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1629 letter from Prague to Skalice, big paper seal, decorative U:A4
1754 folded cover of letter to Skalice, straight line postmark TYRNAU, red seal, nice U:A4
1755 folded cover of letter to Skalice via Bratislava, straight line postmark TYRNAU, paper seal, light stains U:A4
1775 court letter from Bratislava to Skalice, imperial seal Maria Theresa, very nice U:A4
1784 folded letter with straight line postmark P.S. TROPPAU, (Vot.2460/1.= 350 points), addressed to to Skalice, preserved seal, good condition U:A5
1790 service letter from Wien (Vienna) to Skalice, service postmark of Hungarian governorship, big paper seal Leopold II., off. data, rare seal U:A4
1793 service letter from Budapest to Skalice, service postmark Royal Court Chamber, big unbroken seal, very decorative U:A4
1819 folded cover of letter to Skalice, red straight line postmark TYRNAU, paper seal, nice U:A5
1821 folded cover of letter to Skalice via Bratislava and Holíč, red oval pmk TYRNAU, off. data, nice red seal U:A5
1829-45 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters with straight line postmark P.S. JOHANN U. and ST. JOHANN (Moravský Svätý Ján), nice imprints U:A5
1833 letter from Emperor's office to Skalice via Bratislava, big paper seal Franz Joseph I., nice U:A4
1835 comp. 6 pcs of folded letters, straight line postmarks HOLITSCH, 1x red, 1x blue, 2x redirected letters, interesting U:A4
1837 letter from Emperor's office to Skalice via Bratislava, big paper seal of Ferdinand I., straight line postmark WIEN, off. data, decorative U:A4
1837 folded cover of letter to Skalice via Bratislava and Holíč, oval pmk COMORN (Komárno), good condition U:A5
1838 folded letter with red frame cancel. ZARA, postmaster note. by red raddle, addressed to to Skalice U:A5
1838-44 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters, 1x with line green CDS FIUME, 1x sent as Registered with red CDS LAIBACH/ 11.Oct. supplemented with postmarks FRANCO and RECOMANDIRT, all addressed to to Skalice; good condition, nice postal imprints U:A5
1848 request sheet posted on/for postal office Lipůvka (záhy zanikl) 23.2.1848; good condition, folded, fold in corner, unusual! U:A3v–
1850 the first issue., Mi.1, 1 Kr orange, HP, type I., complete CDS SEMLIN/ 1.1., wide margins, nice piece, fancy price U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.1, 1 Kr yellow, HP, type III., horizontal strip of 3, c.v.. 975€, 2x closer margin, profitable price U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.1Y, MP, type III., 2 Kreuzer šedočená, wide margins, on small cut-square with whole oval CDS WIEN/ 24.VIII., nice quality U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.2 HP, 2 Kreuzer black, type I., horizontal strip of 3, first print, cat. min. 1500€, light horiz. fold, otherwise very fine, profitable price U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.2 HP, 2 Kreuzer grey-black, type I., vertical pair, first print, so-called. ""Randdruck" (marginal print)", significant plate variety - interrupted line in UR corner, c.v.. ca. 700€ U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.2, 2 Kreuzer black, HP, type III., horizontal strip of 3, CDS TIRNAU, signed Schlezinger, c.v.. 1200€ U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.2, 2 Kreuzer black, type III.b, shade "mausgrau", on small cut-square with whole oval cancel., cat. Ferchenbauer 1000€ U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.2, 2 Kreuzer black, type III.b, grey-black, extraordinary margins with part of adjacent stamp. R, almost complete oval CDS PRAG KLEINS./ 19.8., c.v.. 125€ U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.3, 3 Kreuzer deep red, very wide margins, on small cut-square, blue straight line postmark LITSCHAU/ 14.SEP., c.v.. 350€ U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.3X, HP, type I.c, 2 pcs of, handwritten cancellation, on small cut-square, on reverse fragment CDS PRAG/ 24.?., c.v.. ca. 440€ U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.4, 9 Kreuzer blue, very wide margins, on small cut-square, almost complete exceedingly rare cancel. "RECOMANDIRT/ WOTNICZ" (c.v.. Müller =2400bd.!!), clear print, unique piece, ex Dr. Rieger, exp. Capouch in 2010, exceptional offer U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.4Y + 5Y, MP, value 6 Kreuzer type III., value 9 Kreuzer type III.b, wide margins, value 6 Kreuzer with part of secondary stamp., 2x red CDS RECOMMANDIRT/ WIEN/ 29.12.1851 (Müller č.3226 Rf), sound condition U:A5
1850 the first issue., comp. 3 pcs of stamps on cut-square, Mi.1, 2, 4, HP, CDS TISZAUJLAK, interesting tricolour franking, value 2 Kreuzer - vertical fold, c.v.. ca. 1500€, profitable U:A5
1850 the first issue., comp. 3 pcs of stamps, Mi.1, 1 Kr orange, HP, type Ib, prints on both sides, single, so-called. "Deckungsgleiche Drucke" (!), two-piece and four-piece, c.v.. 1100€, sought U:A5
1850 the first issue., comp. 4 pcs of stamps, Mi.2, 2 Kreuzer black, i.a. ""Randdruck" (marginal print)", type Ib, thin paper, exp. by Ferchenbauer U:A5
1850 the first issue., comp. 5 pcs of stamps, Mi.1, 1 Kr yellow, 2x on cut-square, various types and papers, short certificates Ferchenbauer, all "splendid exemplar" U:A5
1851 Mi.6, blue Mercure, type III.b, with lower margin of sheet and larger part of adjacent stamp. L, in this making rare occurrence U:A5
1854 the first issue., cut square with 3 stamps Mi.2 MP, 2 Kreuzer black, type III., CDS FULNEK, 1x closer margin, fine color U:A5
1858 The 2nd issue., Mi.10, 2 Kreuzer yellow, type II, red framed pmk WIEN, c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1858 The 2nd issue., Mi.11, 3 Kreuzer black, type II., stmp on cut-square, red oval pmk WIEN/ REGISTERED., c.v.. 380€, very nice U:A5
1858 The 2nd issue., comp. 3 pcs of stamps, Mi.11, 3 Kreuzer black, types IC, IB, II, red postmark, c.v.. 1050€ U:A5
1858 Mi.10 II., 2 Kreuzer dark yellow, type II. + Mi.11 II., 3 Kreuzer black, type II., lower with part of St. Andrew's cross (!), 2x CDS NEUSTADT and/ MET./ 3.1., (Nové Město n. M., catalogue Votoček. č.1564/1.), from old collection (ex Dr. Rieger), superb U:A5
1858-59 The 2nd issue., comp. 9 pcs of stamps, values 2 Kreuzer and 3 Kreuzer, i.a. 2 Kreuzer type II orange, c.v.. 2370€, profitable price U:A5
1859 Mi.10, 12, 14, fine tricolour franking 2 + 3 + 10Kr, on small cut-square, 2x CDS WIEN/ 25.9., from old collection (ex Dr. Rieger), cat. Ferchenbauer 1250€ U:A5
1859 Mi.12 II., 3 Kreuzer yellow-green, type II., on small cut-square, complete CDS WALLACH. MESERITSCH/ 24.AUG., c.v.. ca. 300€ U:A5
1859 The 2nd issue., Mi.14 II., 10Kr violet brown, type II., 3-tuple franking on small cut-square, 2x framed CDS SZENITZ/ 28.7., fine quality, ex Dr. Rieger U:A5
1861 Mi.23, newspaper (1.05Kr), grey, imperforated, extremely wide margins, straight line postmark., with small part/-s original cut-square, from old collection (ex Dr. Rieger) U:A5
1908 Mi.156, Jubilee 10K, on/for rarer blue-gray paper, cat. Ferchenbauer 1100€ U:A5
1908 Mi.156, Jubilee 10K, comp. 4 pcs of stamps, 1x on cut-square, good quality U:A5
1910 Mi.175-177, Jubilee, cat. Ferchenbauer 670€, lightly hinged U:A5
1916 Mi.186, Crown 5h green, St. Andrew's cross, stmp from bklt, also with used block of 6, 4 stamps + 2x St. Andrew's cross, c.v.. 185€ U:A5
1918 Mi.225-227 5x, overprint FLUGPOST, comp. 15 pcs of stamps, 3 set on white paper (225y-227y), 2 set on grey paper (225x-227x), from that 2x pair and 2x str-of-3, cat. min. 270€ U:A5
1853 Mi.1a, comp. 2 pcs of newspaper fiscal stamps, very wide margins, nice color shades, nice postmarks, cat. min. 230€ U:A5
1853-1890 comp. 14 pcs of newspaper fiscal stamps, complete set , contains i.a. provisional 1858, 4Kr 1858 *, 5II, 9A, 9B (rare stamp), cat. Ferchenbauer over 2000€, extraordinary offer U:A5
1858 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.4a, 4Kr, complete CDS TRIESTE, very wide margins, cat. Ferchenbauer 1850€ U:A5
1858 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.4a, 4Kr, wide margins, c.v.. 1600€, rare stamp U:A5
1890 Mi.9B, newspaper fiscal stamps 25 Kreuzer, line perforation 12½;, certificate Ferchenbauer 1998, as blk-of-4 quite extraordinary, "splendid exemplar" U:A4
1914 FIELD-POST / SERBIA Mi.1-21, expertized, c.v.. 350€ U:A5
1915 FIELD-POST Mi.17-21, highest value, c.v.. 540€, expertized U:A5
1915 FIELD-POST PLATE PROOF Mi.22-48, imperforated plate proofs various values, total 21 pcs of, on both sides print (!), for specialist interesting, sound condition U:A4
1916 FIELD-POST PLATE PROOF Mi.49, horizontal pair, palte proof of the value 2H light blue, cat. min. 300€, see Ferchenbauer IV, page. 102, rare shade (!) U:A5