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Pof.(3)N, 5PSZ, 5h light green, 15h bricky red, both with overprint for express stamps, c.v.. 1250CZK, lightly hinged U:A5
Pof.SO5 Is, 15h bricky red, spiral type I., lower margin with control-numbers, pos. 92, plate 1, exp. by Mrnak U:A5
Pof.SO14A, 60h yellow-orange, comb perforation 13¾:13½;, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 14000CZK U:A5
Pof.SO15 joined spiral types, 75h grey-green, spiral types combination on pos. 81-82, plate 2, exp. by Karasek U:A5
Pof.SO24-25N, Masaryk 500h and 1000h - imperforated stmp, c.v.. 14.000CZK, marked by Tribuna., Franek U:A5
Pof.SO26, Express stamp 2h violet, 2x corner blk-of-16, blue and black Opt U:A5
Pof.SO33Pp, Ornament 5h brown-olive, inverted overprint, exp. Möbs, Mrňák, Gilbert U:A5
PLATE PROOF overprint B (Masaryk), block of four, carmine color, cardboard paper, as blk-of-4 unusual U:A5
1920 parcel card from abroad, burdened with postage-due 155h in stmp Pof.SO37 pair, SO41 and bisected stmp SO34, CDS PODVLK/ 29.IV.20 and 5.V.20 (zdlouhavé customs control), framed pmk Main customs office in Prague, extraordinary entire! (see Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 5. part, page. 217) U:A5
1918 PLATE PROOF refused design A. Mucha, value 20h "Girl with branch" (c.v.. Pofis, page. 18), in gray color on paper without gum, good quality U:A5
1940 Exile issue, Pof.A329/330 BRATISLAVA 1937 (type I.), with additional-printing for exhibition in New York 1940, black text, green emblem, with signature John MASARYK (1886–1948, foreign minister Benešovy exile governance), rare offer U:A5
1937 DEAD LETTER OFF. KOŠICE letter to Hungary with Pof.260 2x, Masaryk - new portrait 1CZK, stamps after validity, CDS KEŽMAROK/ 13.IV.37, disallowed, at the delivery place burdened with postage-due 54f, CDS BUDAPEST/ 937.APR.14, refused, sent back, off. opened, burdened with postage-due 3CZK, CDS KEŽMAROK/ 17.IV.37, placed, off. remarks, very nice U:A5
1937 DEAD LETTER OFF. PRAGUE insufficiently franked letter with Pof.303, CDS ŽAMBERK/ 1.IV.37, marked postage due "1,20 Koruna", mounted stamp. Pof.DL61 2x, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 6.IV.37, recipient for postage due refused, through/over Postage due stamp framed pmk "Neplatí", on reverse line "Podavatel unknown", off. opened for ascertainment of sender, stick-on label "Dead letter off. Prague", address připsána in red on front side, significant framed pmk "Collect near/in/at delivery 2CZK20", mounted stamp. Pof.DLDL61 2x, DL62, CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 1/ 5.V.37, other cancel. on reverse, signs of usage., rare entire!! U:A5
1922 SAMPLE WITHOUT VALUE commercial envelope sáčkového shape with Pof.156, 166, CDS JABLONEC N. N. 3/ 27.VII.22, Reg to Bavaria, on reverse arrival postmark REGENSBURG/ 28.7.22, format 24x10cm, abroad quite rare (!), in the middle 1x vert. fold, usual folds, good condition U:A5
1919 CRV23, Military PC Czechosl. army in Siberia, format 138x84mm, on reverse very hinged, otherwise nice, c.v.. 9.000CZK U:A5
1920 CRV24, Military PC Czechosl. army in Siberia, black additional printing "1920", format 138x84mm, on reverse hinged, otherwise nice, c.v.. 9.000CZK U:A5
1919 CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles, Reg to Prague, uprated with stamp Pof.10, CDS PŘÍBOR/ 12.V.19, stain after office paperclip, out fallen chip of wood in paper (hole), on reverse hint of sticking U:A5
1919 CDV1a, Large Monogram - Charles, uprated with stamp Pof.3 and 15, CDS DOBŘANY/ 18.VII.19, sent as Reg to Jablonného n./O., commercial correspondence, good condition U:A5
1918 CDV3, Large Monogram - Crown, Un with postmark sender (region Teplice !!), small spot on/for address line and on reverse, rare and sought, missing in most collections, c.v.. 5000CZK U:A5
1919 CDV6, Three-line Overprint "ČSR-10-", broken out cancel JILEMNICE/ 9.1.19, early date usage and příslušný region, rare, slightly bumped corners, light fold corner, otherwise nice, c.v.. -.- U:A5
1919 CDV6, Three-line Overprint "ČSR-10-", rare, nice, c.v.. 5000CZK U:A5
1920 CDV18, Hradčany 20h, PC uprated for IV. postal rate, commercial additional printing sender Adolf Glaser / Prague, perf for typewriter, on this PC exceptional (!), MC PRAGUE/ 18.XI.20 with print only on/for p.stat stamp, arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 19.XI.20, additionally oražena přidaná franking, interesting PC, well preserved U:A5
1924 CDV27, issue Chainbreaker 50h, densely shaded emblem, without sale price, in/at unused status rare PC, nice, c.v.. 1100CZK U:A5
1927 CDV37a, Middle coat of arms 50h, grass green, c.v.. 900CZK, superb U:A5
1931 CDV46/8, Promotional abroad, sent registered and as Air-mail to Paris, uprated with stamp Pof.252, 255, CDS BRNO/ 7.VII.31, Poste Restante, unlifted, sent back, interesting U:A5
1934 CDV52/1-8, Carpathian Ruthenia, complete set, small stains after photo-corners on reverse, overall good condition, c.v.. 20.000CZK U:A5
1936 CDV61/41, Prague - garden party, PC with additional-printing f. PHILIPS, in color laděné with PC, maximum MC PRAGUE 25/ 25.VIII.36, rare occurrence! U:A5
1936 CDV63/1-3, Central-Moravian exhibition in Přerov, complete set, very fine, c.v.. 3300CZK U:A5
1938 CDV69/303, Huklivý, Us pictorial PC with CDS from Transcarpathian Ukraine STAVNÉ/ 25.I.38; sound condition, superb postal imprint! U:A5
1938 CDV69/304, Jasiňa, Us pictorial PC with CDS from Transcarpathian Ukraine VOLOVEC/ 4.XI.38; sound condition also postal imprint! U:A5
1938 CDV72/222, Jihlava - Iglau, sought PC, sound condition U:A5
1925 CPV2B, Czech - German text, part I., line perforation 10½;, CDS ROKYTNICE above J. 1/ 20.XI.25, arrival postmark DUCHCOV/ 23.XI. and 27.XI.25, recipient mailing refused, vylepna Postage due stamp Pof.DL36, CDS ROKYTNICE above J. 1/ 28.XI.25; good condition, rare usage! U:A5
1925 CPV2B, order card, Czech - German text, line perforation 10½;, CDS ROKYTNICE above J./ 27.XI.25, addressed to to Č. Budějovice, CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 1/ 30.XI.25, recipient mailing refused, returned, mounted doplaní stamp. Pof.DL36, CDS ROKYTNICE above J./ 1.VII.25, sound condition U:A5
1937 stationery CPV12A, part I., perf 5½;, 7 lines, CDS BOSONOHY/ 7.VIII.37; good condition, c.v.. 2200CZK U:A5
1920 CPP1C, whole dispatch note Hradčany 10h, Slovak text, uprated with stamp Pof.22, Hradčany 200h, CDS TRENČÍN/ 1.IV.20, c.v.. 4800CZK, crosswise fold, light stains, after all extraordinary, sought U:A5
1939 CPP18, larger part of parcel card with imprinted stamp 50h, used for 2 parcels, sent as express, uprated with stamp Pof.349 2x, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 5.I.39, arrival SLATINSKÉ DOLY/ 8.I.39, úřetní data post, very interesting U:A5
1930 CMO1, international reply coupon 2,75CZK - Design Stockholm, L CDS PRAGUE/ 23.VI.30, sound condition, c.v.. 3300CZK U:A5
1933 CMO2, international reply coupon, L CDS OTROĆÍN / LANDEK/ 18.IV.33, sound condition, c.v.. 2500CZK U:A5
1932 Non-delivery Report, post. blank form (Printed matter 419A II-1931) concerning mailing C.O.D. addressed to on/for "Poste restante", CDS VACOV/ 22.VIII.32, with Pof.223, CDS LOMNICE above P./ 27.VIII.32, cross folded and R torn, after all interesting U:A4
1935 Request sheet with Pof.266, Orlík 4CZK, CDS RIMAVSKÁ SEČ/ 11.X.35, arrival SEČOVCE/ 14.X.35, light stains, very interesting U:A4
1937 Request for change C.O.D., printed matter 109 Czech - French text (IV-1930), with Pof.309, CDS MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA/ 4.XII.37, cross fold, good condition U:A4
1935 advertising telegram Čerekla No.23 (print 769č IV-1935), on both sides advertising, used, transport fold, A4; 2x smaller perforation of storage, otherwise nice U:A4
1919 ITALY / COURIER MAIL postcard with large violet cancel. LEGAZIONE DEL PAESI CZECOSLOVACCHI A ROMA/ ADDFESTO MILITARE supplemented with red round cancel. Courier Administration of Czechoslovak headquarters in Prague + CDS PRAGUE 8/ 18.II.19; very nice print, sought! U:A5
1919 RUSSIA FIELD POST 3/ POSTE MILITAIRE/ Czechosl. army in Russia, big violet double circle pmk with horn on letter addressed to Moravia from member of Czechosl. armies, ink by pencil notice "Došlo10/12 19"; nice print, good condition U:A5