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1920 Pof.L1B, I. provisional air mail stmp. 14Kč/200h blue, comb perforation 13¾:13½;, c.v.. 6000CZK U:A5
1920 Pof.L2 Is, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown, spiral type I., pos. 32, plate 2, stmp on cut-square, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 16.XII.20, exp. by Karasek., very wide margins, unique rarity (!) U:A5
1920 Pof.L2Pp Is, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown, inverted overprint, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 6.500CZK, overprint offset on gum U:A5
1920 Pof.L2A Is, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown, line perforation 13¾;, spiral type I., pos. 32, plate 2, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, very rare stamp, c.v.. 35.000CZK, nice piece U:A5
1920 Pof.L3 double overprint, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h violet, double overprint, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 8.000CZK U:A5
1920 Pof.L3A Pp, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h violet, line perforation 13¾;, inverted overprint, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, dark color shade, c.v.. 10.000CZK, chip of wood in paper U:A5
1920 Pof.L3A Pp, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h violet, line perforation 13¾;, inverted overprint, exp. by Gilbert., light color shade, c.v.. 10.000CZK U:A5
1920 Pof.L3B Pp, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h violet, comb perforation 13¾:13½;, inverted overprint, exp. by Gilbert., dark color shade, c.v.. 10.000CZK, partial offset color on gum U:A5
1920 Pof.L3B, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h violet, marginal block-of-4, comb perforation 13¾:13½;, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 5000CZK U:A5
1920 Pof.L3Pp, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h violet, inverted overprint, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák U:A5
1922 Pof.L4, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50h/100h green, plate variety 1 - cut numeral 5 U:A5
1922 Pof.L4, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50h/100h green, plate variety 2 - wedge [ ˇ ] instead kolečka U:A5
1922 Pof.L4Pd, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50/100h green, double overprint, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 5000CZK U:A5
1922 Pof.L4Pp, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50h/100h green, inverted overprint, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1922 Pof.L5Pp, II. provisional air mail stmp. 100h/200h violet, inverted overprint, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1930 Pof.L8, Definitive issue 1CZK red, line perforation 13¾;, UL corner blk-of-4, double perf on/for L side, mint never hinged U:A5
1920 PLATE PROOF I. provisional air mail stmp. 14Kč/1000h violet, brown overprint, offset on gum, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, c.v.. 2500CZK U:A5
1920 PLATE PROOF I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/1000h violet, dark color shade, blue Opt, offset on gum, exp. by Karasek., cat. Merkur-Revue L2X - printing error 7000CZK, rare stamp U:A5
1920 PLATE PROOF I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/20h red, black Opt, exp. by Mrnak., c.v.. 3500CZK U:A5
1920 PLATE PROOF I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/25h violet, black Opt, exp. by Gilbert., Lešetický, Karasek, c.v.. 2500CZK, chip of wood in paper U:A5
1920 PLATE PROOF joined printing overprints 14CZK and 24 CZK in/at normal and inverted position, in original colors on stmp 200h and 500h Hradčany, in blocks of four, on maculature paper U:A5
1922 PLATE PROOF black Opt 50h, block of four, cat. min. 1600CZK U:A5
1922 PLATE PROOF blue Opt 250h, block of four, cat. min. 1600CZK U:A5
1930 PLATE PROOF Pof.L10ZT, Definitive issue 3CZK red, plate proof, c.v.. 2000CZK U:A5
1930 PLATE PROOF values 50h - 20CZK, complete set plate proofs in original colors on pink paper, in blocks of four, from that 4 pcs of marginal (2x bordury), cat. min. 3200CZK U:A5
1930 PLATE PROOF selection of maculature prints, contains multiblocks with margin and print of plate screws, on/for rose ordinary paper, interesting U:A4
1921 Reg and airmail letter to Paris with Pof.L2, I. provisional air mail stmp., 21, 154, 163, Hussite-issue, CDS PRAGUE/ 30.III.21, distinctive letter 4b, direction label PRAHA–PAŘÍŽ, sender Šašek, hints after sticking in album U:A5
1921 Reg and airmail letter to Strasbourg with Pof.L1, I. provisional air mail stmp., 16, 22, CDS PRAGUE/ 30.III.21, distinctive letter 4d, direction label PRAHA–STRASBOURG, on reverse arrival STRASBOURG, exp. by Karasek., sender Šašek, very nice U:A5
1922 Reg and airmail letter to Paris with Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 158 2x, 167, CDS PRAGUE/ 29.VI.22, direction label PRAHA–PAŘÍŽ, on reverse arrival PARIS, very good condition U:A5
1924 Reg and airmail letter to Istanbul with Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 145, 156, 173, CDS PRAGUE - AIRPORT/ 27.VI.24, on reverse arrival STAMBOUL, very good condition U:A5
1928 air mail matter with Pof.210, 213, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 30.IV.28, the first flight Prague - Rotterdam, arrival postmark ROTTERDAM/ 30.4.28 and framed pmk doručovatele "D 577" in front, forwarded only 161 pcs of mailing (!), c.v.. Horka č.75b = 3000CZK, sound condition U:A5
1929 airmail letter to Germany with Pof.L4 7x, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 15.VI.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport/ 17.VI.29, German red framed pmk "Flight interruption", very interesting, warped paper, damaged flap U:A5
1929 Reg and airmail letter to Jerusalem with Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 143, 148, 187, 210A, 215, 234, 250-253, CDS UZHHOROD - AIRPORT/ 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport, on reverse arrival JERUSALEM, open from 2 sides U:A5
1929 Reg and airmail letter to Johannesburg with Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 227, 208, CDS UZHHOROD - AIRPORT/ 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport, on reverse hints after sticking in album, interesting U:A5
1929 Reg and airmail letter to Kaunasu with Pof.L4 3x, II. provisional air mail stmp., 206, 215, 239, CDS UZHHOROD - AIRPORT/ 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport, on reverse arrival KAUNAS, nice U:A5
1929 Reg and airmail letter to New York, with Pof.L4, L5, L6 and 214, 225, 235, postal agency pmk (!) UZHHOROD AIRPORT/ 6.V.29 + CDS UZHHOROD 1/ 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 6.V.29 in front, 4 cancel. NEW YORK/ 17. and 18.5.29 on reverse, sender J.Bastl, sound condition U:A5
1929 Reg and airmail letter to Uruguaye with Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 225, 241, CDS UZHHOROD - AIRPORT/ 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport, on reverse arrival MONTEVIDEO, decorative U:A5
1929 Reg and airmail letter to Philippines with Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 204A, 215, 239, CDS UZHHOROD - AIRPORT/ 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport, on reverse transit pmk NEW YORK, arrival MANILA, addressee unknown, redirected, on reverse stain after office paperclip U:A5
1929 Reg and airmail letter to Cuba with Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 187, 210, 210A, 213, 215, 233, CDS UZHHOROD - AIRPORT 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport, on reverse arrival HABANA 1929/MAY/21 U:A5
1929 Reg and airmail letter to New Zealand with Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 147 2x, 209A, 215, 239, CDS UZHHOROD - AIRPORT/ 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport, on reverse SYDNEY and TE UKU, very decorative U:A5
1929 Reg and airmail letter to Trinidad with Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 227, 208, CDS UZHHOROD - AIRPORT/ 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport, on reverse arrival TRINIDAD, decorative U:A5
1932 CDV41/8, Prague 1,20CZK, by air mail to Brazil, uprated with stamp Pof.L9, L13, 248, 251, CDS PRAGUE/ 27.VIII.32, transit pmk PRAGUE 7/ AIRMAIL/ 30.IV.32, transfered by LZ 127, cachet "5. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1932", decorative, very fine U:A5
1932 ZEPPELIN letter to Brazil forwarded by airship Graf Zeppelin, on reverse franked by stmp Pof.212, 214 2x, 221, 223 2x, 224, 252, CDS JÍLOVÉ U PODMOKEL/ 31.III.32, on reverse CDS PRAGUE 7/ AIRMAIL/ 1.IV.32, red cachet connecting flight + green cachet "2. years to South America 1932", arrival postmark SAO PAOLO/ 9.IV.32 on reverse, entires with Czechosl. frankings exceptional, good condition U:A5
1932 air-mail card to Brazil with Pof.L8, 256 2x, 258, 270, framed pmk PRAGUE 7/ AIRMAIL/ 30.IV.32, transfered by LZ 127, cachets "4. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1932", decorative, on reverse hints after sticking in album U:A5
1938 airmail letter to South Africa, with Pof.309 3x, 344, CDS RAKOVNÍK/ 21.IX.38, straight line postmark "Censored", on reverse transit pmk PRAGUE 7/ AIRMAIL/ 22.IX.38 and Athens/ 29.IX.38, air mailing paid/franked postage stamp., commercial correspondence, interesting, well preserved U:A5
1938 Reg and airmail letter to Buenos Aires, with Pof.L12, L14A and 336 3x in front + Pof.313 10x on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 7 and PRAGUE 7/ LETCKÁ POST/ 30.III.38, violet cachet "Deutsche Luftpost/ Europe - South America", arrival postmark in front, high postal-charge 126,50CZK (!), stamp. Pof.L14A also letter exp. by Karasek., wrinkled margins U:A5