprint from manoeuvres, postcard Klagenfurt
Starting price: CZK
94647 - 1915 PC 5h uprated with stamp the first issue and postage st
1915 PC 5h uprated with stamp the first issue and postage stmp Mi.180, CDS Etappenpostamt PIOTRKÓW 1.VIII.15, cat. Ferchenbauer 400€, exact franking, advertising label
Starting price: CZK
89762 - 1915 FP card to Sarajevo, franked with. overprint stamp. Mi.
1915 FP card to Sarajevo, franked with. overprint stamp. Mi.2+3, CDS FP No.15, service pmk hospital 9/2, nice
Starting price: CZK
98041 - 1917 philatelically influenced Reg letter with FP Charles, M
1917 philatelically influenced Reg letter with FP Charles, Mi.72, 71, 70, cancel. Etappenpostamt GRANICA 4.X.17, supplemented with FP cachet cancel. K.u.K Etappenpost (base post) and Telegraph office/ Granica, sent to Slovakia, on reverse arrival postmark ZSOLNA 917 Okt.8.; good condition
Starting price: CZK
90184 - 1905 K.u.K.. FIELD-POST - EXPOSITUR No.26/ 30.VIII.05, impri
1905 K.u.K.. FIELD-POST - EXPOSITUR No.26/ 30.VIII.05, imprint of daily postmark on Ppc with 5h, arrival postmark incomplete, in picture side color collage town TÁBOR, nice
Starting price: CZK
89763 - 1916 K.u.K.. FELDPOSTAMT (field post off.) 316/ 30.XI.16R-do
1916 K.u.K.. FELDPOSTAMT (field post off.) 316/ 30.XI.16R-dopis to Prague, framed Reg pmk with hand-made additional writing, round military unit postmark with emblem, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
89698 - 1917 K.u.K.. FELDPOSTAMT (field post off.) 26a/ 5.I.17 (ligh
1917 K.u.K.. FELDPOSTAMT (field post off.) 26a/ 5.I.17 (light otisk),služební military envelope with pre-printing, sáčkový sample/specimen, sent as FP from Stanislavi to Märisch-Ostrau, subdivision straight line postmark with eagle (incomplete), straight line postmark Portofreie (postage free) Dienstßache, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
89760 - 1918 TÁBORI POSTAHIVATAL 354/ 918.JAN.21, Reg letter to Pra
1918 TÁBORI POSTAHIVATAL 354/ 918.JAN.21, Reg letter to Prague, framed Reg pmk with hand-made additional writing, 2-lines postmark sender Kriegsanleihe-Z.stelle/ FP 340, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
89761 - 1916 Reg letter from Albania to Prague, Reg cancel with hand
1916 Reg letter from Albania to Prague, Reg cancel with hand-made additional writing, CDS Etappenpostamt SCHKODRA/ 12.IX.16, round military unit postmark litoměřického regiment No.9, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
89759 - 1918 K.u.K.. ETAPPENPOSTAMT (base post off.) BELGRADE/ 30.VI
1918 K.u.K.. ETAPPENPOSTAMT (base post off.) BELGRADE/ 30.VI.18,R-dopis to Prague, Reg label + three-line postmark sender, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
94673 - 1918 Reg letter from Albania to Prague, CDS Etappenpostamt M
1918 Reg letter from Albania to Prague, CDS Etappenpostamt MAMURAS/ 21.V.18/a, framed Reg pmk + subdivision line K.u.K.. Holzgewinnungsleitung, CDS Mamuras in/at c.v.. Rainer 700b, good condition
Starting price: CZK
94959 - 1917 Reg and Express service letter, liberated from postage,
1917 Reg and Express service letter, liberated from postage, paid only fee 30h after/behind express delivery, CDS Etappenpostamt 180/ 12.II.17, in front also on reverse straight line postmark K.u.K Fliegerersatzkompanie No.10, on reverse worse arrival postmark. Wiener Neustadt/ 13.II.17, vert. fold and fold corner, after all good condition
Starting price: CZK
97785 - 1917 S.M.D. XX,  red double circle pmk with coats of arms, s
1917 S.M.D. "XX", red double circle pmk with coats of arms, supplemented with CDS Field Post POLA/ 19.IV.17, cancel. with partially overlap but nice print, postcard addressed to to Vienna, cat. Pithart at all doesn't report, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
97941 - 1918 S.M.S. DUKLA + Etappenpostamt 267/ 9.IX.18, violet stra
1918 S.M.S. DUKLA + Etappenpostamt 267/ 9.IX.18, violet straight line postmark + black CDS, to Bohemia, redirected, wrinkled margins envelope/-s, after all still preserved, cat. Pithart 2800CZK
Starting price: CZK
90201 - 1918 S.M.S. MIRAMAR, red 2-lines censorship mark + CDS Field
1918 S.M.S. MIRAMAR, red 2-lines censorship mark + CDS Field Post POLA/ 2.II.18, partially overlapped postmark, else preserved, cat. Pithart 3000CZK
Starting price: CZK
97784 - 1916 S.M. TORPEDOBOOT 19, red double circle pmk with eagle,
1916 S.M. TORPEDOBOOT "19", red double circle pmk with eagle, supplemented with CDS Field Post POLA/ 31.1.16, nice imprints, interesting postcard (3 war ships) addressed to to Vienna, in the middle thin/light brown spots, cat. Pithart 2500CZK
Starting price: CZK
97942 - 1917 S.M.B. 59  oval violet coat of arms' postmark, to Bohem
1917 S.M.B. 59 oval violet coat of arms' postmark, to Bohemia 2.VII.1917, color postcard steamship Prinz Hohenlohe, bumped corners, else preserved, cat. Pithart 2500CZK
Starting price: CZK
97786 - 1915 STEAMER BALATON, Danube Flotilla, red round cancel. wit
1915 STEAMER "BALATON", Danube Flotilla, red round cancel. with eagle, supplemented with big red censorship cancel. Temesvár/ 1915 XI 10 + CDS ORSOVA/ 915.NOV.11., interesting postcard (Orsova) addressed to to Bratislava, nice print ship cancel., sound condition
Starting price: CZK
97943 - 1916 FLOTILA NA VISLE / 2-lines violet postmark K.u.K/ Fluss
1916 FLOTILA NA VISLE / 2-lines violet postmark K.u.K/ Flussschiffartskompagnie No.4 + Etappenpostamt CHELM/ 30.XII.16, FP card with sign of sticky tape in lower margin, good print, very rare, cat. Pithart 6000CZK
Starting price: CZK
97783 - 1918 S.M.S. ENNS, Danube Flotilla, violet 2-lines frame cens
1918 S.M.S. ENNS, Danube Flotilla, violet 2-lines frame censorship mark., supplemented with CDS BUDAPEST 918.JAN.25., cancel. partially one above the other, postcard addressed to to Urfahr bei Linz, this sort cancel. Pithart doesn't report, light wrinkled corners, otherwise nice
Starting price: CZK
97488 - 1916 SCHIFFGRUPPENKOMANDO (Exp. Org. der K.u.K.. Z.T.L), vio
1916 SCHIFFGRUPPENKOMANDO (Exp. Org. der K.u.K.. Z.T.L), violet round coat of arms' postmark, service pmk Danube Flotilla, postcard with FP with CDS Etappenpost (base post) BELGRADE 22.VII.16, addressed to to Switzerland, red round censorship mark Feldkirch; vertical fold in/at postcard, nice postal imprint
Starting price: CZK
96981 - 1916 CHINA / K.u.K.. MARINE DETACHEMENT TIENTSIN (Tianjin),
1916 CHINA / K.u.K.. MARINE DETACHEMENT TIENTSIN (Tianjin), payment voucher, red circular pmk, signature Topol, c.v.. Pithart 15000CZK
Starting price: CZK
90202 - 1915 postcard sent by FP to Bohemia, CDS K.u.K.. BAHNPOST II
1915 postcard sent by FP to Bohemia, CDS K.u.K.. BAHNPOST II./ VIŠEGRAD - SARAJEVO 114/ 17.XII.15, military unit postmark with eagle COMMANDO der K.u.K. PFERDEFELDBAHN No.4, good condition
Starting price: CZK
98125 - 1915 I.C. KATZENAU  Reg and Express PC with 5h, 25h, 30h iss
1915 I.C. KATZENAU Reg and Express PC with 5h, 25h, 30h issue 1908, sent to řecký consulate in Vienna, CDS LINZ 20.IX.15, censorship mark, arrival WIEN 23.IX.15, on reverse hints after sticking in album, very interesting
Starting price: CZK