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1985 Pof.2693a, overprint Czechoslovakia world champion, 2 complete counter 50-stamps. sheets PLA + PLB, c.v.. 2500CZK U:A3v–
1987 Pof.2803, 125. Anniv of Union, vertical pair, joined paper U:A5
1989 Pof.SL2888/2889, Czechoslovak Ship Transport., 2x bklt sheet, plate 1+2, exp. POFIS, c.v.. 8000CZK U:A5
1992 Pof.PL3018, Beauties of Our Homeland - Trója, production flaw - significant shift yellow color outside picture stamp. U:A5
1961 PLATE PROOF Pof.1221, Butterflies 60h, master die in original colors, exceptional, sought U:A5
1961 PLATE PROOF Pof.1222, Butterflies 80h, master die in original colors, exceptional, sought U:A5
1961 PLATE PROOF Pof.1223, Butterflies 1Kčs, marginal piece, plate proof in blue color, exp. by Gilbert., production defects gum U:A5
1961 PLATE PROOF Pof.1223, Butterflies 1Kčs, master die in original colors, exceptional, sought U:A5
1961 PLATE PROOF Pof.1224, Butterflies 1,60Kčs, master die in original colors, exceptional, sought U:A5
1972 PLATE PROOF Pof.1965, Vernacular Architecture 10Kčs Liptov, trial printing in original colors U:A5
1953 Pof.PL757, Destinnová, PB with stamp. II. type, shifted cut, c.v.. 1500CZK U:A5
1957 Pof.PL951, Lidice, c.v.. 550CZK U:A5
1964 Pof.A1396, Summer Olympic Games Tokio 1Kčs, wide lower margin, format 170x135mm, sought variant, mint never hinged U:A5
1976 Pof.A2215xa, miniature sheet Toximania, paper without optical brightener, exp. POFIS, c.v.. 4500CZK U:A5
1953 postal stationery cover COB5, K. Gottwald 3Kčs, uprated with stamp Pof.720 5x, 729 8x in front + Pof.729 on reverse, CDS ÚDOLÍ SVATÉHO KRYŠTOFA/ 3.VI.53, arrival MC JIHLAVA/ 6.VI.53 in front, interesting entire, good condition U:A5
1953 comp. 2 pcs of entires, letter with Pof.721 10x, Gottwald 3Kčs, CDS OPAVA/ 19.VI.53, 1. day after monetary reform, disallowed, mounted new stmp Pof.737, Zápotocký 60h, interesting document; postcard with Pof.736, CDS ČESKÝ KRUMLOV/ 19.VI.53 (!), First Day validity stamps in new currency U:A5
1953 comp. 2 pcs of entires, letter with Pof.L28 4x, overprint provisory 7,50/16Kčs, CDS MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ/ 17.VI.53, interesting franking; postcard with Pof.L28 2x, CDS KARLOVA STUDÁNKA/ 15.VI.53, nice U:A5
1953 philatelically influenced Reg letter from of the First Day monetary reform, with Pof.643 7x, 729 + DR3 10x, CDS JIČÍN/ 1.VI.53, rare occurrence, 1x vert. fold outside franking, otherwise nice U:A5
1953 commercial letter to Switzerland, with Pof.506 12x, 666 2x, CDS ROUDNICE above L./ 15.VI.53, right value postage, rare destination, 1 stamp. Pof.506 damaged, on stmp Pof.666 light slightly rusty teeth, otherwise well preserved, on request exp. by Drazan U:A5
1953 postcard with Pof.K L32, CDS STRAKONICE/ 9.VI.53, good condition, quite rare single franking!! U:A5
1953 postcard from Luhačovice paid/franked airmail overprint provisional Pof.L31b, CDS LUHAČOVICE/ 7.VI.53., extraordinary usage, decorative! U:A5
1953 Reg letter with Pof.L24KH in front + Pof.721 10x on reverse, CDS LIBEREC/15.VI.53, exact franking, rare U:A5
1953 Registered and Express letter with Pof.489b, 521 and L24, MC PRAGUE ??.VI.53, service Registered paušalována, good condition, interesting document of postal traffic U:A5
1953 private letter vhozený to post. box in/at Sunday 31.5.1953, with Pof.722, MC PLZEŇ 2/ 31.V.53, marked postage due "1,08", on reverse mounted Postage due stamp Pof.D75 10x and D77 2x, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 4.VI.53; postage due was/were chosen neoprávněně, letter right paid according to rate plartného to 31.5.1953 incl., interesting entire, 1 stamp. Pof.D75 damaged, otherwise nice quality, on request exp. by Drazan U:A5
1949 Pof.L29-32KH+D, overprint provisory with margin, 2x 5-stmp. set, incl. L31a, c.v.. 2970CZK U:A5
1967 Pof.L61Kxb, PRAGA '68, stmp with coupon, optically cleared paper, c.v.. 3500CZK, on request exp. by Arbeit U:A5
1951 Reg and airmail letter to Australia, with Pof.487, L31a - light blue Opt, CDS PRAGUE 076/ 27.VIII.51, in front total 9 Australian cancel. incl. imigračního office, other 6 cancel. on reverse, undelivered and returned, signs of usage., good condition U:A5
1952 heavier Reg and airmail letter to Denmark, with Pof.L32 7x, L35, CDS BRNO 1/ 1.X.52, hand-made weight/scale 126 g, very interesting franking, L lower small stain, good condition U:A5
1952 Reg and airmail letter from Argentina addressed to to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.592, 599 and 601, CDS BUENOS AIRES/ 11.SET.52, officially open customs control in Prague, stick-on label with bicircular cancel. "Custom Prague", label "Duty paid/ Duty vybrati" with CDS PRAGUE 026/ 20.IX.52, again open customs control in Bratislava, stick-on label with bicircular cancel. "Post Off./ BRATISLAVA 2/ D.K./ 22", on reverse mounted stamp. Pofis. D74, D77 and D78 2x, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 22.IX.52, through/over all cancel. "INVALIDATED" and in front mounted postage stmp Pof.502 2x, 521 place postage-due, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 25.IX.52, small format, signs of usage., interesting U:A5
1971 parcel dispatch card segment i.a. with Pof.D102yb 5,40Kčs, horizontal pair, fluorescing paper 2, CDS TŘINEC/ 24.9.85, nice imprint, still known only 3 výskyty this stamps on entires, exceptional, first-time offered in auction! U:A5
1947-48 comp. 8 pcs of court summons small format, from that 4 pieces with mixed franking postage and service stmp, Pof.414,418, 424, 443, 2x Reg mailing, other usually, various franking service stmp., mainly various CDS BRATISLAVA, 1x special postmark "Volte with postmen kandidátku united front"; good condition, sought mixed franking! U:A4
1988 PT19B, Philatelic Exhibition PRAGA ´88, signature Housa, c.v.. 3500CZK U:A5
1992 PT25, 500th Anniv of Discovery of America., very good condition, c.v.. 3500CZK U:A5
1992 PT25, 500th Anniv of Discovery of America., superb, c.v.. 3500CZK U:A5
1949 FDC only with once stamp. Pof.498, Lenin 1,50Kčs, quite rare occurrence, sound condition U:A5
1951 FDC with stamps Pof.583-4 Agricultural Work, postmark of day issue with defective date 2.IV.51, on reverse hints of white adhesive pastě, otherwise well preserved, Monograph 2000CZK U:A5
1947 CONSULAR MAIL / SAMPLE WITHOUT VALUE commercial air-mail letter to USA, with Pof.389, 421, L20 2x, transported consular post, cancelled in USA, APR/5/1947, worse cancel imprint, sought and decorative!! U:A5
1949 TRANSPORT SUSPENDED airmail letter to Spain 14.2.1949, postal label "Postal traffic suspended" with postmark Prague 120/16.4.49, good condition U:A5
1944 CRV25, Khust overprint, ČSP/*1944* on/for Hungarian PC 18f, light fold in LL corner, otherwise nice, exp. by Blaha.., c.v.. 4000CZK U:A5
1945 Bohemian and Moravian PC CDV16 used as mailing FP, sent to Czechosl. member Partisan batt./guidon Czechoslovak. army in Italy, CDS TUCHOMĚŘICE/ 3.VII.45, at the post office Prague 7 zadrženo and sent back, on/for over stickon notice "Back - Service didn't start yet", front side nice, on reverse more/larger hint of sticking to černému background and stripped, after all extraordinary U:A5
1945 TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE c.v.. Majer Ud17 I. + II., comp. 2 pcs of Hungarian PC with overprint 1-/18f green, I. and II. part, wrinkled corners, 1x on reverse light stain in lower margin, c.v.. 24000CZK U:A5
1945 TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE c.v.. Majer Ud2, Hungarian PC with overprint 40/18f green, wrinkled corner, on reverse light stain in lower margin, c.v.. 4000CZK U:A5
1945 CDV79/1-18, overprint Rázus, complete set with letterpress overprint, only No.9 used (nice), almost all PC T I., nice, c.v.. 3500CZK U:A5
1945 CDV81/1-36, overprint Hlinka, complete set, all machine overprint, outside No.11 Kremnica (hand-made violet but on/for I.typu!), obtížně kompletované (all sets weren't in/at sale), sound condition, c.v.. 5600CZK U:A5
1956 CDV112, Zápotocký 30h, grey-green color print, size 144mm (in catalogue wrong 140mm), upright cut on/for 95,5mm, overall nice, format to consideration, c.v.. 1600CZK U:A5
1953 CDV117/1-9, Restaurants and Inland Trade, complete set, good quality, paper light pink, cat. min. 2900CZK U:A5
1953 CDV118/1-16, 30 years of Czechoslovak Airlines, complete set, good quality, c.v.. 5000CZK U:A5
1955 CDV123A/1-15, Spartakiad, complete set, very fine, c.v.. 1600CZK U:A5
1955 CDV124A/1-11, Spartakiad, complete set, nice, c.v.. 1400CZK U:A5
1955 CDV125/1-4, Peace Race, complete set, very fine, c.v.. 1100CZK U:A5
1956 CDV127/1-8, Peace Race, complete set, nice quality, c.v.. 1350CZK U:A5
1956 CDV131/1-8, Grand Prix, complete set, very fine, c.v.. 1800CZK U:A5
1957 CDV134/1-8, Vrátna Valley, complete set, nice quality, c.v.. 1800CZK, profitable offer U:A5
1956 COB11, Borovský, comp. 3 pcs of postal stationery covers for specialist, both color shades stamps and paper + postal stationery cover with additional-printing to celebration, all Un, nice, c.v.. ca. 3600CZK U:A5
1956-70 COB9, 11, 16, 21, 22, 25, comp. 6 pcs of postal stationery covers, No. 9 - bend in L margin U:A5
1957 COB12, 60h A. Zápotocký, envelope with printing PAPCO, c.v.. 3000CZK; very light small spots U:A5
1983 COB76X, printing error ČESKOSKOVENSKO, Express letter to Germany, uprated with stamp 3,60Kčs and 60h 2x, special postmark 18. Olympic Games carrier pigeons/ PRAGUE/ 29.1.1983, exact franking, very decorative, sought U:A5
1951 CPH42/1-12, Congratulatory I., complete set, nice, c.v.. 2200CZK U:A5
1951 CPH44/1-33, Easter, complete set, No.16 without sale price (!), good quality, c.v.. 5000CZK U:A5
1951 CPH46/1-9, Hunting, complete set, No.9 small fold, part wrinkled corners, c.v.. 5.400CZK U:A5