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1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION souvenir sheets Mi.V-VIII., private issue miniature sheets from year 1941 with overprints in 1943, 4 overprint types, miniature sheet VI. with original production flaw (two small spots in paper), otherwise very fine, c.v.. 1100€, underprized U:A4
1941-43 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.I-XIV., private issue, No. XIV minor gum fault, catalogue misvalues U:A4
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XV-XIX., Soldiers and aircraft, perforated, complete set of, in catalogues underprized (printing only 6000 sets), rare offer, mint never hinged U:A5
1941-42 FRANCE Mi.Bl. I, Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism, Mi.II-V, Air Mail Vignettes (No. III hinged), Mi.VI-X marginal block-of-4, nice selection of U:A5
1945 FRANCE / St. NAZAIRE Mi.1-2, stamp. Commercial chamber, exp. Kirschke, c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1945 KURLAND Mi.1-3, 4A, complete set, mint never hinged, c.v.. 210€ U:A5
1834 LATVIA comp. 2 pcs of Soviet p.stat přelepených stamps issue Hitler and Hindenburg, 1x as Registered, CDS CĒSIS/ 2.10.41 and CDS VALMIERA/ 29.10.41, censorship, arrival SENICA, exceedingly interesting U:A5
1941 LITHUANIA / ALSEDŽIAI local issue - černošedý overprint Laisvi/ Alsedziai/ 24-VI.41 on/for Russian stamp. 10k Mi.3 and two stamp. litevských 5ct Mi.2 on/for Us postcard Vilniusu, CDS ALSEDŹIAI/ 27.8.41, arrival postmark KAUNAS/ 28.VIII.41; light stains in margin postcard, cat. only stamp. 960€, exceptional document/attribut postal usage stmp with overprint with very nízkým edition!! U:A5
1943 NATIONAL INDIES Mi.VII. + VII.a + VII.b, imperforated, rare selection of mint never hinged stamps, Mi.VII. and VII.a on reverse owner's mark, Mi.VII.b printing only 2000 pieces (!), exp. Krischke, extraordinary U:A5
1942 RUßLAND / PSKOV (PSKOW) Soviet PC Mi.P161 with overprint Pleskau/ 60 Kop, uprated with stamp Mi.10-11, 12, Reg in the place, CDS PSKOV/ 2.2.42, very interesting, on reverse hints after sticking in album U:A5