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1918 letter franked with. Austrian Postage due stamps Mi.61 and 62 with oblique overprint "FRANCO", CDS UNTER-REICHENSTEIN (Rejštejn)/ 2.12.18, rare, ex Kvasnička, sound condition U:A5
1919 Express letter franked with. mixed franking Austrian stamp. 15h Charles, Mi.221 5x + Hradčany 5h, Pof.3, CDS SAAZ/ 3.II.19, addressed to to Austria, on reverse incomplete imprint of daily postmark WIEN, corresponding franking for I. postal rate, supplemented with commercial oval postm. - decorative; pulled up perf 2 marginal stmp U:A5
1919 Austrian double PC Mi.P52 with private added print stamp. Crown 10h, in both directions Us, to Plzeň, uprated with stamp Pof.4, CDS PRAGUE/ 13.VIII.19, sent back to Prague, uprated with stamp Pof.3, CDS PLZEŇ/ 19.VIII.19, exceedingly interesting, rare U:A5
Pof.RV146, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), Charles 10f, as blk-of-4, on reverse hints printing color, otherwise mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
Pof.RV149, Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), Charles 25f, as blk-of-4, exp. by Gilbert., mint never hinged U:A5
Pof.2, 3h violet, block of four with exceedingly wide paper crease, old mark Kapras, for specialist interesting U:A5
Pof.2, 3h violet, complete 200-stamps double sheet, incl. 10 pcs of unfolded opposite facing gutters, small tearing in margins U:X
Pof.4 Is, 5h blue-green, plate 5, thin/light print, exp. by Gilbert., Škaloud U:A5
Pof.4, 5h blue-green, L the bottom corner piece, spiral type I, pos. 91, plate 2, in lower margin thin/light fold U:A5
Pof.5Mp, 10h red, very gently folded opposite facing 2-stamps gutter, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
Pof.11a IIp, 25h black-violet, bar subtype IIa on pos. 78, plate 1, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, c.v.. 6000CZK U:A5
Pof.7, 22, values 15h + 200h, double impression U:A5
Pof.24, 400h blue-violet, horizontal pair, wide margins, on stmp L "underlaid paper", significant printing flaw, for specialist definitely interesting U:A5
Pof.26, 1000h violet, marginal block-of-4, wide margins, c.v.. 1500CZK U:A5
Pof.26a, 1000h blue-violet, right upper corner Pr, production flaw - light ribbed paper, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek U:A5
Pof.2Mp, 3h violet, vertical 2-stamps opposite facing gutter, unfolded, special perforation line perforation 11½;, mark Kapras U:A5
Pof.4A joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, corner blk-of-4, comb perforation 13¾:13½;, spiral types combination on pos. 91, plate 2, exp. by Karasek., the bottom stamps superb, c.v.. 2300CZK U:A5
Pof.4D IIs, 5h blue-green, marginal block-of-4 with control-numbers, line perforation 11½;, thin paper, exp. by Gilbert., cat. min. 3500CZK U:A5
Pof.4E joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, marginal Pr, line perforation 11½:10¾;, spiral types combination on pos. 91, plate 2, exp. by Gilbert., Beneš, cat. Merkur-Revue 20000CZK U:A5
Pof.5DMs, 10h red, vertical 2-stamps same facing gutter, line perforation 11½;, small fold, light ribbed paper U:A5
Pof.5Ms, 10h red, 2-stamps same facing gutter, unofficial perforation, unfolded, very lightly hinged U:A5
Pof.6B, 10h green, marginal Pr, comb perforation 11¾;, significant shifted perforation, cat. min. 1000CZK U:A5
Pof.7Aa IIs, 15h brown-red, comb perforation 13¾:13½;, pos. 95, plate 7, exp. by Sablatura U:A5
Pof.7G Is, 15h bricky red, line perforation 11½:13¾;, spiral type I., exp. by Gilbert., POFIS, c.v.. 10.000CZK U:A5
Pof.9A IIp, 20h red, pos. 74, plate 1, nice rose shade, nicely centered, cat. Merkur-Revue 3000CZK U:A5
Pof.6Cvz, 8Cvz, 16Cvz, overprint VZOREC, value 20h light hinged, all exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 800CZK U:A5
Pof.26Avz, 1000h violet, overprint VZOREC, c.v.. 1000CZK U:A5
trial print 10h, 3x block of four, in colors grey-black, violet and vine red, on stamp paper with gum U:A5
PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / values 20h, vertical strip of 4, arrangement V. printings (e), E. Charles, good condition U:A5
1919 money letter for 1000 Koruna, Austrian forerunner form/blank envelope with emblem franked with. 2 pcs of stamp. 80h, Pof.19, CDS TROPPAU/ 3.VIII.19, addressed to to Mladá Boleslav, on reverse good condition bank seal; good condition U:A5
1919 letter franked with. bisected stmp 40h, Pof.14, CDS OLOMOUC 3/ 3.4.19, addressed to in the place, good condition, decorative! U:A5
1919 letter with Pof.1, 2 3x and 5, CDS SMÍCHOV 1/ 8.VII.19, burdened with postage-due, mounted str-of-5 express stmp Pof.S2 with overprint "DOPLATIT (surtax)", CDS ČÁSLAV/ 9.VII.19, one stamp. overlaps margin, well preserved U:A5
1919 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, 1x abroad, with Pof.1 2x str-of-3, 3 str-of-3, CDS FRIEDLAND 18/VII/19, Pof.1 str-of-3, 3 block of four, CDS JOSEFOV 16.XIII.19, exact franking for postal rate II, 1x abrasion in/at text part/-s out of stmp U:A5
1920 letter sent from Wien (Vienna) to Sedlece n./V., insufficiently franked, MC WIEN/13.IV.20, burdened with postage-due 1,20 Koruna, used stamps Hradčany with hand-made transcription "To pay" - cancelled by postmark PODBABA, interesting document, sound condition U:A5
Pof.27Aqa, 15h light green + Pof.28Aqa, 25h light brown, both values in blocks of four with zelenými added-print, mint never hinged, marked and exp. by Karasek., cat. min. 2200CZK U:A5
Pof.32C, 120h violet, line perforation 11½:10½;, c.v.. 2000CZK, exp. by Mrnak., POFIS U:A5
Pof.33, Crown 3h violet, 100-stamps sheet without margins, plate 1a, only joined subtypes of overprint Ia, IIa c.v.. 1600CZK, folded in perforation U:A3v–
Pof.33, Crown 3h violet, 2x horizontal pair, 33x - thick paper 0,1mm, types I + II.., 33STA with folded paper, interesting U:A5
Pof.33x, Crown 3h violet, block of four, thick paper 0,1mm, types I + II overprint U:A5
Pof.34, Crown 5h green, 100-stamps sheet without margins, plate 2, only joined subtypes of overprint Ia, IIa c.v.. 900CZK, folded in perforation U:A3v–
Pof.36, Crown 10h violet, as blk-of-4, on both sides overprint, on reverse inverted (!), mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
Pof.45Pp, Coat of arms 80h red-brown, comp. 2 pcs of stamps with inverted opt, types I + II overprint U:A5
Pof.50Pp, Coat of arms 4 Koruna light green, high size, str-of-3 with inverted opt, 2x type I and 1x overprint type II., shifted overprint up U:A5
Pof.55K, Express stamp - triangle 2h brown-red, stmp with overprinted coupon, postmark from favor, exp. by Mrnak., Lešetický, coupon lower - short teeth U:A5
Pof.57A, Express stamp - rectangle 2h brown-red, comp. 5 pcs of bloks of four, 1x double overprint, 1x offset, interesting selection of U:A5
Pof.57A, Express stamp - rectangle 2h brown-red, comp. 5 pcs of stamps, 2x double overprint, 1x offset, 1x shifted overprint, 1x smudge print, interesting selection of U:A5
Pof.58C, Express stamp - rectangle 5h green, block of four, line perforation 11½:12½;, I., II., III. and type I., vert. perf partially detached, L the bottom stmp damaged before/(in front of) přetiskováním, certificate Kovar 1993 U:A5
Pof.58DK, Express stamp - rectangle 5h green, stmp with lower coupon, line perforation 12½:11½;, II. and type III., plate variety - open O in the word POST, light stain, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, certificate Karásek 1995, very rare U:A5
Pof.60, Newspaper stamp - Mercure L 2h brown, 2x horizontal strip of 3, 1x offset on gum + frame, 1x overprint offset U:A5
Pof.75, Postage due stmp - small numerals 20h red, marginal block-of-8, print frame, registry point, folded U:A5
unissued stmp Turul 80f violet, type I., c.v.. 8000CZK, marked by Tribuna., Hirsch, Hefer, extraordinary item! U:A5
Pof.99, Reaper - white numerals 10f red, type I., c.v.. 11.000CZK. exp. by Sablatura., rare stamp U:A5
Pof.109, Reaper 35f brown, L the bottom corner blk-of-12, paper crease before/(in front of) overprint U:A5
Pof.109, Reaper 35f brown, LR corner blk-of-9, all overprint types, shifted overprint downward U:A5
Pof.109, Reaper 35f brown, LR corner blk-of-9, all overprint types, shifted overprint up U:A5
Pof.109, Reaper 35f brown, horizontal strip of 3, expressive shift of overprint transport U:A5
Pof.113, Parliament 80f green, 50-stamps half-sheet - R part U:A4
Pof.113, Parliament 80f green, L the bottom corner blk-of-10, 5x blank field, strong shifted overprint, partly detached in perforation U:A5
Pof.113, Parliament 80f green, LL corner blk-of-9, all overprint types, strong shifted overprint U:A5
Pof.113, Parliament 80f green, LR corner blk-of-10, 5x margin with overprint + 5x offset on gum, on pos. 100 - round 9, new discovery, see journal Philately 4/2010 U:A5