1919 Austrian double PC Mi.P52 with private added print stamp. Crown 10h, in both directions Us, to Plzeň, uprated with stamp Pof.4, CDS PRAGUE/ 13.VIII.19, sent back to Prague, uprated with stamp Pof.3, CDS PLZEŇ/ 19.VIII.19, exceedingly interesting, rare
1919money letter for 1000 Koruna, Austrian forerunner form/blank envelope with emblem franked with. 2 pcs of stamp. 80h, Pof.19, CDS TROPPAU/ 3.VIII.19, addressed to to Mladá Boleslav, on reverse good condition bank seal; good condition
1920letter sent from Wien (Vienna) to Sedlece n./V., insufficiently franked, MC WIEN/13.IV.20, burdened with postage-due 1,20 Koruna, used stamps Hradčany with hand-made transcription "To pay" - cancelled by postmark PODBABA, interesting document, sound condition
Pof.27Aqa, 15h light green + Pof.28Aqa, 25h light brown, both values in blocks of four with zelenými added-print, mint never hinged, marked and exp. by Karasek., cat. min. 2200CZK
Pof.58C, Express stamp - rectangle 5h green, block of four, line perforation 11½:12½;, I., II., III. and type I., vert. perf partially detached, L the bottom stmp damaged before/(in front of) přetiskováním, certificate Kovar 1993
1926PLATE PROOF value 1000h, letterprint, black color, ordinary paper without gum, in lower part with signature Ed. Carl, mounted on carton paper, below print mounted strip paper with date and autograph T. G. Masaryk (!), certificate Karásek 1994
PLATE PROOF joined printing values 20h + 25h + 30h in zlatožluté color, numeral value on R side, all with full background, perf 11½;, light hint of first hinge
PLATE PROOF print original printing block vítězného design/sketch II. competition, year L, size 46x55mm, author Hugo Brunner, autorova retouch, very interesting
1920Pof.L2 Is, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown, spiral type I., pos. 32, plate 2, stmp on cut-square, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 16.XII.20, exp. by Karasek., very wide margins, unique rarity (!)
1920Pof.L2A Is, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown, line perforation 13¾;, spiral type I., pos. 32, plate 2, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, very rare stamp, c.v.. 35.000CZK, nice piece
1920Pof.L3B Pp, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h violet, comb perforation 13¾:13½;, inverted overprint, exp. by Gilbert., dark color shade, c.v.. 10.000CZK, partial offset color on gum